Well, the songs I never hear are Easier To Run, Hit The Floor, By Myself, Forgotten, Cure For The Itch, and Pushing Me Away. But if you mean songs I would like to hear more on the radio and tv, I would say either Hit The Floor, or Forgotten.
i would like to hear some fort minor songs get played on the radio p.s i know the album hasn't came out yet... i was just kidding
For all of the Linkin Park songs that I don't hear enough I just put the CD in the stereo and listen to them.
well i crank all LP songs (specially the big hits) but i think i listen to one step closer too much but if u mean LP songs u hardly hear live then defintally hit the floor or easier to run < i think they've only played those 2 songs live once
Well that is a pretty bizarr question.LOL It's called a cd and the process is called buying one and listening to it.
I listen to the unpopular(?) songs more often than the others. I listen to Forgotten, With You, Don't Stay, Figure .09, A Place for My Head, and Pushing Me Away more than In the End, Crawling, OSC, and Numb.
All the songs that weren't big hits. But really, I do listen to them on CD whenever I want, so I guess it would be anything off Reanimation or Collision Course because I don't own those albums.