Holy Mother,Woah Cant believe this i happening.I've not been so excited since What I've Done.The Rakim verse is insane.and did i just hear a freakin solo.
http://news.radio.com/2014/03/05/linkin-park-guilty-all-the-same-interview/ Nice 6 minutes video interview!
For me, its like LT is the bridge between ATS & LP6... there's a feeling that most materials in LT were leftovers from ATS era (or even MTM era; like Primo[2009]) .. I don't know if this was intentional or not . maybe i'm just wrong..
ok I didn't expect this. Quite cool. Would be nice to see some more heavy material on the album. But also I would like to see a few songs like castle of glass / iridescent tempo.
My hype for this album is so much higher than it's been for any of their previous albums...which is a good and bad thing. I'm so nervous I'm painting a different picture in my head of what this album is going to be than how the band is explaining it. But...they're so clear with their explanations, that how COULD it be anything than what I'm envisioning? It's going to be loud, right? It's going to be energetic, right? And, if the lead single is already 6 minutes long, these songs shouldn't end up being "candy-coated firecracker/radio songs". I want to hear this album so bad. I want to shit my pants.
I'm hoping we're going to get something HQ soon, since I don't think the Shazam stream doesn't do it justice. But so far the song is kick ass and I definitely wasn't expecting it. I wonder if we're getting more featured artists on the record.
Picture of Mike and Chester with Rakim: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/t1/1798793_10152300517069252_2055889485_n.jpg
Hell yeah , his attitude remember Bennington's hype that we saw in the first presentation video of Living Things , i think that he was with Rob while Mike was with Phoenix
I just think that they will suprise us as always , they really don't care of be this or be that but in my opinion they just think that they can do everything they want , so for me this album will mix a lot of different stuff and emotions ........anyway , i don't think that they will be at this level of creating process if they never released Minutes to midnight.
Hahaha basically sums up my reaction. I'm gonna calm myself down by watching some youtube videos of Rakim Abdul-Jabbar ballin'
More like a punch in the face to all of the weak stuff that's being played on current "alternative rock radio."