Linkin Park's Chester Bennington Dead at 41

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. #41

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Linkin Park has always gotten me through all my struggles in life as a teenager. They were something I could always go back to when I was dealing with bullying at school, home, and the abuse and beatings I had taken from my now ex-stepmother. I just can't wrap my head around everything that has happened today. I've just become really numb right now. I want to cry, but I don't know if I can just yet.
    Alexrednex likes this.
  2. #42

    Foreshadowed_LP Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    I'm absolutely devastated, shocked and heartbroken.

    I was on my way to my girlfriends after work, listening to the latter part of The Hunting Party and the first half of One More Light album on my iPod. Then my Mum rings me and tells me the sad news, I didn't know how to react, I thought she got it wrong or I misheard her as she was breaking up over the phone. When she repeated it, I felt like I had left my body, one of the worst, most gut-wrenching feelings I've ever and will ever have and I'm so upset. I've been on the verge of uncontrollable crying and some tears have formed but I've held it in at the moment but I know as soon as I go to bed I'll let it all out. I've held it in as I can't and don't want to believe it and I've been doing other things as it's my girlfriends Nan's birthday tomorrow. Me holding back isn't going to last too much longer but I must push through and type this message.

    I am a huge Linkin Park fan, have been for 16+ years, Meteora was the first Linkin Park album I ever purchased and I never looked back, got every studio album, remix album, DVD, etc. after that. Chester Bennington's amazing, powerful, passionate and unique voice got me through a lot of hard times at secondary school where I didn't know what to do with my life and I was going through a lot of problems. Chester was my hero and someone I idolised and looked up to and was by far, my favourite vocalist. I just can't comprehend going on never to hear his voice live again.

    I saw Linkin Park 2 weeks ago in Birmingham, their last show of the European/UK tour and he gave this amazing, memorable speech about what happened in Manchester with the terror attacks and how we should love one another, he was so genuine and inspirational in his speech, another reason why I and so many fans loved and adored him. I met the band, I met Chester that day and he gave me a hug and we spoke and albeit, briefly, it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life meeting my hero. When I asked him for a hug and he said "Yes of course" and I told him he was a legend, I meant it. He thanked me and said it was nice meeting me and I said it was nice meeting him too. I meant every single word and I was so honoured to be there, in his presence. He also seemed to be in such a fun, energetic mood and loved being there, spending the most time with us along with Mike just talking with all the fans. 2 weeks later, this happens and I feel so low.

    I feel so sorry for his family, his friends, his band mates.

    I love you Chester. Always. Forever.
  3. #43

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Heartbroken. Honestly this just feels like a nightmare. So surreal. What the fuck. Known about this for a few hours now but I'm still in shock. This thread is too hard to read right now.

    I love you, Chester. Thank you for everything. I hope you are finally at peace.
    Andreina, Bradley, polleo and 5 others like this.
  4. #44

    Darkstryder Member

    Jul 17, 2010
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    So heartbroken. I feel like I lost an older brother. Condolences to everyone here.
    AndreyKamensky, JackF1992 and Iopia like this.
  5. #45

    eunyoungg Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    I grew up listening to Linkin Park. I was 11 when my day gave me an album from them and today I am 23. They shaped my musical taste and are a part of me. Chester is one of my favorite singers and was a wonderful human being. I am heartbroken and can't possibly imagine how devasted the rest of the band, family and friends are.

    Rest in peace, Chester, you were the voice of thousand of people who struggled with their own feelings and your music helped us to get through rough times. I love you.
  6. #46

    JackF1992 Jack

    Mar 29, 2012
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    Absolutely devastated, this has hit me really hard. Like someone earlier said, it's like it isn't real. I can't quite describe it, but I feel as through I would if someone from my family had died. God knows how his actual family and band mates feel.
  7. #47

    Bubbles I blow a lot of...

    May 26, 2012
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    I'm so numb...

    You don't know what you've got until it's gone.
  8. #48

    Casualty Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Chester got me through some tough times in my life. I even had suicidal thoughts a few times. Listening to Linkin Park got me through that and I haven't had those thoughts in over a decade. Literally have been crying now for over an hour. I don't think I can listen to the song One More Light any more. RIP Chester Bennington. I feel really bad for his wife and six children and the rest of the band.
  9. #49

    HybridT Maik Yinoda

    Dec 12, 2015
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    I want to post what I feel right now, but I can't find the words to describe it.

