Linkin Park - "True to the Artist" Video Clip

Discussion in 'News' started by Heavy is the Louis, May 23, 2017.

  1. Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Nu-metal was dying when HT dropped but it was still the "in sound" in terms of the biggest selling rock style, a lot of the influences on One More Light are at least a couple of years past their Best By date. Some of the songs might end up surprise hits but if you're thinking the album as a whole will chug along and sell steadily well I'd recommend bracing for disappointment.

    For what it's worth I don't understand why most of you are so down anyway, the band released a album that, your personal feelings aside, really hasn't gone over well, and did so 17 years after what could be considered their peak, and still comfortably beat everyone except the guy widely considered to be the best around in the most dominant selling genre of music right now. All things considered, Linkin Park are doing fine. I'm far more bummed out for Paramore than Shinoda and Co and they're fairing much, much better than almost every one of the bands they came up with over the 2000s. Enough gloom and doom; barring the critical reception, the album and band are doing great.
  2. Virgocore

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    Why not? Many pop albums have had songs about death and other personal subjects on them. Anyone who is trying to argue that this isn't a 100% pop album is flat out wrong. It's as pop as you can get. It's actually the exact kind of music that the band said they didn't want to make a couple years ago. Lol.
  3. HypnoToad

    HypnoToad Glory to the HypnoToad! LPA VIP

    Jul 28, 2010
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    You're conflating pop albums to albums made only to make money which is nowhere in my post.

    I don't know it's like some of you think that OML is the only album where the band has considered sales and public reception. Granted they've never been this upfront about it, especially not with "we want to appeal to a wider audience" but still.
    brady and Halfway Dwight like this.
  4. Majorfort

    Majorfort Active Member

    May 3, 2007
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    While speaking of THP sales, and Mike's "niche" comments. They made it themselves a "niche-album". (Lots of "If" coming up) Sure it's now all in the past but here it goes:
    If the album got the same Promotion as OML and if better singles were chosen not UIG and then only FM, (really? no Rebellion or KTTK that kinda aligned with GATS explosiveness)
    If the THP NA Tour with Rise Against, Of Mice & Men went without a hitch (i.e Chesters unfortunate/unnecessary leg injury)
    If songs from the album weren't dropped from live shows due to apparent injury by just playing them and "political reasons". If the GATS so called "official" video weren't a god damn "Project Spark" vgmv or machinima that is now even discontinued.

    Then maybe the album stood a chance.

    (I don't know if this how it works, I could be totally wrong)
    Sure now, they could even surpass THP sales with the instant download of OML with the Tour Tickets.

    My current gripe, even with THP times is the lack of (yes my shtick) OML Making of's in LPTVs form that goes by song to song AND ARE LONGER THAN 2 MINS! They have to have video recorded footage (if not why the hell not) that someone Mark (if he is still the video guy) or someone else and tells us about how each song came about. They don't/shouldn't do the interview style like the Meteora or MTM days, just like now but longer and more coherent in what's going on. Nothing too personal but they could edit it out.

    Remember the amazing "Studio updates"? Especially Update 7 with Chester? Wow, so much info! Right?! Even less than a minute! Amazing! Yes, the Band like to do secrecy with each album but they could easily cut around that.
    This was such a waste of time.
  5. Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    I'm finding a lot of staunch defense of the album is revolving around "It's not run-of-the-mill pop, it has personal lyrics!". Like all pop music, as a genre itself, just always has bland, horrible lyrics, and that because they don't believe this new album does, it makes it "not a generic pop album" regardless of the sound or song structure.
    Jayhov likes this.
  6. Virgocore

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    There are tons of pop artists that make pop songs with deep lyrics. It's not all Britney Spears and Nicki Minaj. My point was also that a lot of people are flat out saying that this new Linkin Park isn't pop. It is. And the band is obviously ok with that.
  7. One More Rob

    One More Rob Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    My main gripe with OML as a whole is that the material on OML, is for me, so subpar for LP. The only song that reaches that feeling of "this is LP goes pop done right" is Talking to myself IMO.
    Wasabi GOD likes this.
  8. frezer86

    frezer86 Active Member

    Dec 5, 2012
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    I can speak for myself that I usually don't pay too much attention to lyrics unless I actually like song. If sound doesn't appeal to me then I won't really bother finding what is that song about, because I know it won't make me liking song. That's the case here, too much pop in your face and people who aren't used to it reject whole thing without caring how personal lyrics are. I bet that if OML was let's say altrock it would have better reception from critics and fans. It's much harder to believe in ''personal album'' if only thing you hear is soft, generic, artificial pop sound on OML.

