Linkin Park's Latest is No 'Accident'

Discussion in 'News' started by Omar, Nov 5, 2006.

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  1. #41

    The_Rising_Tied Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2006
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    Kk...Well i am growing up, but im saying that i don't want them to become like simple plan and shit like that, i want them to write about rejection but with a more mature side to it not like " I wanna cut myself" and all that. I can't really seem to find the words to what im saying but i hope you understand.
  2. #42

    [LP]Ori*[LP] Guest

    I'm just waiting 'till next year

    I don't know guys... I'm already giving up on trying to figure out what is LP's new style on their music.. I mean, they say is gonna be different but if you listen to "QWERTY" is not that much of a difference except Chester screaming parts, and "qwerty" is possibly making a spot on their third album. This is driving me crazy already, just thinking what is LP up now.
    And many fans are fearing that LP is NOT gonna be a rap-rock band anymore which I doubt because they have been known because of that and anyways I don't think Mike Shinoda is gonna let that happen. I mean, Mike Shinoda is the rap balance in the group and he is just NOT gonna give up using rap beats in LP's music, so I don't really get all these comments about LP is not gonna be anylonger the Rap-Rock band. They won already the best album record and they want it to happen again and they know better than anyone that they are risking a lot on "changing" their style but I'll just wait 'till Spring next year to listen to their new album.
    No offense but I think all these reviews and interviews with LP are pointless at this point because after all they are not telling exactly what they are doing and they will NOT tell. They just want it to be a surprise and that's just LP's way. :)
  3. #43

    ALivingGrudge We are saints made of plaster.

    Jan 9, 2006
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    this news makes me nervous. It sounds like linkin park is tryin to be something theyre not, but I'm probably way off...i hope i like the new stuff
  4. #44

    [LP]Ori*[LP] Guest

    Oh yeah guys... I forgot to tell you my new thoughts about the third album.
    Ok.. here we go...
    Umm...I don't know, maybe what I'm gonna say next may sound a little crazy but it's just a hypothesis.... Linkin Park is leaving Meteora style to come back again to Hybrid Theory's.. I know sounds weird but check this out:
    Mike Shinoda says the third album has Rap beats still on every track they are recording but they just sound weird.
    Then Chester Beninngton says the album includes "Classic rock, vintages of Hip-Hop and some Punk style". which he totally agrees it's totally eliminating the instrumental beats and melodies to their third album unlike Meteora.
    I've been listening to Meteora over and over again just to compare it to Hybrid Theory, and even tho' fans think the two albums are "equal", think again 'cuz they are not.
    Hybrid Theory is more punk-rock style and IT DOES lack of hip-hop beat but it has it. I call it the stron-heavy album. And Meteora is more of a lay-back album, since it has more hip-hop beats, Phoenix's melodies sound more instrumental, piano parts included, violin parts included too by Joe's remixes,etc..
    Last interview with Brad says the album inlcudes hip-hop beats although is has more of his guitar parts than Meterora..
    So, in my opinion I think LP is not being very detailed on their interviews and that's why fans are going crazy but in my conclusion, from all LP'S opinion and stuff, LP's third album is gonna be rock-heavy with hip hop beats still but it lacks of them, in other words in gonna be a copy of Hybrid Theory.
    That is what I think, and it makes sense but it's a hyphotesis, so let's wait 'till next year and see what's gonna happen with them but one thing is for sure.:
  5. #45
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    It cant be a copy of Hybrid Theory, because that would totally violate the whole evolving/lack of nu-metal approach the band has been trying to project to the media.

    The more I think about it the more I think LP are going to be like a harder Gorillaz. Think about have the disjointed punk vocal style, dancy/soulful motown like beats, a rolling stones groove on some of their slower songs and even rap vocals on songs like Feel Good Inc. The only thing missing there is the 'accidental' AC/DC guitar that Brad made.

    Another thing to take into consideration is that Rick has worked with AC/DC as well as many other artists that fall under the genres named in that quote. Even though we'd want for it to be completely LP's sound..I feel that (just like many bands who have creative CDs) this record will draw noticable influences from many of the different bands that the guys have grown up listening to over the years.
  6. #46

    Suru Member

    Nov 5, 2006
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    LP the 3rd

    The 3rd album will sell more in its first few weeks than its previous albums. The wait has been too long, yet fans are stronger than ever before. I wonder if it'll come with a second CD or a DVD(making of).
    They've stated that the album will be released next year but how about the first single? Can it possibly arrive before the new year? Will Joe Hahn direct the music video for the first single?
    How kool will the cover art be? So many unanswered questions.
  7. #47

    Nikki I have no idea what is going on LPA Super Member

    Aug 12, 2002
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    Bloody hell. I behold a lot of gobshite. Give me a few hours and it'll be spic and span once more. Behold the powers of the domestic goddess.
  8. #48

    Nikki I have no idea what is going on LPA Super Member

    Aug 12, 2002
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    Righty. Now that's done, I'd like you kids to sit down and listen to me for a few moments. Grab your bean-bags, it's time for a brief lesson in "how not to post like a complete and utter fool".

