Linkin Park's Chester Bennington Dead at 41

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. РΛТ


    Oct 21, 2011
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    Saying his name is something very confusing right now.
  2. AndreyKamensky

    AndreyKamensky hakuna matata

    Jun 26, 2010
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    Ive been playing OML in my car a few times a day since it happened and it's crazy how this album changed for me. I didn't really like it at first, and now I'm like.... fuck! I understand it! it feels like every song with Chester on the album is his way of saying goodbye. And "Invisible" makes me cry everytime... to me it sounds like Mike's talking about Chester in that song now... idk.. Still can't believe it actually happened.
    blackout. likes this.
  3. Doridorica

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Exactly, if I say it out loud it means it's real and my voice starts trembling a bit, it's unimaginable that it happened.

    I've liked the album since it came out but there's another point I wanted to make: I was listening to OML yesterday for a couple of times and it occured to me also that in Invisible Mike is talking to Chester, the lyrics fit perfectly. It's probably not true but it's just a "fun" fact.
    AndreyKamensky likes this.
  4. Mark

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    In these circumstances, it's natural to try to attach meaning and significance to things to try and make sense of what doesn't.

    However, Invisible is about Mike having to tell his young kids something they don't want to hear, but them not realizing he just wants what's best for them. Sorry For Now ("someday you will understand") follows the same themes.
  5. Doridorica

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    I know it's about his kids, he said it himself but, like you said, it's easy to try to look for a meanjng where there's none because we're all grieving and trying to make sense of the event.
    Hybridora and AndreyKamensky like this.
  6. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    I'm still a fucking wreck.

    I know it's not healthy, but in the past 66 hours I've gotten 3 hours of sleep. And for those who know me, the next part will be really telling.

    I made myself listen to Meteora in full today.

    Shit is tough right now guys. We're all in this together. I love you all.
  7. Dannyc

    Dannyc Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2017
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    What makes me angry more than anything is that everyone has their bands, but we dont have LP anymore, everyone else can go see their fav band play, and we cant see LP anymore play live
    we can never get anymore new music. I cant believe this is the end of Linkin Park
    blackout. and Gravity_LP like this.
  8. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Time passes things get better.

    But no, it won't be better two days later or even a month later, maybe not even a year later.

    My best friend died 5 years ago, am I okay? Has it gotten better? Maybe a little, but deep inside it hssnt. It never really gets better. It often just hides away and you don't think about it. It's gotten better over time but it never truly goes away. In this instance, no of us knew him personally so it might be a bit different but if it ever does go away, it might take years.

    3 of my top 5 bands I can't see live anymore and it sucks. I just can't believe this all :(
    Gravity_LP and Doridorica like this.
  9. Doridorica

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    I hope you'll get more sleep, for your sake as you're aware it's not healthy at all.
    It's tough but we'll pull through together, the most important thing is to be here for each other.
  10. Shelton Dsouza

    Shelton Dsouza Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    It's just very weird how for me so many things have changed. I've been listening to HT and Meteora the last two days (After quite a while) and It just hit me like a brick how different the songs sound right now, I genuinely felt like I was listening to each of these songs for the first time, their meaning is so different, the way it makes me feel like now is entirely different and the way that I relate to the songs has changed as well. The same goes as I listened to MTM, ATS, LT, THP and OML one after the other today, maybe my perception has changed, maybe this grief along with everything else I dealt with up to this point, I find myself relating to all their songs so much more and it's such a bittersweet moment.

    Now I don't mean to imply that Chester was talking about his depression/problems directly through the songs and that it was a cry for help like a lot of media outlets have been saying these past few days because as part of a core fan community we know how the band wrote these songs from HT to OML, how they went about lyrics and musical choice, the stories they wanted to tell through their songs.

    That being said I can't seem to get one thing out of my head, when we first heard about the early OML recording sessions, where Chester said the first versions of the songs were all demoed acoustically on piano or guitar to get the melodies right and then they worked on adding the other instruments or sounds, and I just want to hear those versions, I want to hear how it sounded, I imagine them being very emotional and pure and I probably will break down more if I hear them.

    This is such a tough time for everyone part of this community, there's so much uncertainty of what will happen. Just a few weeks ago my friend and I were talking about OML and LP and we were wondering about the future of the band, I remember saying that I can confidently expect at least 4 more albums and that the band will still be rocking stages and arenas at 50+ although I guess the shows would be more mellow, I don't think Chester would scream as much but the guys would still go out night after night and give the fans what they want. They would be one of the long lived bands like Metallica, Iron Maiden, Radiohead etc who would still put out music despite their age. I was so confident as I said that and I'm broken now.

    Before we could all connect to LP's music in our own way, now we connect to their music together, one team, one family. My love and support to every brother, sister and soldier here.

