I prefer the original by far. Albeit it is a touching video, Chester is far from fluid as he is in most videos from the band. It seems he's lacking the almost overwhelming power packed emotion he draws into video performances from previous videos. I think the directorial guidance for this video is nothing short of flawed. It's very easy to see he is lip singing;however, the ending was a great touch.
Compared to the past Linkin Park music videos that have been resulted from this "Stars Of The Season" thing, though, it really is great. The ending was the one part that I didn't completely like Obviously, I definitely prefer the song's official video, though. Visually, it's a much better fit for the song, in my opinion.
Well, that was just beautiful. A huge improvement over the previous Stars of the Season videos. Not something I'll be watching again, because I don't like having to wipe up tears, but dammit... That was pretty good.
This was amazing and heart-warming. Simplicity just works, and the message is just very positive and hopeful. Beautiful, and I'm very happy Chester took the time to help do the video.
Yeah, I think this music video definitely fits the tone of "Iridescent" more than the original. I'd still rather watch the original music video though, just for the sake of not having the "feels".
Kind of makes me understand why they are making the music they are now to a certain extent. Good for them, supporting great causes.
A very moving video - even though the bridge was a bit cheesy. I am so glad LP support organizations like this...
I just do not get why this was done with Iridescent, a song 4 years old. Imo, the video would fot perfectly with "Keys To The Kingdom".
I do agree about Chester It was probably due to both bad directing and the fact that he hasn't had to sing the verses in a few years But overall the video was great. As for the "feelz" I'll just say I'm glad I watched it alone lol.
At least they're using the original version of the song and not the one from the official music video.
I hope they can become Billionaires one day so they can make music videos when they're bored... Or we can make a worldwide fundraiser to make an unreleased music video. Would be pretty dope.