I thought that this would be a cool idea for a thread. Basically, you post all the Linkin Park sightings that you can find and/or know about. For example, I was watching the show George Lopez just now and noticed that the daughter on the show has a Linkin Park poster on the top of her closet door. Things like that are what I'm looking for. Maybe I'll be able to use it in the future for a new section on the site or something like that (with full credit to the people who sighted the sightings). Little things like that are what I'm looking for. So if you see something like that, post it here. Make sure you VERIFY IT FIRST. I don't want any false claims.
There's a Linkin Park poster (the 'hybrid theory' promotional picture where Chester has his hands behind his neck and the other four guys are next to him, no phoenix in the pic) right behind Kim Bauer's (Elisha Cuthbert's character) bed in one episode of 24. There's also a Reanimation poster on the back wall of a shop in Fastlane.
There's a McDonald's commercial where the guy stands in fron of his mirror and goes " 1 Chicken Fillet" and then on the wall behind you can see this yellow and blue poster, it's not a real life person one, but it's definitely LP because i can see chester and his "flames".
There's a Reanimation poster on a background wall of the place Sabrina works on Sabrina The Teenage Witch Also, on Raising Dad, Sarah has this poster on the wall in her basement bedroom.
Is that poster of Sabrina in the restaurant where she works? :wth: [/b][/quote] No, in the new series where she is a journalist is what I mean. Sorry for not being clear enough
I just saw the promo commerical on MTV2 for the premere of Breaking The Habit next saturday. It looks better on tv.. Saturday May 29th, 2004 MTV2 9:30pm EST 8:30pm Central
What the hell? That's not a sighting. [/b][/quote] I did see it with my eyes and it was on TV. Its not really clear that sightings should only be posters on TV shows..
Both sides have a point. Let's just say, after this, official things don't count. Like ads for LP and whatnot.
In series 3 of Six Feet Under, Earlier in the series Claires "boyfriend" had a couple of posters of LP on his wall, reanimation and hybrid theory if i remember correctly.
In the Our Lady Peace video for "Innocent" there is an LP poster on the wall of one of the kids' rooms. It's right above the doorway of the room where a guy is playing his guitar.
The hidden team "Maddenstein Monsters" on Madden NFL 2003 has a player named 'Hi Voltage'. Doesn't relate to LP besides the name, but yea, it's an LP sighting...sort of.
I know on the TV staton, 'Spike TV', when they cut from commercials back to the show, they have their little 'Spike TV' logo screens. Well on one, there's a spraypainted 'Spike TV' logo, and it plays a Papercut riff in the background.
Well this is rather scary, but over here in the UK there's a really crappy show on ITV that is called Celebrity Fit Club, it basically sees a load of fat z-list celebs get thin. Well, anyway, the point is in one show they had a little promo vid building up one of the celebs and they had the intro from Somewhere I Belong playing over and over. I didnt know wether to be scared or amused. :wth:
I'm not sure if this is very close to what you're talking about but one time I was watching Korns Diary on MTV and they were on tour with Linkin Park at the time. They were in front of a door that said "Linkin Park Dressing Room" and one of the guys took a sharpie and started writing profanity or somthing of the sort and laughing his head off.. then Mike came on the screen and he was talking to one of the guys from Korn (I forget who) and he starting showing Mike some pictures of his kids or somthing like that. That's all I have. Hopefully that's a sighting I guess.
I've heard some songs from Linkin Park throughout the NBA Playoffs. Where they show some highlights of the game and put it into one. I've heard "Figure .09" and another but I can't remember.