Linkin Park's Chester Bennington Dead at 41

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. barush

    barush Active Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    That gives me hope! I still tear up whenever I see a photo of him with Mike or the other guys.
  2. Forfeit to Break

    Forfeit to Break Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Thank you @LP2K12, not only for your post which really brings home another example of what a great caring guy Chester was, but also for your blog which highlights a topic that needs to be talked about a lot more.

    Depression is something that still far too few people are willing to talk about, and seeing those suicide statistics is just scary. To read that on average 44,193 Americans will die by suicide in a year, which means on average 121 people will take their own lives just today, is shocking. Everyone needs to try and help stop this.

    The more people can raise awareness, the more it becomes ok to talk about your inner problems, and the more people close to those suffering will be able to empathise, understand and try and be there to help in the fight. Being a guy I know it's hard to talk about stuff like that, but I've come to realise mental problems cannot be dealt with on your own. You aren't being weak asking for help, you're drawing the strength from others to help you fight.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2017
  3. darkviruz

    darkviruz Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2010
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    Because the community is always there for you and do not laugh someone emotional for that im very grateful.
    I had to learn the last few days that I have to talk about.
    The LP-Community helps a lot.
  4. Doridorica

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Social stigma is still so strong. Celebrities talk about it and try to raise awareness, people around me, doctors but there are so many people saying "did you know he was in a loony bin, do you know he visits doctors for crazy people?" It's so sad and unfortunately I don't see anything changing for a very long time. More and more people take their own lives due to depression and it becomes a shocking news in headlines but after a while some other shocking news replace it and people forget until sth bad happens again. I really hope I'm wrong and there will be a national campaign this time to educate people what depression is.
    An excellent article about depression:
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2017
    Hybridora likes this.
  5. Dannyc

    Dannyc Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2017
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    I used to medicate myself by drinking alcohol and blasting LP especially HT and Meteora i thought i was helping myself cause i didnt wanna feel anything the depression, the anxiety, social anxiety, the fear, but it only manafested itself when i got older, i didnt realize when i was younger, but the anger, the self hate, the rage, jealousy, pain were only getting stronger, i still have those feelings. Medication and threapy is trial and error. Depression is real and it will kill you it doesnt care, i know some of the demons chester was fighting.
  6. AndreyKamensky

    AndreyKamensky hakuna matata

    Jun 26, 2010
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    What a beautiful story Jake! Just when I thought that I'm statring to overcome this, I read your post and it brought the tears back... what a wonderful human being he was. And what a great story you have to tell others now!
    Hope you're ok brother!
    @LP2K12 likes this.
  7. Lotus


    May 5, 2014
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    I love this story :) Thanks for sharing.
    @LP2K12 likes this.
  8. Harlz

    Harlz More Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me LPA Super Member

    May 26, 2006
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    Got me crying again mate
    AndreyKamensky and @LP2K12 like this.
  9. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Said this to my staff, but I wanna say it here: Linkin Park fans have really impressed me with their maturity in how they've been handling this unfathomable news. Sure we've had to ban a few random idiots on these boards for being absolutely heartless or trolls, but for the most part the fans have been extremely strong, extremely mature and very supportive of each other.

    Makes me proud to be a part of this fanbase right now. This is the worst news we could've ever imagined as LP fans and you guys have been nothing short of remarkable.
  10. Casualty

    Casualty Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Thanks for sharing man.
    @LP2K12 likes this.
  11. MadNyankomon-Senpai

    MadNyankomon-Senpai Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2017
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    It has been a week now since Chester passed away, i still can't get over it. I can't listen to their songs anymore without getting remembered that Chester died. I'm still heartbroken and shocked.
    The day they announced that Chester has commited suicide, i was speechless, i couldn't believe it at first, then Mike Shinoda sadly confirmed it and i broke in tears, i just couldn't believe what happend. Chester seemed very happy in the Music Video of Talking To Myself. I always wanted to go to a Linkin Park concert and meet the Band, especially after watching the Music Video of Talking To Myself, the Band and the people seems to have a lot of Fun. Sadly i might not be able to, it's up to the Band if they want to continue their journey without Chester or not in the Future. To be honest, Chester would never want them to stop making music together, we might see what will happen in the future.
    And to those people who say that Chester leaving alone a Wife and Six Kids was a selfish, you know nothing about depression, it eats your brain aiive and you will feel only sadness and negative feeling, it makes you care about nothing but your own misery. Depression is a mental disease and it should be treated more seriously.
    My deepest condolences goes to his Family, Friends and everyone who loved him as a person. And His Fans too! We are mourning for him too.
    Rest in Peace Chester Bennington:chesterscandle:
    I hope we could see you again playing at a live show with Linkin Park and Chris Cornell in Heaven.
  12. Hybridora

