Linkin Park have announced via their official Twitter page that they have once again teamed up with Indaba Music to create a remix contest for fans. Following on from their last endeavour together where fans had the chance to remix A Thousand Suns' The Catalyst, Linkin Park are now providing fans with the official stems of their new single LOST IN THE ECHO from their latest album LIVING THINGS. Read the announcement, view the contest rewards and download the individual multi-tracks from the link below to begin your remix for the October 11th, 2012 deadline at 5PM ET. Rewards Per the Terms & Conditions, the winners will be announced on or after November 8th, 2012. Indaba Music LOST IN THE ECHO Remix Page Source: Indaba Music via Flagrare
Anyway, now we can expect great things from Djs! And I guess the winner of its will be one of the official remixes of subscription.
I've been working almost all day on my remix of LITE and then remix contest appears. Awesome! Count me in as a participant
The Winning Entries will be posted on the Website on or about November 8, 2012. ^All these people who entered the LPA "Lost In The Echo" MMU contest have a great head start, haha. Good luck, everyone!
This both excites me beyond belief, and fills me with dread. I'm a subscription member of Indaba, and it is an excellent platform and community, with staff who seem to care. However, the remix contests usually do become total carnage. Hundreds and hundreds of good, bad and ugly remixes fighting for attention, with some less than charitable members willing to dish out all manner of bitterness if the eventual winner is not them. I look forward to this... but I'll stay realistic! With that said, all MMU members, GO GO GO!
Sounds very interesting, but after everything's done, I won't want to listen to Lost in the Echo for a long time from it being over listened. I'm just now starting to listen to the Catalyst again
Looks like we crashed the IndabaMusic website. Good to see we will be setting the individual stems for the song!
I'm going to spend so much time on this now, I'm being realistic in saying that I probably won't win this, as I'm a small DJ/producer but still hopes are set high for this, and good luck to everyone else too going to have loads of fun on this! Loving the remix contests at the moment, with me doing this and a Skrillex remix contest as well (yes I like skrillex) this could get pretty busy!
Definitely entering this. I have nothing to lose. Especially considering I have 30 days to finish it about.
It'll be later than that, actually. The winners aren't being announced until the second week of November. Also, I think 2 out of the remaining 4 remixes will come from this contest, as both the popular vote winner and the overall winner have that included as part of their prizes. I'm guessing they'll be the last 2 remixes out of the bunch.