okay so hey. i don't really listen to LP anymore and i havent been in here in nearly a year. however, this hit me really fucking hard. LP basically shaped my music taste as a young teen, and actually gave me an interest in music. this sounds real corny but back when i was 12 and getting bullied, they really helped me pull through that shit. it's so sad to see that Chester's pain and transparent lyrics were so blatantly literal yet weren't taken as so by the general public. i feel as if Chris' death and the really bad reception to OML (i didn't feel it personally either) contributed to this, yet it's obvious Chester had been struggling for years and it's so fucking sad to see it end like this. it feels like a part of my childhood is gone. i never even listen to the band anymore yet A Thousand Suns remains one of my favourite albums ever, it opened me to experimental music i doubt I'd ever had liked before. without LP I'd probably be exclusively listening to the top 40 still. i appreciate this band and Chester's brutally honest lyrics so much, and i may rarely listen to LP but im gonna miss Chester and this band so fucking much. seeing them back when i was 14 was one of the best fucking nights of my life, and ill never forget it. thanks Chester for all the sick music and the emotional support through my life, i never expected to get so emotional over this. stay legend guys, thanks for all the music over the years and thanks to these forums for giving me a place to chill when i was younger. RIP my dude.
I completely agree with this. He was just getting started... I keep thinking how Chris's death might have affected him... And with all the pain right now, I haven't been able to remind myself of something: do we have any interviews from after Chris's death? I've been asking myself how could he have been feeling, but wasn't able to remember if I actually saw anything from the band, besides the shows and tour itself.
I'm pretty sure they were on tour for most of the time after Chris' death. I do think if Chris never died, Chester would be here still.
I'm at a baseball game and all I can think about this Chester still. I wish I would wake up from this nightmare. Thank you for all the wonderful times Chester
I guess the death of Chris triggered something inside him. Its hard to tell if he planned from before that he will do this on Chris' birthday. He seemed very happy during the tour, he knew he had a photoshoot with the band the next day and I guess Joe was supposed to pick him up. There was a half empty bottle of Alcohol also found, so maybe that could have triggered to take this drastic step.
Been to 2 festivals ever since (Vestival amsterdam and Parookaville)... everything seems so unreal... LP made me love music, concerts and especially concert photography...) nothing touches me anymore. I just dont care
After a really shitty 2017 so far personally, that's exactly how I feel. I always used to think the lyrics to "Numb" were so cheesy, but now I find them to be nothing but the truth, speaking directly out of me. It's horrible to be sad, but it's far worse to just be completely numb to everything. I really hope this will go away someday...
There's an interview with Mike floating around where he says Chester was devastated after Chris died. I don't think there's one with Chester, though. That's so true. I was at a music festival when I learned about Chester's death. During a Norah Jones concert, to be specific. After that, I went to other concerts and kept thinking, "Normally I would really enjoy this." But I couldn't.
Thank you again for posting all these pictures. Really cool to see! I wish I could take part in something like this but this no event happening here in Washington State
Yeah its amazing what the fans are doing, even the band appreciates it. Even Chester knew that all of us do love him a lot.
Im not sure he Suicide ..... some things cant get connected.. 2 months ago he took the house. after so many years i cant find a reason to do that now. His band mates tells that he was so good lately. He had 6 kids.
Don Gilmore's interview regarding Chester http://www.billboard.com/articles/c...heory-producer-don-gilmore-chester-bennington