    Hybridora Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2007
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  13. BreakingTheHeartbeat

    BreakingTheHeartbeat Ten thousand promises, ten thousand ways to lose

    Jul 27, 2017
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    "Who cares if one more light goes out?"
    We care... We lost a great man who gave us so much strenght, all his strength...

    This evening I was in the bus on my way back home and on the radio played Breaking the Habit...
    This song, especially today at this hour, one week after his death, it felt like a scream for help to me, like he was just explaining what he was going to do... But in this bus nobody seemed to listen and it was such a sad moment...
    "I'll never fight again
    And this is how it ends"

    I can't stop crying... Just as if it was the first day they announced his suicide.

    All the songs take more power now and it's hard to listen to his great voice knowing that the only things left are memories.
    I know they received critics for their last album OML and I know Chester put all his suffering into it... And I can't figure how much pain he must has felt when he received those critics... I blame myself for not having shown more support all that time when he was alive...

    I'm wondering if there are some memorials in Belgium. I would so much like to attend, to do something from my little place... Maybe somebody heard about something in north of France or south of Germany? I could attend that too...

    Rest in Peace Chester Bennington:chesterscandle:
    AndreyKamensky likes this.
  14. darkviruz

    darkviruz Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2010
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  15. Gitsnik

    Gitsnik WAAAGH!!! Über Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    Tonight I joined a few fans in my town to commemorate this sad and difficult news from a week ago.

    We gathered in front of a concert venue and listened to LP songs for more than three hours.

    It felt good to see people that were feeling the same as me in real life and being able to talk to each other about the shows we'd seen and sharing memories.

    I met nice people I'd be happy to meet again.

    We ended the reunion by listening and singing to "One more light". It was a strong moment I will remember.

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  16. Dannyc

    Dannyc Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2017
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    Wanted to share some of the pics i took at this tribute to Chester at Citi field, in Queens NY. It was really emotional, as fans gathered together listened to LP and pay respect and thank Chester and the band for what they have done and the music they gave us for the last past 17 years. Still heartbroken, and feel empty inside, cant believe hes gone.
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    _cam_, Gitsnik, barush and 2 others like this.
  17. AndreyKamensky

    AndreyKamensky hakuna matata

    Jun 26, 2010
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    Just wanna share with you that I'm blasting lp songs everytime I'm driving and only lp songs - I've put all the albums on random and I gotta say that it's working... I enjoy them more and more with each time. At first it was really hard but now I find it enjoyable and I'm singing along all the time, but a part me is like "hey! why are you enjoying this you piece of shit?! you should be sad" but I guess that's part of the process. Some songs still take me back to that horrible day, like OML etc..
  18. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I saw videos of all the sing alongs. LPL retweeted them from a user. Looked like lots of fun!
  19. Mysticliz

    Mysticliz Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2017
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    On Spotify they have a THIS IS: LINKIN PARK play list.... I've constantly been playing that since Wednesday night... while at work... I have thought to myself is he really gone ? But it's just a split second..
    I guess he's not completely gone as he put so much of himself.. his heart & soul ... his pain & sorrow.. his battle into the lyrics and delivering them to us in the music... there'll always be a part of him continuing on .... I guess that's what Talinda's message to the fans was all about " And I know that all of you will help keep his memory alive."
    By continuing to listen to his work etc we'll be helping keep his memory alive...

    (I'm a terrible rambler when tired.. on nights at moment)
    AndreyKamensky and RiderSSPU like this.
  20. Dannyc

    Dannyc Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2017
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    Yeah it was fun but also sad, alot of people are sad but the only thing we can do now as fans is Celebrate Chester's legacy, and make his music live on forever
    Mysticliz likes this.

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