    Chester was the one that could say the exact words that I couldn't find it for myself.

    But guys, just remember this quote:

    Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
  10. #50

    chris2 Smiling At Strangers On Trains LPA Super Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    This one hit me right in the guts.
    LP's music inspired me as a kid and continues to do so today. They were one of the main reasons I developed a serious interest in music.
    RIP Chester :cry: You'll forever be in our hearts. I'm gonna cry now. Still can't believe it.
    JackF1992 likes this.
  11. #51

    LPFan8990 Active Member

    May 14, 2017
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    IMG_0031.JPG I'm beyond lost for words at this moment he was the vocalist that helped me overcome my fear of not singing in front of people and as a die hard fan I'm not going to be able to listen to his voice the same again
  12. #52

    UltimateLegend Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    Never thought this would come. Love you, Chester. Your music changed my life; thank you for everything. I've never cried so hard over something like this...

    Condolences to the band, family, friends, everyone here at LPA. Stay strong.
  13. #53

    Bruno Each word gets lost in the echo...

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Everyone who knows me know how much LP mean to me...I've been an hardcore fan for 15 years... To me, they weren't just a music band, they were family. I've grown with them, became who I am today because of them..You can't talk about me without mentioning them, they are a part of my life like not many people can imagine..
    Chester was my idol since childhood. His voice, his image, he was everything to me. Probably most people can not understand how can we lose so much someone we never really met, but that's what I have felt all these years. Love. For Chester. For Linkin Park. This is the worst moment of my life until now and I can't accept this. But the facts are overwhelming. He died. My Chester died. And I am heartbroken...
    Halfway Dwight likes this.
  14. #54

    Nicholas Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    I was so excited to see them in just under two weeks, I'm devastated. I can't put into words how much this band has meant to me. They've helped me and countless others cope through so much with their music, and it pains me to know we couldn't help him. I am heartbroken for his family and the band.

    Chester, you were an incredible talent and you will be sorely missed.
  15. #55

    KarL_LewiS Musician

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I am devastated.
    This man was my hero. He inspired me to become the singer and musician that I am today. Most people know Linkin Park for Hybrid Theory and Meteora, but I first discovered them through the first Transformers movie after hearing What I've Done and Minutes to Midnight. Growing up, I would play songs like Shadow of the Day and Leave Out All the Rest on repeat, trying to mimic Chester's voice. I developed my own vocal style because of this, and I based it all off of his. I was recruited to be in my first band because of a vocal cover I made of Leave Out All the Rest on Instagram.

    I had a pit ticket to see them in Hershey next Sunday, it was going to be my first time seeing my favorite band and my hero live. Now I will never get that chance. Rest easy Chester, I wish I could've told you in person how much your music and singing has affected my life for the better. Thank you for the 7 wonderful albums you and your 5 best friends made together, as well as the numerous other songs you worked on with Dead by Sunrise, Stone Temple Pilots, Steve Aoki, and more. You are a legend, you are proof that music has the power to change lives, and the music you created will live on in my heart and the hearts of millions more forever.
  16. #56

    Moridin Death Contagious Deity

    May 25, 2010
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    Bye Chester

    x :(
  17. #57

    cloudscream Static

    Jul 30, 2010
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  18. #58

    Bobby Yo

    May 8, 2012
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    I want to write something but all I do is cry
  19. #59

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    I've been crying for over two hours now. One of the few things in my life that I enjoyed constantly was just seeing how everyone in the band was doing with every little update we got.
    Never did I ever think such a news would appear. Chester seemed so much more at peace this album cycle. So confident in what he created and in the way he performed. Feels as though a certain part inside died today. I don't follow bands or artists as rigorously as I did with LP. And I was so genuinely happy when I saw how happy Chester was with this album.
    There really are no words to describe how much this affects me. Fuck. We love you, Chester.
  20. #60

    wolflink I feel very privileged in debt for my thirst

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Worst day of my life
    In the morning i ve lost my job
    and now this

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