Boyinaband, who they made a video with said a sentence, that completely blew my mind. He said: "People say that they are selling out, because they are doing pop now and instead, they should go back to HT days. But wouldn't it be selling out to do exactly that, by doing what the fans want you to do and not what you want to do as an artist?" And that question makes the whole "selling out"-point kind of ridiculous. I'm in a band myself and we had a time when we wrote songs like "Hm what would our fans like the most?" and to be honest, those were the weakest tracks we ever recorded. After that we said: "Fuck it, let's just do what we want to do!" and those are the songs that people now like the most. Btw. did anyone hear of Chester's interview, where he said things like “If you think we are sellouts, I will punch you in your fucking mouth … you’re a fucking pussy".
I think the message is that, if this album doesn't appeal to the fanbase at large (instead of a segment which THP aimed to appeal to), the band will unleash A THOUSAND SUNS II: THE FACE-PUNCHING EXPERIENCE~~!!!
I don't know where you got that my opinion didn't fall in line with yours since I didn't offer my opinion on what you said at all (rather, how you said it). The funny thing is, I actually agree with you in that Derek is a bit too biased in favor of the band. Though, that's neither here nor there. I called your approach "borderline pretentious" because you did what so. many. other pretentious music snobs do which is tout out examples of ~good music~ in order to tear something you don't deem to be ~good~ down.
Ugh sorry. I got too defensive for my own good. That's actually a very valid point I hadn't considered. I apologize for coming across like that.
English isn't my mother tongue so, although I looked it up, the meaning of the word niche (as in THP being a niche album) is still unfamiliar to me but it doesn't really matter. Are they saying THP is like their original sound they should stick to orvwas it something they did because fans wanted to? Anyway, Mike is a bit contradicting himself because they keep saying they don't want to do what the fans want which is totally fine and they shouldn't and then the next sentence is if the album reception is bad by the fans they know they'll have to change everything and make another sound. They're right in one thing though: this is a turning point in their career and by the fan reaction they'll have to think about what to do next.
Interesting and insightful video. I understand some people thinking this was a disappointing album. After 3 years, and we just get a pop album from the band. But IMO they did it far more honestly and with integrity than their last pop album, Living Things, did. There seems to be emotional and lyrical growth for the first time since A Thousand Suns. I appreciate that and while I'm not a fan of some songs, I still see why others can find interesting merits in them.
Shinoda was saying that the band is conscious of the fact that "The Hunting Party" appealed to only a certain subset of fans, i.e. the fans that like riffage and screaming. "One More Light", with its pop leanings, has been aimed at a much wider audience, inside and outside of Linkin Park's fanbase, and, as you said, how it fares will have more of an impact. Well, everything is "just" what it is. Having listened to it, though, I think that "One More Light" is more than that reductive label really suggests. The album is pretty diverse. No other artist will give you a track like "Good Goodbye" and follow it up with something like "Talking To Myself". Pop music is broad, and it's only getting broader as time goes on.
@minuteforce, thanks for explaining it So they wanted to make an album that would appeal to many people, they're very proud of it but if it isn't successful they'll do sth else. Hmmm.. of course artists make records to earn money but this is like one minute they're saying one thing and the other they're saying sth else.
In the video, Shinoda is ominously vague about exactly what evil plans Linkin Park will unleash if the album undersells, but I'm sure we're all excited to find out Really, what I take away from the video is that, if the fan response isn't as good as they hope, they'll somehow recalibrate their relationship with the fans, and the way their music will be presented in the future. But Shinoda's probably just thinking out loud there
I hate when musicians talk in cliches like this, "true to the artist." Give me a fucking break, that statement means absolutely nothing to anyone outside of the band. We hear the same tired story every album cycle about how they want to push the creative envelope, challenge their expectations, blah blah blah, we get it. You guys want to show people you're more than nu metal, that's fantastic, that was proven very nicely by MTM & ATS. It just feels insincere the way Mike uses the condescending tone towards the core fan base over their decision to go from a heavy rock album to a straight pop album. They should just stand by their work and move on, no need to pick fights with the people who made you who you are, because without fans, musicians are nothing but starving artists. No need to bite the hand that feeds you (all this NIN talk made me say it)
Definitely true. Complaining that there is better pop, or people do it better is fine, but the whole point of OML is LP is experimenting with pop. Anyone could ask why would I listen to NIN make a rap song or Aesop Rock make a R&B album when there's artists who could do it better and it is because those particular artists decided to step out and try something new for them. Like ya said, you wouldn't get Good Goodbye and Sharp Edges on the same album usually. Even though there are standard LP songs (like every album), the "safest" songs on the album do work in context. Battle Symphony wouldn't sound too different from standard "Chester driven anthems" of the past, but it fits the theme and flow of the record than In My Remains or I'll Be Gone did for LT.
