Linkin Park are set to play a show in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on October 15th, but with restrictions in place. Malaysian officials gave LP the nod to perform but will not allow them to use "rough, raunchy actions" like screaming, wearing shorts, throwing things off the stage, and using obscene language or gestures. A statement from a Malaysian official reads: "Male artists must cover their bodies from the chest to knee level. The artist must not display rough, raunchy actions that conflict with pure values, such as leaping around, screaming or throwing something from the stage to the audience." The show should be very interesting to watch, and Linkin Park faces fines if they disobey the restrictions set in place by the Malaysian government. Thanks to MuchMusic News and
lol it'll be funny [/b][/quote] yeah like I said, Chester could sing his normal parts softly, and then sing a little louder for the screams.....while he has a fightened and confused look on his face
I dont think that would give them a very good reputation in other countries.....but hey, they are the biggest rock band on the planet, what the hell...
man... thats just nuts... they're telling LP to refrain from doing EXACTLY what they are most renowned for... no offence, but its gonna be a crappy show, (i noe... even for LP... THE best band in the world) because everything that gets u hyped up in a show (jumpin up and down, screaming etc.) is being banned. its very........ odd. id like to see that performance tho... if LP can actually pull it off (gettin the crowd hyped up, having a fun show AND following the rules) mad props go to them, its practically impossible in my eyes.. but hey.. its LP... anythings possible
Yeah now that i think about it...if it's their custom to not be all crazy, the audience is gonna be like a bunch of drones that will just stand'll look like Children of the Corn or something.....Id be freaked out if I were them and saw that
Dude! WTF! How are they going to do a show without screaming? It's going to sound, uh, diforent? Maybe they should do an acoustic show? Wait? Acustic? What's Joe going to do? Just forget I said that.
That sucks. LP wouldn't be LP without the screaming, shouting and jumping around. That's what makes a LP concert good fun. Still, Malaysia has a strict government so that doesn't come as a surprise.
That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard and I bet the only reason there going to perform there is becouse of there fans and thats why LP rocks and that just takes so much away from hearing them live, its just like listening to there CD, going to see them live it just makes you get to know them a little more in their inviorment and for them not to be able to swear and all of that it just takes so much away from the live experience (if you've ever been to a LP concert you'll under stand its kind od hard to explain) but yea and talk about them not being able to wear "SHORTS" OMG LIKE COME ON we all want to see Joes fat legs like come on
Supida Malasia, however you spell it I dunno. My school won't allow us to wear short shorts but as long as it's exceptable and not raunchy they don't mind. But banning shorts from a famous rock group is ####### stupid, not only that but what the heck is wrong with screaming and jumping around?!
They probably dont want any thing sexual becouse they have old women there and they dont want them to get horney or w/e probs they have BUT IN THE REST OF THE WOLRD WE LOVE ARE OLD WOMEN HORNEY
Malaysia isn't the United States. They have different customs and beliefs there and you can't do certain things that will go against their customs and beliefs. Stop whining about it and calling Malaysia stupid, because this is actually a very just thing that they are doing. You guys are all complaining about this and yet Linkin Park is doing it willingly. What kind of fans are you?
im disgusted with most of the responses here so im closing this topic. You should also consider their approval good, since Malaysia doesn't allow most rock bands anyways. respect other countries for their values thank you