I've got nothing. I've sat here for 20 mins. trying to find something to say, and I've got nothing. I just hope Talinda and the Band know how much family, friends, and fans love them, and I still can't believe what's happened. It's surreal. It's impossible. But, it's sadly true.
I'm sure they will find a way to continue. It is ironic though how, before One More Light came out, people were talking about how this felt like the end of the band.
Chester's powerful voice was my gateway into music. His impact will never be forgotten. I'm literally numb from the loss. When I think of music I think of Linkin Park. The regret I have for never seeing him live is gut-wrenching.
They could carry on. Other bands have done it and Chester wasn't the primary songwriter, nor the only vocalist. Whether they want to continue is another matter. While I don't see Mike never wanting to write music again, I could definitely see the five of them needing to take a few years off. If that's what they need, I wish them the best. I can't imagine what this must be like. But I hope they find a way to carry through this. It's hard enough losing Chester, I can't imagine losing the whole band.
Posted this on Facebook, but I'm leaving it here for venting purposes: I don't know how this will be received, or if anyone will even read this, but I feel like I have to say something. Anyone close to me knows that music is my main hobby; I collect vinyl, listen to thousands of songs, and play music, even playing in front of an audience for the first time in May. With Chester Bennington's death, I feel this hobby is fully justified. The thing is, about 13 years ago, Linkin Park was the first band I ever paid attention to. I was young, but I knew that I enjoyed the music. "Breaking the Habit" was my favorite song for 5 years. "A Thousand Suns" is still my favourite album of all time, roughly 7 years since first hearing it. And most of all, Chester has been my favorite vocalist since I first heard him sing on "Breaking the Habit." It's because of these early connections that I became so engrossed in music. Linkin Park served as my entryway into music. Because of them, I was exposed to so many forms of music all at one. They allowed me to keep an open mind, letting me discover so much. Basically, without Linkin Park and Chester, I never would have this passion I've invested so much into. I have them to thank for everything, and they serve as my biggest influence when I perform. If I ever pick up singing, Chester's vocals will be my main influence. I'm devastated by his death, but the influence will live on. Thank you for your impact, Chester. And if you read this to the end, thank you for reading. "Who cares if one more light goes out?/Well, I do."
Oh my. Their music has saved my life, many times. And now Chester is gone. I never thought this day would come. I still can't take it. Their music filled a big hole in my life. I was so sad and lost at the time, before I found Linkin Park. Every time I've felt depressed, sad or whatever, their music has always been there for me, Chester's beautiful voice singing to me, as if he is next to me to say everything will be fine. Their music have made me smile and cry. I remember listening to One More Light recently, crying alone and thinking how can I take life any longer, and when he sings "Who cares if one more light goes out? Well I do" at the end, I knew everything will be ok again. He, and the band, saved so many people, and now he is gone. He loved and was so kind to every single one of us. Their latest album gets a whole new meaning now for me. All the song titles, and the lyrics, seem so sad now. I wonder if the songs reflected his feelings and thoughts about ending his life, and were there signs, that we ignored, in the music. He seemed to be so happy about life, and the new album. I can't hold my crying when I listen to LP now. I found them around the time when the Burn It Down music video came out. I had never heard anything like that before, I was so impressed and immediately became a huge fan. I was a teenager who was missing something, and their music filled this hole in a way. When I heard "Iridescent" it became my favorite song. I can remember all the good and bad days, that when this song has been playing in my earphones. That song especially has helped me countless times, and will continue to do so, it has to be one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written. I feel very very grateful and honored to have seen them live once, in Finland, Jämsä 31st August 2015. It was the first ever concert I went to, and which I have always remembered, and will remember, as one of the best days in my life. Meeting the band, I remember how happy and full of joy Chester (and the whole band) was. Always when I think back to that day and all of the moments, I feel pure happiness. From all the powerful screaming to his soft and calm singing, he was our hero and a genius in music. I have never seen or heard any singer as versatile. He played shows in pain, e.g. with a broken wrist, a broken ankle. He truly cared about music and the fans, and he always gave everything he got especially in live shows. I can't believe he is gone. My condolences to his family, relatives, the band, and all of the other fans here and around the world. You will be eternally missed, and we will always love you. Chester <3
I am devastated.... i have no words, I simply do not believe this. RIP. Hope you rock with Chris now.
