Linkin Park - "True to the Artist" Video Clip

Discussion in 'News' started by Heavy is the Louis, May 23, 2017.

  1. #61

    Spencer23 Member

    May 24, 2017
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    Yes, everyone knows music is subjective. That's a weak response. There's a reason the vast majority are critical of the album and it's because most people realize this isn't good. You can enjoy bad/mediocre albums, I have my albums that I enjoyed that are objectively bad/mediocre.

    The "subjective" argument from extremely biased individuals is always hilarious. There are Lil B fans in this world, most are intelligent enough to recognize he doesn't make good albums.
  2. #62
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    All opinions are based on personal feelings, and are thus subjective. Which renders your entire above post as invalid. Just because you can pick out a bunch of negative opinions to "support" your case, doesn't make it fact. I can pick out numerous iTunes reviews, professional reviews and other opinions to support my case as well. The point being? YOUR OPINION IS NOT FACT! Nor is mine. Opinions are subjective and it's not a weak argument because you are not some supreme omnipotent being that has the final say over whether or not an album is good.

    Nobody does. You and other people who don't like the album are entitled to your opinions, just like me and the people who enjoy this album are entitled to ours. Because they're just that: opinions. Not fact.

    Now please kindly get off your high horse and stop pretending your opinion is hard fact. It's silly and ignorant.
    Christøffer, Abel, Hybrid and 3 others like this.
  3. #63

    Kevin A Pattern To Be Followed. LPA Administrator

    Apr 6, 2012
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    Please don't sign up somewhere just to be a dick and shit on other peoples opinions
    brady and Christøffer like this.
  4. #64

    Spencer23 Member

    May 24, 2017
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    You can obviously find a few, but as I said the vast majority are judging it as very mediocre to bad.

    As a reviewer a bit more objectivity would be nice is all. Ultimately I couldn't care less as that "A" has zero effect on me or the album's quality, I was just hopping in to help someone who had parts of his post ignored and misconstrued.

    Even most reviewers who despise Kanye recognize MBDTF as a classic, some are able to put aside bias and the "fun" of an album along the same lines.

    If you are still bumpin this album in a few months, cool I'm glad it worked out for you. But that doesn't make the album an "A" on any level to anyone who is the least bit objective.

    No one is on a high horse, as I said before if the criticism wasn't true the band wouldn't react the way they have (assuming they have matured over the years)
  5. #65

    Spencer23 Member

    May 24, 2017
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    Might want to continue reading as I was mostly defending someone's opinion which has in this thread alone been misconstrued numerous times.
  6. #66

    Atticus Bullets lance the bravest lungs

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Yes!! And then we can hear the same fans bitching about One More Light complaining how Chester's 50-year old voice sounds weak when he's screaming "shut up when I'm talking to you!" What a brilliant idea!

    Honestly the band needs to release as much music as they can at this point. Mike made it perfectly clear in this video that time is of the essence to do what they want to do.

    In terms of retaliating on the backlash, I think the band (and especially Chester) need to remember where they were in life before 25 million Hybrid Theory records were sold. Fairly certain Chester was living from his van? The dude needs to realize what these fans have done for him, regardless of how delusional they may be 17 years later.
    brady likes this.
  7. #67

    Ben Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2009
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    The band isn't reacting the way they are because it's "true", they're reacting that way because they're being called sellouts for making a choice about a deeply personal album for THEM.
    brady, Meteorain, Abel and 1 other person like this.
  8. #68

    wolfboy Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    Agreed with this for the most part. Too bad too because I do like it lyrically and some of the production in it. Overall, aside from maybe 2–3 songs (NCSM, OML) I find the rest of the album pretty boring. The only upside is that I can listen to the album in the car with my girlfriend (who only listens to radio/top 40 and likes this album) whereas I can't do that with the rest of their stuff :lol:
  9. #69

    Spencer23 Member

    May 24, 2017
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    I actually think it's more of a slam on rock in general. Rap has taken over alongside obviously pop.

    I don't think they are necessarily aiming at teens, but really where can they go? They clearly don't want to do the nu-metal sound anymore, they just did THP. I'm not sure if they have another ATS in them, so ultimately this wasn't too surprising imo
  10. #70

    Spencer23 Member

    May 24, 2017
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    They've been called sellouts before, this isn't new territory. Also you can make a personal album that isn't generic. I'm fine with them doing what they want, just figured by this point they were a bit more mature.
  11. #71

    Ben Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2009
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    Well I understand all the feelings you've expressed so far. I don't agree with them, but I understand it's how you feel.

    If LP wanted to make another insane concept record like ATS, you don't think they could? It's the same group of guys, they could do that if it's what they wanted. I think it's just time you find other bands to follow since this record clearly isn't for you, which is fine.
  12. #72
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    As I said in the shoutbox (literally copying and pasting with some slight edits): I expected people like you and Jay to come out of the woodwork and criticize me for my review. I knew there were going to be some people who got up in arms about it. Part of me for a second debated giving it a lower score than I personally felt (a B+ instead of an A) because even though I felt like it was an A album, I knew some people wouldn't "get it". But then I really thought of it and said "why should I give a lower score to play it safe, when I'd be trying to please others by doing so?". So I kept my integrity in check, and gave it the score I felt it deserved VS what I thought others wanted to hear. And I stand by it. Heat and all.