    I break down, fear is sinking in
    The cold comes, racing through my skin
    Searching for a way to get to you
    Through the storm you...
    Go, giving up your home
    Go, leaving all you've known
    You are not alone

    You are not alone
    AndreyKamensky and RiderSSPU like this.
  11. T-Issa

    T-Issa Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2012
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    For me this album also wasn't the one I liked.. I found several songs good, but not each. And now it's too painful to listen to the whole OML album..
    But I hope I'll do it and understand much more from it.. :cry:
    AndreyKamensky likes this.
  12. Swifty64

    Swifty64 Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    I got married on July 21st 2016. As I grew up listening to Linkin Park, they had a huge influence on my life so it just seemed so obvious mine and my wifes first dance had to be to a Linkin Park song. After going through a list and whittling them down we decided there could only really be one song we could choose, The Messenger.
    As it was our first anniversary on July 21st 2017 we were planning on having a nice meal together and then recreating our dance at home, dancing together to The Messenger. The tragic news hit us the day before our anniversary. After being broken by the news, it just didn't feel right and we simply couldn't go ahead with our planned dance. Infact, i've struggled to listen to any Linkin Park songs since the news, never mind the one means to most to me......
  13. MigueLP

    MigueLP Member

    Jul 22, 2017
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    I cannot listen to LP music as well. Listen to his voice is far too painful right now!! I do not think I will be able to listen to OML for a very long time. My favorite song of OML was " Nobody Can Save Me", that song has played painfully on my head since.

    I still find it difficult to accept this is happening.
    Hybridora likes this.
  14. StrictlyJohnD

    StrictlyJohnD Go Texans & Rockets!

    Jul 23, 2017
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    I've been a Linkin Park fan since I was 19, which was around the time when Hybrid Theory was released. I own all seven of their studio albums with Meteora being my all-time favorite. This is my first time posting in these forums though I lurk constantly.

    My best friend texted me about Chester. I didn't believe him at first so I responded, "The Hell?" So I Googled Chester's name, and all these headlines announcing his passing came up. I couldn't help, but feel shock, sadness, and denial.

    I didn't know Chester personally. In fact, I've never went to a Linkin Park concert. But I was experiencing something major every time the band released an album:
    • Hybrid Theory = started college
    • Meteora = got engaged
    • Minutes to Midnight = graduated college
    • A Thousand Suns = ended engagement
    • Living Things = fallout with current girlfriend
    • The Hunting Party = went back to school
    • One More Light = two years with girlfriend
    Like everyone in the Linkin Park Association, the band loomed large in my life. They are to Xennials and millennials what The Beatles were to the Baby Boomers and Nirvana to the Gen X'ers. Their future is the last thing we want to think about right now. Part of me wishes they'd stay together while the other feels breaking up is the right thing to do. No matter what happens, I'll support LP. Chester lives on every time I listen to them.

    Thank you, Chester, for being Linkin Park's heart and soul. And a voice of and for millions. Rock in peace!
    AndreyKamensky and RiderSSPU like this.
  15. Non-Pattern

    Non-Pattern You’re about as sharp as a bowling ball

    Feb 17, 2017
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    I'm back after a few days of silent grieving. While I have mostly recovered and accepted this, I still feel weird sometimes. Like you know something is amiss and you want to think about it, yet it causes you pain and you try to ignore it at the same time. It doesn't help that about a month or so, my pet passed away and thus these feelings are being amplified again. I'm still feeling sorry for my friends that will never get to see an (and also first) LP concert ever again. And if I'm being honest, I feel a tinge of regret that I didn't appreciate OML more, even though I wasn't the harshest critic on that album.

    With that being said, I'm glad to see that people, esp those whom once has such polarizing opinions on LP's music or themselves, are together helping each other together. It might be a bit morbid or sadistic saying this, but I have never been more proud and glad of the fandom. As for the future of LP, I have to say it's best to wait and see what happens, for the official statement from the band...and be prepared for it.

    Best wishes to all. <3
    AndreyKamensky likes this.
  16. Glen Orpheus

    Glen Orpheus Frackin Frackers (",)

    Oct 23, 2011
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    The year was 2008 and my life was a roller coaster of emotions and changes, so, some good friends of mine convinced me to go to a concert at Milton keens bowl for what was called Project Revolution with some great artists including Pendulum and Jay Z etc. and the headline band which if i'm honest i didn't really know too much about.
    The gig was amazing, actually no it was the best ever music experience i think I've ever had.
    The headline act that i had never really listened too before suddenly gripped me, the pure oneness of the band alone was something to be admired, and if that wasn't enough i was overwhelmed by the vocal talents of the lead singer, when he sang all my troubles went away, he made me feel uplifted, like i had a purpose in life again, he made me feel like i mattered and that i truly was somebody, he made me feel alive again.
    The band was called Linkin Park and that singer was Chester Bennington.
    Almost the next day i rushed out and purchased every album i could and from that day forward never a day has gone by without me listening to at least one track from them.
    i found comfort and strength from their songs and still do this very day.
    i later remixed a track of theirs for fun which then led on to me joining #LinkinParkAssosiation and meeting so many wonderful new people, quite soon this then led on to me being invited to be involved in a Linkin Park Remix album, something i am immensely proud of and a memory that will never fade.
    i've seen the band live 5 times now since that first introduction and purchased every album, i was even so proud to take my Son Kyle to see them play at the London O2 for his first ever gig.
    you see for the last 9 years #LinkinPark has been my life, my heart and my soul, my soulmate.
    so yesterday when i heard the news that you've passed away Chester, i felt lost, and in someways still do, because i lost a Friend.