The issue that I have with the record is the production and the sounds they used. There are trap hi-hats, 808 bassdrums, (too much)Autotune and cheesy vocal samples everywhere. Pretty much what is on the radio everywhere nowadays. This has to be a conscious decision they made in order to get some airplay and to me, they sacrificed some integrity in doing so. What also bothers me is that I doubt that the record will stand the test of time because of that. If you listen to ATS today it clearly doesn't sound like a specific era but rather like something unique (and to my ears still fresher than OML). If you listen to radio music from, let's say the 90's or 00's you will get that this is not fresh anymore and outdated. Yesterday, I watched an interview with Chester where he argued on why they decided to go with a more organic approach with the Hunting Party. Roughly, he stated that although Mike and him love Indie-Pop Music they didn't want to be a part of that ocean. As if you look at the ocean, every wave looks the same. Sadly, this is what happened with OML and I still do not get that decision. PS.: I love the track One more Light
We're all very excited to see/hear what the future holds, you never know with them I forgot to write how sorry I was to hear the obvious: the band can't last forever. When you've been listening to them for so long you somehow forget that. If they want to "reconcile" with the fans first Chester needs to stop saying those things he said but I also hope they won't make a record just to please the fans, the one without heart and soul. They obviously poured their hearts into this one as they're so proud of it but the fans are going crazy. Although he was vague, he's still thinking about making another complete change of sound just because the fans don't like this. At least that's how I understood.
Mike Shinoda will never come close to this level This is obviously a valid point, one that has been discussed thoroughly since we started getting an idea of how the seventh LP album would sound. We even asked Shinoda about it in an interview and he totally side-stepped the question.
For a 20 year old band who constantly changes their sound and still have success is pretty amazing if you ask me.
I listened to the album multiple times before coming to the conclusion that I did. I had the album for a few days before I posted my review because I deliberately didn't want to make a review based off of first impressions, but instead allow it a chance to soak in. Because as much as a first impression could've influenced me to give the album a higher score than it deserved, the same could've occurred with the vice versa in regards to me hating on the album before I gave myself a chance to understand it. This 'A' score (which BTW if you know how letter grades work with plus and minus is not a 10/10 but a 9/10 or 95/100) was not developed by any preconceived bias towards the band. I gave OML a higher score than THP because I quite frankly considered it a more enjoyable album. Sorry if that conflicts with your own biased opinion, but it's how I feel. I've ran AltWire for going on four years. During that time I've given varying scores to Linkin Park albums, remix records and related side projects. This is the first LP related release that I've given an A on that website. If I did indeed have a bias towards the band and blindly fell in line with everything they did, I would be giving each album an A and being like ARTISTDIRECT where every LP release is 'OMG FIVE STARS' and given perfect scores. I am quite frankly sick and tired of people like you suggesting that because I started with a Linkin Park website 16 years ago, that I cannot review, critique or comment on a Linkin Park release on AltWire because of it. It's insulting, angers me, and worse? It devalues the hard work I've put into AltWire over the last 4 years to try and make it what it is. Here's my scores of Linkin Park albums if they were on AltWire today: Hybrid Theory: A (Still has a punch after 17 years) Meteora: C- (An uninspired copy of their first record) MTM: B- (Very good beginning of the new sound, perhaps a tad underrated) ATS: A+ (Band's best album. Period.) LT: C (A misfire and completely lackluster after the incredible ATS) THP: B+ (Great, but has some issues as I outlined in the AltWire review) OML: A (More enjoyable than THP, with better lyrics) Does that at all seem like someone who has a bias towards Linkin Park? Do you still think after seeing some rather low scores there that I am not qualified to give an honest LP review? I stand by my score. Completely. ***EDIT** I know you mean well but this was more insulting to me than the entirety of Jayhov's post. My ethics being questioned is something I need to nip in the ass right now: I make zero money off of AltWire. None. No ad revenue, no donations. It costs me more to run than I get out of it financially. It is not a site run for 'free rewards' and I do not treat it as money making scheme or a business. It is done out of pure love for music and nothing else. The band didn't offer me money, or free concert tickets, or any reward for giving a good score. I am not a 'shill for Linkin Park' (as one AW comment put it) and I came to this score on my own. AltWire is a lot of work, and sometimes its more work than fun...but I am very ethical and have never received any benefit for good press for a band. I kindly ask that people think twice before implying that. I expected some negativity for my review, but comments like the above are rude and insulting...even if they are not intended to be such.
"If you like the review, fantastic. If you don't like it, that's your opinion too. Fantastic. If you're saying I'm writing whatever I'm writing for a commercial or monetary reason, trying to make success out of writing biased reviews... then stab yourself in the face!"