With a vid underneath of him in Linkin Park management offices. Looks like a new LP era is beginning.
I know I got a lot of shit for saying all signs point to Lzzy Hale being the new vocalist but I do believe the situation is unique with her than the other candidates. The other rumored candidates have mostly shot down the rumors and no other candidate has been liking comments calling them the next vocalist of Linkin park. A new piece of evidence is that Lzzy posted her singing Crawling AGAIN on her story at the exact moment LPU tickets dropped. This is an entirely different situation here, way more believable than Deryck (who did nothing except say he had an announcement this week) but I guess we’ll see
I'm going out of my mind in freaking excitement here. I wish I could afford a flight to LA and a hotel stay on such short notice. I always wanted to be there for their first event back, but my bank account just doesn't love me lately haha. I personally would love Lzzy in Linkin Park. She is phenomenal and could handle Chester's parts. But she also has her own highly successful band that she'd have to give up to meet the demands of a Linkin Park touring and recording cycle. I can't see her doing that. Maybe as a guest vocalist for a tour, but actual new lead singer? Eh.
Yes, it is entirely different. Deryck's band no longer exists, whereas Halestorm are quite literally touring RIGHT NOW.
Well that kills that possibility. Let's be honest. LP probably won't hire a new singer with conflicting arrangements (already in a band etc). They're going to want someone who is all-in and only Linkin Park.
Hey all! I know i haven't exactly been an active member but i just wanted to share in the excitement! With LP and Oasis both coming back i think this will go down as one of the must interesting times in music all together. I really hope they continue with Mike as the lead vocals on anything new and then get a guest vocalist for live shows. But if there is a new person joining permanently i can live with that. I'm just excited for more LP! Also, asking for a friend who thinks timezones are confusing as fuck, is there anyone from europe here who knows what time the timer will hit zero again next thursday?
If the timer does indeed to back up to 100 hours and proceed to count back down to zero... it would finish just after 2:15 AM GMT on Friday September 6th. Assuming I did the math correctly that is.
In my opinion, the timer doesn't mean anything anymore. It was symbolic of the start of a new era and also was meant to hide the 9/5 hints inside. The "be a part of something" on doesn't mention the LPU event, so I firmly believe next Thursday is the kickoff of whatever all this is.
I honestly feel a little giddy seeing all the buzz around the countdown and the announcement. It feels good to have them back and I am really looking forward to the reveal on September 5th.
There's no way they're changing the name to Xero. I'm sorry, that has to be one of the worst of the theories being tossed around. That makes NO sense from a marketing perspective in any way, shape or form.