    It worked with ATS, but it doesn't work for me with OML. I can't get into sound of it where ATS made me feel like: ''hold on, what genre is that, I'm so confused, but I like it because it's something unusual''. OML is the opposite: no surprise, no wow factor, just plain boring and predictable.
  9. Henry

    Henry Mochiagete, Tokihanashite.

    Aug 22, 2010
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    All things considered, I still like OML alot and I'm sure that it has much more staying power for me comparing to THP, just because overall the album is hella postive and that's what I like.
    Sasuke and Christøffer like this.
  10. HypnoToad

    HypnoToad Glory to the HypnoToad! LPA VIP

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Speaking for my self, I've never once stated that this album isn't your "typical" pop album because "omg the lyrics are so ~deep." What I'm saying is that if this album was only made for the sole purpose of gaining as much capital and sales as possible because THP didn't do that great relatively (which people keep implying), they most likely wouldn't have bothered with lyrics that are so personal to them.
  11. Shadow

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    I am looking forward to the next album sound to be honest. I think that one will be the one to surpass A Thousand Suns. This one is a good "experiment". After this sentence, I saw the clip and it was basically my mindset. This is a business after all and I like how they are approaching it. They are aware this album may suck or in Mike's word "alright, cool." or "meh" (lol), but they gotta gauge where they are at.
    What better way to do it?

    To conclude, I think the next album will be interesting. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect out of LP after The Hunting Party. You'd think The Hunting Party would be great in contrast to One More Light but to me.. Sorry For Now easily (the way it was made) takes a dump on 3/4 of The Hunting Party. I don't particularly think it's "OMG" amazing but there's definitely room for growth and I think the band will see that. I can totally see them making more songs catering the style presented there. OML in my opinion is an album filled with different structured songs all trying to grab the listeners attention but I think they swong and miss, swong and miss, and only got 1 hit but ended up being a foul. After watching this video.. I can sleep easy. Linkin Park has this for the next album, but I fear the next album may be the last album :cry:.
  12. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Where do people draw the line for "deep lyrics"?
    Halfway Dwight likes this.
  13. lilj4425

    lilj4425 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
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    Well, this thread went nuckin futs. O o While the album is good, I would still like to see the band make some rock songs like New Divide and Given Up.
  14. Agent

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Did you miss the part in the video where Mike literally said the stylistic shift was made to appeal to broader audience and due to low sales on THP? You can do that and still have personal lyrics. They aren't mutually exclusive.
  15. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    As a whole, I personally find the lyrics on this album more relatable than LP songs have ever been for me. The vocal performances feel emotive to me instead of just ... performative.

    Looking at it from that perspective, OML appealing to a broader audience is not inherently bad at all! They could be connecting to more people with this music
  16. HypnoToad

    HypnoToad Glory to the HypnoToad! LPA VIP

    Jul 28, 2010
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    "The album was ONLY made for the SOLE purpose of...." Yes I'm well aware that the sales of THP was a factor in their stylistic shift, but I highly doubt it's the ONLY thing that was, which is what some of you keep implying, whether it be unintentional or not.
  17. hybrid1988

    hybrid1988 Fever Daydream

    Mar 22, 2007
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    Well, apparently the album hit number 1 on the charts. If that's the case the bands little experiment paid off for them. here's to hoping that if they want to stick to the pop route for the next album, they'll produce something a bit more to my taste. Because at the end of the day, our opinions on the album mean dick to them. It's chart position, ticket/merch sales, social media status, and all those other tangible results that will matter to them. Not what some people on the internet have to say.
  18. Agent

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Ah I see. I personally never believed that to be the only reason... that would be ridiculous. But being one of the reasons still doesn't put them under a good light imo.
  19. HypnoToad

    HypnoToad Glory to the HypnoToad! LPA VIP

    Jul 28, 2010
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    We can agree to disagree on that then. Because whose to say that they wouldn't have still did this type of sound even if THP had done well.
  20. Christøffer

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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