Linkin Park - "The Hunting Party" Full Album Has Leaked

Discussion in 'News' started by Ree, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. TheLPStanFan

    TheLPStanFan Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2014
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    I really need this album in HQ. lol
  2. jsantoslive

    jsantoslive Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2012
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    [QUOTE stonecold;1316048]yeah i think you're right! the explicit one says 320 but sounds bad compared to the edited 320...i think it's fake, i guess we should stick to the edited one until a better version appears![/QUOTE]

    Yeah thats what I'm doing until I see an iTunes M4A VBR download or something
  3. jsantoslive

    jsantoslive Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2012
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    HQ is out its just edited
  4. Qwerty19

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    The way the album starts with the robot screaming really cracks me up :rofl:

    Like, it's really a WTF-moment. I wish I hadn't read the reviews so that I wasn't aware of those screams existence beforehand ahah
  5. morfeo

    morfeo Active Member

    May 25, 2014
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    Meh, to be honest, I am really disappointed. Maybe I have diffetent definition of heavy, or, maybe i've grown up from stuff like this. I haven't heard any complicated guitar solos which "should be inspiration" (reference to Mike's words). Don't get me wrong, it's not fucked up release, it has got some good moments. In fact, Meteora was little bite heavier than Hunting Party actually is, IMO.
    And finally, it's terrifying that interludes paid my attention faster than any other tracks. Really, Summoning and Drawbar are the best in here (in line with Rebellion).
    I would split song through few groups:

    1. Songs which suprised me positively:
    - Drawbar - for its atmosphere
    - Summoning - same as Drawbar.
    - Rebellion - Just, the best song on the album. Nothing else to add.
    - A Line In The Sand - Linkin Park is the best in making good outros. Another big thing after magnificent The Little Things Give You Away and Tinfoil/Powerless

    2. Songs which I would rate "very good", but I've expected something different/more from them:
    - War - I've got hope for more thrasy-sound-a-like vocals in choruses, the best solo by Brad to date.
    - Wastelands - Similar to War, I've expected rawer(?) vocals in choruses
    - Final Masquerade - It has potential. It's to short, but, got special atmosphere and best lyrics on THP. It has feeling like mix of DBS, David Bowie an Depeche Mode.

    3. Song which are just "good", nothing special in fact:
    - Guilty All The Same - It was shocking me firstly, aspecially because of Brads endong solo, Rakims verse fits perfectly and gets up this song from the weakests.

    4. I'm dissapointed, I've expected something different:
    - Keys to The Kingdom - it sounds like Pendulum placed between punk drums instead of d'n'bs beat, rythm guitar it's little bit rip-off from... Waiting for The End. IMO, Victimized was rawer, more powerful than KTTK. I'm disappointed at all.
    - Mark The Graves - I don't get idea of this song, in structure, in sound, lyrics, in nothing. The worst song on the album when I was expecting this in top-3 of this release.

    5. I knew i won't like it from the very beginning:
    - All For Nothing - Because I knew how's Helmet sounds like. It's not my style. At least Mike's verses are the best rap by him on THP.

    6. Until It's Gone - Too soft, too cliche (But horribly catchy)

    In concusion, It's far away from heavy to me. My first thought was: Please, tell me that this leak is fake. I have to learn not to believe in Mr Shinoda's words anyrmore. The Hunting Party is closer to Metalcore label than 80s/90s thrash-punk/crossover which was Mikes shortened description of the albums sound.
    My Note: 2.5/6
  6. shadowofthehabit92

    shadowofthehabit92 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    Which songs do you guys realistically think will be played from the album besides the three they are already performing?
  7. Serious Dave

    Serious Dave Fighter of the Nightman

    May 25, 2012
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    I love War because you can tell LP really had fun with it. I don't take it seriously but I've wanted that from LP for a while. A fun song that makes you go ''fuck it, this is ridiculous but it's awesome''.
  8. outcastboy

    outcastboy Sure God's all powerful, but does he have lips?