    1: Firstly: please learn how to spell in context. For example - when saying an object belongs to a person, the correct term would be "your" as in "your post", whereas if you are describing a person, then the term used would be "you're" or even "you are". Got it? Good because if I see any more of it I swear I'll go Roman on your poor arses.

    2: State your opinion by all means, but don't preach it to holy hell.

    3: Finally, but perhaps most importantly: Don't be a knob. This goes for everyone involved, without exception. I'm hungover, I'm hungry and generally not too pleased at the fact I've woken up to see what can only be described as cretin-like. Don't let it happen again else I'm turning the heat upto 'chargrilled'.

    Happy discussing! :)
  9. #49

    Suru Member

    Nov 5, 2006
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    Ok ok I come in peace. So anything new?
  10. #50

    Suru Member

    Nov 5, 2006
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    Excerpt from 'The Linkin Park Times'

    Linkin Park studio update from Joe
    posted by Jas, 11/06/06
    Joe sent an update via the LP Newsletter:

    "What’s up LP fans, I wanted to give you a quick update on what my band has been up to... We've been in the studio now for what has seemed like an eternity. We've been working real hard and plan to put out an album that showcases the next level of our evolution as a band. We are really excited about the progress we have made and can't wait to share it with all of the fans. Our hope is to wrap up recording this year and put out the album early next year. As for me, I just got back from the Pusan International Film Festival where I premiered my short film 'The Seed'. It was a lot of fun. For pics of the trip, check out my blog." - Joe

    Nothiing new...just more hype!
  11. #51

    The_Rising_Tied Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2006
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    lol well wasnt that a little gander yesterday....

    anywho! Accident sounds like a punk song for some reason 2 me?
  12. #52

    Seinfeld We are the nobodies LPA Super Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    I personally see no reason in getting all 'OMG-what-will-this-lead-to' over this...LP's LP...I mean technically...reanimation was way different when compared to the other two...and imo it was just as good...some songs were even better...can't wait for the release! ^_^
  13. #53

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    These have been the best news i've seen by far from linkin park. Perhaps this album will be rather interesting.
  14. #54

    The_Rising_Tied Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2006
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    This is by far not the best news received lol...this tell us nothing new! no offence but still... I think everyone is just stressed out
  15. #55

    Suru Member

    Nov 5, 2006
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    I'd say more anxious than stressed out wouldn't you say?
    The wait has been too long but I respect how they treat their songs with perfection. So it's taken around 4years for a 3rd album. Will it take 5yrs for the fourth? Snap out of it...think of the present!(just me talking to myself again)
  16. #56

    Darkatomz Member

    May 1, 2006
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    cool news. cant wait for SOME notice on when the album will be released.
  17. #57

    aTouchOfMagic Active Member

    Oct 28, 2006
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    Fucking Cool!

    Hearing updates on LP's new album makes my hairs stand on end! cant wait to hear the new music!
    P.S. thats a very good point SURU, as seems as though mr hahn is being singled out. lets hope not!
  18. #58

    The_Rising_Tied Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2006
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    lol No new news....So sad! Just keepin' Busy with MCR, And The Killers....And Fort Minor of course. Just hope we will get some new linkin park after remember the name video is out of the charts. So mike can focus more on lp then fm! Well hopefully ill see something new on sunday! Peaceeeeeeeeee!

  19. #59

    aTouchOfMagic Active Member

    Oct 28, 2006
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    MCR are awesome, going to see them in march. wonder when linkin park will go on tour next.
  20. #60

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    If the final product ends up being really good, I can careless if they take forever. It's not like LP is the only thing in the world to wait for there's a crap load of other things to entertain yourself with till the album arrives. ^_^.

    Perhaps you misunderstood what I meant by best news. I didn't mean it in album delay terms, but in the creative standpoint that is great news for me and for others. Just relax, play some xbox360, hit the gym, read a book. By the time you check back LP will be out with their new album =P.
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