    I gladly invite anyone who disagrees to throw me under the bus, because I will not back down. This is my opinion and I stand by it. Fully.
    brady, Christøffer and Crankshaft like this.
  13. #73

    Paradigm Member

    May 24, 2017
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    New member here as well, I lurked this site since 2010 and have been on LPLive for the past couple of album cycles.

    You joined this site to discredit Derek's review of "One More Light" because you believe that the album is too poppy and not as experimental as past releases? For lack of better words, who gives a flying fuck.

    Derek provided us an awesome review with song details and lyrics of tracks we knew nothing about other than the title and a few words from magazine interviews. In fact most of those songs have become my favorites. Derek wrote the review he chose to write and I don't see what the problem is.

    Also, this is an album that Linkin Park has been wanting to make. Remember during THP cycle when Mike said a mass majority of the music they started out with were indie-pop songs and he wanted to ditch that because he felt the radio and current state of music was void of something heavy? Yeah, he got that out of the way. Now he went back to what he wanted to create.

    The album isn't as boring as one would think. You place the word "pop" on something and you already want to call it a poor album. We live in a music snob world where people feel like they are better than mainstream music and I don't understand why.

    I personally would grade this album a B+ or an A-. There is nothing about this album save for Good Goodbye that turns me away from listening to. This is what Linkin Park wants to make right now and I happen to enjoy it as many of us members do.

    Disclaimer: this album is not for those who still watch Linkin Park and Dragon Ball Z anime music videos. This album is not for those who judge an album by it's genre but don't dig into the lyrics, the numerous layers of sound (which you all call generic pop beats), and warm positivity that we almost never get to hear from the band. This album is not for those stuck in the past waiting for Linkin Park to repackage an old sound just to get called out for being unoriginal. Linkin Park never wins with their fanbase and they are well aware of that.

    Sonic cleared Act 1.
    brady, Christøffer, Abel and 4 others like this.
  14. #74

    Spencer23 Member

    May 24, 2017
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    It's the same group but people change man. I think they struck gold with HT & ATS. Timing wise commercally and where they were in life.

    And lol thanks for the advice I guess? Seems kinda condescending. It's not like the album sucking hurt me, it was just disappointing. I barely listen to rock anymore and there's clearly way better artists out now. I always just check back with LP since I grew up on them. Honestly not being so involved helps the long waits between albums.
  15. #75
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Thank you for the post. Welcome to LPA! :)
    Paradigm likes this.
  16. #76

    Ben Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2009
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    I'm actually trying to be civil, not condescending. There's enough of that in this thread already.

    I believe they could make another ATS if they wanted. It was a mindset the guys had going into the studio. They wanted to go outside the box. That wasn't their mindset with this album. I just don't think it's necessarily accurate to say they couldn't do it again because of the album they just released.
  17. #77

    Spencer23 Member

    May 24, 2017
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    Guess u either can't or didn't read anything I've posted, because this entire post is completely wrong about everything I said lol.

    Also nice assumptions about people who dislike the album! That's the same rhetoric I was literally talking about in my post, so thanks for proving my point.

    Sorry, actually misread a few words and it sounded worse lol.

    Anyway I'm not saying it's due to this recent album, it's just a trend in general of any artist. Most have that ONE where they went outside the box and accomplished a great album, usually with repeated attempts falling short. Trust me I'd love to be wrong, I just won't get my hopes up.

    They say making HT type music is easy, I'd actually like them to just make an album like that real quick, get the old heads pleased & quiet, then work on another ATS (if possible). But obviously it's up to them lol
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  18. #78

    Spencer23 Member

    May 24, 2017
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    I think most people "get it". This isn't some elaborate album man. It's fine you like it and think it's an A, I'm simply saying when the majority of reviews are almost the exact opposite & you run a LP site it seems a little biased, that's all. And obviously you had a more emotional connection on the particular song OML. (By the way sorry for your loss I know how that can be).

    It's just words online man, there's really not much "heat" involved. I think people take every post online (in general) as negatively as possible. As I said I'm glad u like the album.

    Despite wholeheartedly disagreeing with ur review, I did like reading it lol. It sorta set us up for too much hype imo, but it's all good. It's just music. As I've said numerous times now, originally was just commenting to defend someone who seemed to be getting ganged up on is all.
  19. #79

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    I mean, they did make a pop album, there's no way anyone can argue that. The entire album is 100% radio pop music, aside from MAYBE One More Light. Do I like the album? Hell no, but I haven't liked The Hunting Party, Living Things or A Thousand Suns, either. I was a huge fan of the first three albums by the band, the experimentation on Minutes To Midnight wasn't that drastic and I still liked it, it's actually my favorite album from the band. Fans should be a bit familiar with pop at this point since the band has released stuff like New Divide, Living Things, Recharged, Darker Than Blood and many others. The first three albums even had some pop sound on songs, just not the whole album, but still.

    The fans have every right to be upset, happy, disappointed, etc. When you're in a band who has sold over 80 million albums, has won two Grammy awards, etc., you are GOING to get backlash for WHATEVER you make, regardless of how it sounds. You're going to have douchebags who say the band sold out, the music is shit, etc. Chester also is not handling it the right way at all with his outbursts of stabbing fans and punching fans in the face. Mike Shinoda is a much better person when it comes to interviews and representing the band.

    Bottom line, this IS a huge departure for the fans, and it WILL divide people. You will get backlash with that.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  20. #80

    MattLP No control No surprise

    Sep 11, 2012
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    Mike needs to keep Chester on a leash

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