"We had this really good other demo, but you all asked for this boring Pictureboard crap" - MS, propably soon
Even if Pictureboard is some major mediocrity, it will be nice to finally have it since it has become the staple "Unreleased Linkin Park song."
Is it just me or does that join newsletter icon look like toilet paper roll icon on a desktop screen??
So where u put in the password I noticed you can change the username and take out the Admin user.....hmmmmm
*Update: Day 4*Another day, another update. Not as massive an update as yesterday, but still some interesting things: Two new emails are now available in the "MailNet Client", one from Brad and one from Phoenix In Brads email, we get a look at another four tracks, "completing the collection" 09_Carousel_4424_22_20.wav 10_Points_Of_Authority_4424_20.wav 11 Crawling demo.m4a 12 Super Xero.m4a In the email from Phoenix we get four old show flyers from the bands early days Another new theme has been added, this one is named "Cool"
Feels like another album cycle almost! Hope it gets more popping on here! Used to be way more people on here, always seemed like more than LPLive, now it’s kind of the opposite lol it’s popping over there....any way feels good to be back! Hope we get some snippets of these tracks at least!
It goes back and forth. The way it worked for years (before 2017) was like, LPA takes precedent on the news and LPL takes precedent on the live shows. Both sites were rolling. Then, both of us switched it up around the same time to cover everything, which has been great. I think the only reason things are moving along over there right now is just we've blown up the Mike Q&A summary stuff from Twitch, we covered the entire PT Tour every show, etc, we've just been super active lately. There are times when we are not doing much and LPA is more active. Back and forth. When LP returns we've gotta have both firing full force covering it all, so stuff isn't missed. I'm on LPA all the time getting stuff to put on Linkinpedia. For sure the most archived info of LP is on this site in the forums. lolol Looking forward to HT20, it's going to be wild.
This person does not speak for/represent this website It's no secret we've taken it a bit easier since the release of Post Traumatic. We haven't covered all the tracks where Mike only did production, we haven't talked much about the livestreams, and we totally ignored the Grey Daze project ... although that was for many reasons. If you go inactive people are eventually gonna stop showing up, you can see that on here for sure, but where it's super obvious is on Twitter, where there's barely any interaction from followers these days unless you ask them "what's your favourite song from X album?"
*Update: Day 5*Going on day 5 of straight updates. A new "Dark" theme was added If you go to "Start>System Properties>File System" you can now click on "Force Automatic Updates", this will then enable you to install new software. Under "Start>Programs>Software Installer" if you run it a piece of software called "PictBoard (Hidden File)" will be listed and when clicking next adds a folder to the desktop called "In Yourself Jam". This folder contains a file called "Demo_Pic_Board.mp3". The file is corrupted and can't be opened
Makes sense considering it was rumored Pictureboard was played once or twice and the “In yourself” jam was played twice!....very possible!
Man this is crazy, we finally have confirmation of the whole In Yourself = Pictureboard theory I remember seeing a couple of people have. I haven't had much chance to play around with the site myself due to life right now, but I had to interrupt my work day for this. Wild man, I'm astounded. I'm absolutely loving the Hybrid Theory 20 stuff, it's lovely to see the community come together and figure these things out.
Lmao! That is hilarious. So we did "hear" Pictureboard all this time. Hopefully it has more lyrics than what we did hear.
What if LP are just hyping up old conspiracy theories just for teh lolz and they don't really mean anything.