    R.I.P Chester Bennington
    you'll live on forever in our hearts. x
  17. Star Scream

    Star Scream Does A Machine Like You Ever Experience Fear

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Didnt feel it beofre but I have started to listen to LP and its extremely painful especially listening to in the end, crawling, one more light and what ive done. i didnt feel the loss as bad until i listened to chester's vocals.... its sunday and got a full week to get through man i honestly it never crossed my mind that that this would affect me so much guys depression is something that needs to get treated it can make you forget everything thing you are and have. talk to people about whats in your mind and get professional help! here is a tribute that made me tear up don't know if i can post links here but if im not ill definitely remove it.
    AndreyKamensky likes this.
  18. zwieR.Z.

    zwieR.Z. Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2010
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    When I started working on this project a few weeks ago I had no idea it would turn into a tribute to one of my biggest idols.
    I've seen Chester Bennington performing live 3 times and was lucky enought to talk to him twice in 2012 and 2014. We've only exchanged a few words but somehow he managed to amaze me with how kind and friendly he was. Honestly, I've never seen anyone to seem so happy just because he could talk to me. But that's how he was. And as much as I'm happy I got a chance to meet him, it makes it even more difficult to accept what happened last Friday. I mean, he wasn't just another celebrity from the TV. He was a real person. I talked to him, I shook his hand. And the fact that he decided to end his life that way leaves me heartbroken.
    I guess it's needless to say how important Linkin Park is to me, even if I don't listen to them as often as I used to as a teenager. Without Chester and LP I would be in a totally different place as a music producer and probably as a person. So I guess the only right thing to say right now is thank you for everything, Chester. We're all gonna miss you, you freakin' Legend.

    RiderSSPU and Glen Orpheus like this.
  19. GTRsta

    GTRsta Member

    Nov 20, 2012
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    I don't post much on LPA but I feel compelled to talk about Linkin Park and what they've done for me after recent events..

    I was first introduced to Linkin Park through those old DBZ music videos on youtube around 2006-2007. Funny thing is I was a kid around that age and I didn't even realize the majority of music that was on these AMV's were by the same band haha. I was never really into music but after finding Linkin Park I became obsessed with them. I listened to their music everyday as a teenager, watched many of their interviews, dyed my hair crazy colours like red and purple in high school because of Mike and Chester and at 14 I started creating my own music thanks to the impact they had made on me. I wanted to be like them so much. They shaped my taste for music and introduced me to a lot of great music not just theirs. Now I'm an aspiring hip hop artist and the first song I learnt to rap was Esaul back in 2009 (I was a hardcore fan btw, I've heard probably just about every song/demo there is) and the second song was Reading My Eyes so as you can tell I was/still am heavily influenced by them. It's thanks to them I know what I want to be in life.

    For many of us, Linkin Park's been more than just a band. They've helped me through so many difficult times and taught me many lessons. The emotion and power in Chesters voice felt cathartic to listen and sing along to. There's so much passion when he sings it felt like he was my voice at a time when I felt like I didn't have one, when I couldn't say the things I wanted to say.

    Admittedly I stopped following the band as closely after Living Things, I just personally didn't enjoy their new music but I always had a special place for them and continued to check LPA every now and then to see what was new with the band and what not. It's devastating that this is the way it ends.. When I found out the news I was so shocked, I didn't even know how to feel, after a few hours it started to set in and I found tears pouring from my eyes and I never really cry. Now it's been a few days and i'm still in disbelief at times, I haven't fully come to terms with the fact he's gone and that this is permanent.

    The person I am today is thanks to Chester and the rest of the band, he was a childhood hero of mine and I'm very hurt he felt suicide was his only escape from the pain he was enduring. His final lesson to me is that life is too short.. Cherish every moment. My thoughts are with his family, friends and the band now in this difficult time. I hope that they and anyone else affected by this finds the strength and courage to move on and find happiness again. Chester's/Linkin Park's legacy will live on through us all. Let's all make him proud by making the world a better place like he did, whether that's being a performer that connects to people all over the world or simply a loving family member and friend.

    R.I.P Chester Bennington, gone but never to be forgotten
    AndreyKamensky likes this.
  20. Hybridora

    Hybridora Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2007
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    First time hearing the song; have now listened multiple times. Thanks for sharing.

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