Is iot worth it? What do you guys think about it, is there like an meet the band stuff suff after concerts and stuff?
The boards arent as good there as they are here in my opinion. But you get alot of nice stuff for only 25 bucks. T-shirt, Exclusive Cd, Guitar Pick, Wrist Band, etc. I totally think its worth it....but you may want to get a second opinion
a friend of mine said the forums suck, there are teeny boppers everywhere.. and he got like kicked becouse he didn't like that BTH became a single... but the other stuff was worth the money
No, LPU is a waste of money. Unless you're one of those people who like owning "exclusive" t-shirts, and a CD with "rare" tracks, then it's probably for you. But, if you're not, save your money and buy a hooker or something. You can find the LPU CD tracks on P2P programs within a mother of the LPU CD release sometimes, and even then, the tracks are never that good. Besides, who wants fucking stickers and a t-shirt? Save your money.
I think it's only worth it if you like collecting everything that Linkin Park has to offer. I only joined just so I can meet them. Maybe after I meet them I won't renew my account. We'll see.
Cool how do you get to meet them is it only selcted few or somthing? [/b][/quote] Whenever they go on tour they have meet and greets and you get put on a list to meet them. To be honest, I really don't know that much about it so maybe someone else that does can tell you more information about it.
Hopfully they will do this type of thing when they come back to the UK. Now off to watch the SuperBall!
Fan clubs, to me, are just an excuse for other people to feel higher than others. So yeah, I don't support them at all.
I think this year's shirt is by far the best one as of yet, and the cd is pretty good too. The calendar isn't as good as last years. Overall, it's worth the $25US for the package, but stay away from the site/forums.
You get a pop up window which lets you choose your venue. You then put in some information. Later on, they put your name on a list in the message boards. It's really cool metting those guys but it gets boring after awhile. Personaly, I think those guys think I'm stalking them.
I was thinking about joining but after reading this, I'm gonna have to think about it. I want to meet them but they never come to Vancouver, I think they did once. Anyway, thanks for all the info!
it is worth if you treat LP members as gods and are willing to collect anything that has been signed by them-even underwear!(NO they don't distrubute undies on LPU).Their forum sucks(i was a member).but you do get to chat with some of the band members on exclusive dates.You get T-shirts-You can get them much cheaper for LPU cds-who cares for CDs with only 4 songs! My advice-Do not join the LPU
You get a pop up window which lets you choose your venue. You then put in some information. Later on, they put your name on a list in the message boards. It's really cool metting those guys but it gets boring after awhile. Personaly, I think those guys think I'm stalking them. [/b][/quote] How many times have you met them mate and what did you do?
i think its pretty cool - the t-shirt is awesome and so are most of the other items you get! the boards arent as good as LPA forums though!
How many times have you met them mate and what did you do? [/b][/quote] i met Mike and Joe on a chat room (in April 2004) and they were talking about BTH as a single and why the label chose it.I asked him a question on when the new album would be released and Joe replied that they had several ideas and they would enter studios sometime in september.
I DO!! i'm like.. obsessed with linkin park.. got all there cd's, demo's some of there singels, posters..
for those who have the 2005 LP calendar, can someone please tell me what Februarys picture is I have it and i dont know what i think Mike is holding.
your 25 buxx cost me 100buxx in Malaysia... [/b][/quote] it cost me Rs 1125 here in india.very expensive