    May 14, 2014
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    honestly, only FM. i hope they play everything. but chester would die to sing KTTK or MGT live
  9. Rebel Traj

    Rebel Traj Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Keys To The Kingdom 8
    All For Nothing 7
    Guilty All The Same 8
    The Summoning 8
    War 7
    Wastelands 7,5
    Until It's Gone 7,5
    Rebellion 7,5
    Mark The Graves 8
    Drawbar 9
    Final Masquerade 8 (most catchy song ever)
    A Line In The Sand 9

    WHAT A GREAT ALBUM! (w00t)

    This album is a big surprise! Each song is just wonderful, what a journey! I'll probably need to listen to it a few more times before I can judge the album and put it on #1 as my favourite Linkin Park album above 'A Thousand Suns'.
    For now:
    #1 The Hunting Party/A Thousand Suns
    #2 Hybrid Theory EP
    #3 Hybrid Theory
    #4 Minutes To Midnight/Living Things/Meteora
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2014
  10. Mitch

    Mitch Turning from a white sky to a black hole

    Dec 13, 2005
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    I am really digging All For Nothing. Seems to be getting no love! The chorus is great.
  11. shadowofthehabit92

    shadowofthehabit92 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    I like AFN as well!
  12. SeLDfC

    SeLDfC Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2014
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    Dat loud bass on Mark The Graves though
  13. Obsidian

    Obsidian New Member

    Jun 9, 2014
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    I don't know why some people are saying they can't comprehend Mark the Graves or that it's strange. Perhaps for LP, but the influences are clear. And it may be in fact the greatest 'experimental' song on the album (overall rivalled only by KTTK). Exactly a mix of Foo Fighters and early 2000s Offspring influences. And it takes the best qualities of both into one song. Have to applaud them for such a great standalone track.

    my rankings (instrumentals excluded):

    Keys to the Kingdom - magic. this what we listen to LP for. Most groundbreaking rock song since Meteora.
    Mark the Graves - That main guitar riff and the chorus/harmony are really powerful and resonated with me.
    Final Masquerade - I love the atmosphere in this song. They've done better ballads, but it's unique and has its own charm.
    A Line in the Sand - The variety in this song makes it interesting. The main riff is dark and badass. Chorus is kind of disappointing though. Too War-like in a song that should've had a classic LP chorus sound.
    Guilty All the Same - Underrated IMO, it's grown on me. I really like the flow of Rakim's verse. Rap/rock in its purest form.
    Rebellion - Its appeal has worn off a bit after more listens. I don't understand why they waited until after Chester's bridge to make the chorus heavier. Should've been heavy from the first chorus!
    All For Nothing - Still getting used to it. Not bad..
    Wastelands - I really like parts of it. Could've used more synths behind the verses. Chorus bores me, why not throw mike in there between chester's singing (ala HT)? Would've added SO much to it. The bridge showed what this song could've been :(..
    Until It's Gone - I only really like the instrumentals. Verses are way too slow/poppy, makes me lose interest in the first verse.
    War - LP trying to be Rancid/Ramones? I don't.. what. Chester literally sounds like a pirate. The solo was cool I guess.

    Overall very 90s. Feels like an angry version of what LP would be prior to HT if they didn't have access to electronic sounds and beats they had when they debuted. While this new punk rock style sounds great on them in a few tracks, on others it feels like a cheap immitation of other bands who do a better job of the particular sound/style. But I can listen to them for that. I come and listen to LP for that perfect mix of electronics/hiphop/rock with that raw emotion.

    Next time I'm hoping for more synths and electronic layering while keeping the energy and heaviness of this album (major props for that!). ATS was interesting in concept, but I hope they never go fully in that direction again.

    7/10. It's still better than a lot of stuff out there today. But Hybrid Theory and Meteora still stand head and shoulders above everything else they've done.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2014
  14. Qwerty19

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    I love All For Nothing. Not one of my top favorite, but it's not far behind. Mike flow is ridiculous in it.

    Also, I have to say something about ALITS. I really like the rap part for the simple reason that it comes totally out of the blue. Truth to be told, during my first 3 listens, I each time forget there was actually a rap part in the song, and each time, it got me by surprise again. ALITS is such a great musical journey.
  15. TheLPStanFan

    TheLPStanFan Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2014
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    Same. It's my favorite song from the album!
  16. TheLPStanFan

    TheLPStanFan Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2014
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    I remember a few months ago Chester said people will either love or hate this album and boy was he right. Lol
  17. MattLP

    MattLP No control No surprise

    Sep 11, 2012
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    Keys To The Kingdom 10
    All For Nothing 10
    Guilty All The Same 8
    The Summoning 6
    War 6
    Wastelands 8
    Until It's Gone 6
    Rebellion 7
    Mark The Graves 7
    Drawbar 9 (epic and beautiful)
    Final Masquerade 6
    A Line In The Sand 10

    Love this Album, better than LT AND ATS
  18. ryyyylp

    ryyyylp Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Man I really love this album, front to back
  19. Agent

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    his haircut


  20. Anonymous Person

    Anonymous Person You promised me flesh!

    Nov 17, 2013
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    So far All For Nothing is my favorite.

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