I'm not weeping. I have a straight face but tears just keep rolling down by eyes nonstop. Chester deserved so much more. I cannot believe it's him. I admired him so fucking much. I honestly don't see them carrying on anymore. Maybe fort minor. But not LP.
this is tragic but i still refuse to believe i grew up with linkin park omg tears in my eyes all day so sad so horrible
I really don't want to go too deep into speculation but while his suicide might have presented Chester this tragic solution, I'm sure his reasons lie much deeper. We may have seen him as a shining person but I guess it becomes clear now that it's impossible to see into someone else's heart.
I'm feel deeply saddened by loss of Chester, since like many here on the forums I've also been inspired by the band to make music. It wasn't their music directly that inspired me. I remembered watching "Making of Meteora" and I was moved as how much input goes into making music and I remember searching on yahoo ProTools and seeing I had no money and no way to buy it I had a horrible PC mic and I placed it to a synthesizer and I recorded it at Windows XP sound recorder and it was beginning of my music making. These making of videos were what I always loved about album cycles. Unfortunately they've stopped releasing DVD format after A thousand suns. But I still followed the band and enjoyed their work and bought their albums and watched LPU and youtube videos. Thanks to their experimentation I was open for more music genres and today I'm really happy that I can say I enjoy any type of music not for some genre definition but because I enjoy it. Linkin Park thought me not to listen music by labels but by sound. To Chester I thank for all these years that you gave us gift of your beautiful voice and you may be gone man, but your music will live on and hopefully will inspire people that are yet to discover it and may it provide shelter to those who mourn your loss. Even though you couldn't be saved I'm sure that you have saved many people in their darkest times. My prayers go to you to enjoy heaven with Chris and rest of legends that have left our world, and prayers goes to your family and your band mates.
Chester fought the battle on the frontline with all of us, and now the greatest soldier has fallen. Rest in Peace, you were a hero to so many.
My dad dies, my GMA has months and so does my mom. This has been by far the worst year of my life. I'm sick of loosing people. But I digress... This is addiction at its finest (worst) It can take you into the slums of hell and I truly believe it played a role. The other thing is, I had a dream about three weeks ago that Chester committed suicide. The Universe has a way of revealing itself and I truly believe it did in my situation. Its bizarre and spooky and very true. I woke up in tears and this cannot be coincidence. I thought to myself, this could never be true as you see this man so happy and full of life and plenty of witty humor. I was 16 and now im 33. This band has become immortalized in my eyes. I bawled my eyes out and didnt believe it when I found out even through the BBC that it was confirmed. Today is a sad day and I'm honestly depressed. To his family and friends, our deepest condolences. And to the fans, let us never forget that Chester could rock the hell out of the Wizard song. This has been the hardest post I've ever written on this site. Love you all!!
I knew the day would eventually come that I'd outlive band members, but I never imagined it'd hit this hard I put "heavy" on and had to turn it off after 3 seconds, I just can't hear his voice
I had one exchange with Chester in my life in 2007 in Toronto at the Project Revolution show. I caught up him in the VIP area for ticket holders signing autographs. I'm 19, wasted/star struck and i approached himself and thanked him for the music and said it would mean the world to me if he shook my hand ( corny in hindsight but hey i was 19). He looked up, smiled, said thank you, shook my hand with both of his hands, signed the autograph then went backstage. I'm staring at that ticket right now with his signature "chaz" on it and i'm fighting the urge to not cry right now. I've been speechless all morning and afternoon. Linkin Park and Chester's voice specifically was an anchor in my life (God I hate writing this in past tense). He screamed so I didn't have to. I am forever grateful for the comfort and escape he gave me when i had no one to turn to for guidance, help, or comfort. Sad day. To anyone in the Linkin Park community who are battling similar issues internally. Stay strong. Life is beautiful. RIP Chester. I love you brother. Rest now. To the rest of the band, we are with you no matter what project you work on next. The LP community will alway support you.