Oh, okay. I get it. As long as it's Linkin Park, it's OK. [/b][/quote] Dude, chillout. There only wristbands. Who cares if people are using them as fashion statement. There still buying them so the companies are still getting the money they were aiming for in the first place. I understand you have strong feelings about the original wristbands but you can't say that you didn't see this coming when EVERYONE started wearing them. Am I right? ~HM-UNDERGROUND
Dude, chillout. There only wristbands. Who cares if people are using them as fashion statement. There still buying them so the companies are still getting the money they were aiming for in the first place. I understand you have strong feelings about the original wristbands but you can't say that you didn't see this coming when EVERYONE started wearing them. Am I right? ~HM-UNDERGROUND [/b][/quote] The companies that are ripping off Lance Armstrong's idea? It is a dumb trend. People should know why the wristbands started in the first place instead of buying the ones with the prettiest colors without knowing the cause behind the originals.
The companies that are ripping off Lance Armstrong's idea? It is a dumb trend. People should know why the wristbands started in the first place instead of buying the ones with the prettiest colors without knowing the cause behind the originals. [/b][/quote] True. Well, it sucks that people are using Lance(s) idea to put money in there own pocket but hey, what are you gunna do? I admit that I have a few wristbands with cool designs and few Puerto Rican one's as well. The trend is kinda getting old anyways so it might stop in the next year or two. ~HM-UNDERGROUND
Here's my two cents: Yes, I agree with Todd that wristbands these days have become a fashion statement. Lance Armstrong came up with the original idea, and it was to raise funds to find a cure for cancer and help those who have cancer. It meant a lot to the people who were diagnosed with the disease. Now I see everyone wearing them. Why? Not because they're supporting a cure for cancer. A fashion statement, obviously. From that, companies thought they would make money from that too. Since wristbands were fashionable, they'd make money. There are still some wristbands sold for good causes. Such as Support Our Troops wristbands, and then there were the several Tsunami wristbands. Linkin Park wristbands might be a good idea for Linkin Park to make money, of course. LP fans would wear them. They're just like any other LP merchandise. Wallets and sweat bands and pins and whatnot. They're obviously not going to go to a certain cause unless LP directs profits from the bands to do so. What I don't understand is how you guys are against wristbands. I mean, okay, it's a fashion statement. But come on, how do you know if EVERYONE who wears one just thinks it's cool to wear one? It might be important to them. And just for all of you who say it's a stupid trend copied by Armstrong. Think of it this way. Wristbands made by other companies for fashion...what should you have against them? It's like clothing. It's still merchandise. Where does money go to when you buy clothes? To the company who made it and the place where you bought it from. The only thing I find stupid about it, it's only stupid to me if people wear like 11 wristbands on each arm. It's insane.
I like how someone before stated that the wristbands have become such a trend, that they take away the meaning. I agree in every aspect.
1. Everything gets copied (its the human way) 2. You dont see Lance Armstrong complaining... 3. True...it has become a tad ridiculous 4. I am happy with my leather lp wrist band 5. I'd like to see LP finger bands (like sweatbands for your fingers)
i would too - definitely. especially since LP are known to take things one step further than they are expected to.
i totaly agree with that! i hate how they have become such a fashion statement and it is not being recognised for the true meaning and message they were ment for.
ohnestly,these wristbands have become too cliche. I dont really care about the true meaning but i like being unique so i wont be wearing 'em anyway.
I WANT!!... .if there ever be anything like that...my friend's getting me one from australia. she says they sell all sortsa colors there...yeh...in lp wrist bands
THIS is the quote I was referring to. And I edited my post before because I had tons of typo's and I forgot to include something in my post. Anyone who read a WHOPPING 3 pages would know what post I was referring to.
What I'd like to see are Music For Relief Armbands where all the profits are donated towards the victims of hurrican Katrina.