I don't see this being for anything but the new album. When they did New Divide and A Light That Never Comes there really wasn't much done in terms of special treats. New Divide had it's own flash page for the song and it came with an LPTV and that was really it.
They can't just randomly put something up like this when they haven't done something like this since Burn it Down and the puzzle thing, and not expect us to be pissed if it's something small. New remixes would be nice, but they've already confirmed an album for summer. I'm betting on a new single/tour dates. Burn it down was released April of 2012, and LT in June. It's not unheard of to release a single 3 months ahead of time, or they'll do a 2-3 week puzzle/tweet fest to unlock clips from the song heading into April. Either way, Linkin Park is up to no good.
Can't tell what the news are, but it will for sure be revealed soon, and probably be pretty big news. This, since there's no way to enter the (real) site by navigating, only through the address bar. There's also no way that a site will sacrifice valuable information for a longer period due to some "small news". That being said, I feel like there are some connections with the "recharge" in some way, not only since Shinoda mentioned it - but the whole graphical theme screams it. I may, and I hope, to be wrong though. Want a single or some indication of the new album so badly! Also, hi everyone. New here. Had to join the hype.
I'm not sure what those clouds are supposed to mean, but I think this could be a new art direction for the single or the whole album.
No. Usually when major LP news comes around LPA gets a few newbie salty fans who amount to serious trolling, a few select LPA members troll the trolls in turn until they're inevitably banned.
Is it me, or the longer i leave lp.com open more lines are appearing? I didnt notice the dark lines in the dark clouds before? ive got the zoom at 25%
Not even joking, I'm thinking this is legit. I was playing around with the homepage from my phone trying to force a glitch or something to show and saw this: Unless that dude is a wizard at Photoshop somehow. But that's almost impossible to fake.
You can easily extract the background, which shows no letters at all. If there's supposed to appear something, I think it will be added later on. Or do I miss something on your screenshot?