Nice one, bry.n ston! Am I the only one that still sees only clouds? Whenever I enter the site there is only ... CLOUDS.
New at LPA, joining in on the fun of the wait. Just thought I would mention this if anyone hasn't done so yet. The inverted triangle on the splash look like the triangle from the AFI - burials cd . Just found it on the web.
I must say that I'm disappointed a little. I had hoped that clouds in official site mean more than only a tour in USA. I thought that we will hear more new music, other than this short snippet. I think that it's good and US tour is fantastic for American fans, but you know... I hope that soon band will give some other concrete news.
I think we should keep waiting. With a major tour, comes a major music release. Something is coming soon I promise you that.
hey everyone, I have another finding for you. I was digging through that psd file and I found a layer that had been hidden and I overlooked it thinking it was just a black version of the three triangles, but the middle triangle is different after closer examination. any ideas?
bry.n ston, you don't have to post the image on more than one thread to be noticed. Try not to do that again. UPDATE: Clouds are gone on [thumb][/thumb]
I think you have a right. When BMI database share something, new music is coming. I hope that in this week (or maybe next), we will have a new single or although announcement of it.
Anyone here remember when Burn It Down was showed up in BMI Database? We could use the difference of dates, between the time that entered in BMI Catalog and the date release, to have a idea when the new single will come out... Maybe?