Linkin Park - One More Light | Release Day Thread

Discussion in 'News' started by Ree, May 18, 2017.

  1. #81

    Noosh Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Just downloaded it this morning and my thoughts at the moment are:

    Nobody Can Save Me (9/10) Second best opener after Lost In The Echo for me. Admittedly, it does sound similar to Battle Symphony but so what? It's a really good track in it's own right with gorgeous lyrics, wonderful vocals. Love the little switch in the chorus lyrics from "Nobody can save me now" to "Only I can save me now" too, sets a properly upbeat tone for the album

    Good Goodbye (7/10) This track took a while to grow on me when it was first released but I really enjoy it now. Love the hard hitting bass, the subtle switches in melodies between each rap verse (chords for Pusha T, arpeggiated chords for Stormzy) and the chorus is impossible not to sing along to. Overall, this is one of those ear worm sorts of songs.

    Talking To Myself (9/10) Holy crap, Bleed It Out meets Clubland in the best possible way. The live version had me hyped for this track and it's everything I hoped it would be. The snare sound is a bit strange given that I'm used to hearing the natural one from live performances but the song is nonetheless impressive. Definitely single material and definitely one that should stick around for live sets.

    Battle Symphony (8/10) Despite being released early, the shine hasn't worn off on this track for me. The track is really motivational and the glitchy voice in the intro that reappears several times throughout the track is one of the more infectious melodies on the album. The vocals are on point and, though basic, the lyrics are still great.

    Invisible (8/10) So I held off on this one and I'm glad I did. Mike's vocals on this one are absolutely gorgeous and the lyrics tug on the heart strings a fair bit. Can really feel the loving, sentimental nature of this track. Also worth nothing is that the composition is great too. It's simple and mainly relies on filtered synthesisers but it really works because it emphasises the lyrics which are really the main focus of the track.

    Heavy (7/10) Admittedly, this track serves as a weak start to the second half of the album but I'd rather it be weak than boring. Can kind of see why they released this first though, it's one of the more basic tracks that serves as a gateway towards the sounds the album provides. I still enjoy it regardless.

    Sorry For Now (7/10) Another tugger on the heart strings lyrically. Like with Invisible, Mike's vocals are impressive. My only issues really is that the elements of trap littering the song were a bit of a hurdle early on and Chester's verse sounds odd. That first drop really sucks away the sentiment for a few minutes but once you get past it, the track is a gorgeous and gains appeal from it's constantly changing instrumental.

    Halfway Right (9/10) Hoping this song makes the live sets or gets to be a single, absolutely love it both lyrically and in terms of the composition and I fell in love from "I screamed at myself when there's nobody left to fight". The contrast between the piano and the heavy synthesised sections really get across the idea of an individual in internal conflict and the chorus for the track is probably my favourite off the entire album.

    One More Light (8/10) If my heart strings weren't tugged enough from the previous tracks, they're certainly getting yanked by this track. The minimal composition really works well for this one and the synths hovering about in the back don't feel intrusive. And the lyrics... sweet Jesus, the lyrics. Can imagine every flashlight on every phone in the arenas will be on for this track. This one definitely lived up to the hype and was well worth the wait..

    Sharp Edges (7/10) And then suddenly, country? The track is a definitive case of mood whiplash given it's way more upbeat compared to the last track. Stranger still is how the track transitions from the minimal country style in the first half to a more electronic fuelled second half. Admittedly, this isn't the best album closer but I'll take this over ALITS any day because I'd rather have a short and simple proper knees-up, upbeat ending than a 10 minute dirge about standing on the wall laughing at things.

    Overall (9/10): One More Light is alongside Living Things as my other firm favourite Linkin Park album. After the Hunting Party, I really wanted an album with more variety as opposed to heavy guitars in your face for about 12 tracks and I got it here. I love the constant changes in sounds and the overall positive nature of this album. A massive step forward for the band in my opinion.
  2. #82

    tfae The Graves Marker

    Apr 10, 2012
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    This is my review now that I've listened the album a dozen of times:

    Great songs: Talking To Myself (HIT!), One More Light (BEAUTIFUL!), Battle Symphony
    Good Songs: Sorry For Now, Invisible
    Okay Songs: Halfway Right, Good Goodbye
    Less Okay Songs (but not bad): Nobody Can Save Me, Heavy, Sharp Edges

    As far as album rankings, I'd say:
    1. Minutes To Midnight
    2. Meteora
    3. The Hunting Party
    4. A Thousand Suns
    5. Hybrid Theory
    6. Living Things
    7. One More Light -> still not the sound I'm most fan of. And it's the newest, it has still to grow more on me.

    After listening to it so many times it has been growing on me.
    But it is because it's Linkin Park and I'm a fan. If it were another random band I would just bother to listen it once and then forget about it.
    This is why this album is "not good".
    People nowadays don't have to be hardcore fans to like music. And the band is lucky to have such dedicated fans who give them opportunities and end up liking their new stuff just because they're fans.
    For the common listener, this is just average.
  3. #83

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    This album is truly special and it shows all throughout the album. The production is definitely the best part of the record, miles ahead to LIVING THINGS and The Hunting Party combined (jeez, the production of LIVING THINGS was totally crap).

    This is the kind of vibe I've been waiting for LP to make and I really appreciate the band for the hard work and dedication. It's impressive for 17 years in their career, We are blessed and grateful that they continue to make music what they want to share and continue to inspire people across the globe. It's amazing!! Thank You, LINKIN PARK!


    Sorry for Now is a KILLER track!
  4. #84

    Non-Pattern You’re about as sharp as a bowling ball

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Man, some of these songs are starting to hit me hard, being more than just 'good music to listen casually'. 'Halfway Right' and 'Sharp Edges' are songs that represent my current life now, with me being in the early 20s and quickly having to make some important adult decisions, making me think back on my childhood occasionally.
    Noosh likes this.
  5. #85

    VorteXLP Cheetas strapped to space rockets.

    Mar 10, 2010
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    Hell yes. To me this is the best song they've put out since A Thousand Suns. Also: first album without 'lies'? :awesome:

    My new album ranking: ATS > OML > LT = MTM > THP > HT = M
    Last edited: May 19, 2017
    BTorio likes this.
  6. #86

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    LP8..... Disco, Reggae, and a lot of Folk music.

    A Thousand Suns
    One More Light
    Minutes To Midnight
    Hybrid Theory
    The Hunting Party
    Last edited: May 19, 2017
  7. #87
    Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Ok, just listened to OML on repeat for 2-3 times:

    Before i get into the songs, i have to admit that i dont like this direction at all. I was very sceptival about the direction with Heavy as a first single.

    Nobody Can Save Me: I know now why this song is a grower. But seriously, it dont do much to me, its ok i guess. (5/10)
    Good Goodbye: Have to admit i really liked this song sinced it released. Pretty fun song. (7/10)
    Talking To Myself: First highlight for me on the album, love the dancy vibe. (8/10)
    Battle Symphony: Hit and miss for me. Dont really know what to think about it. (5/10)
    Invisible: Why i really like Mikes performance on the song, i dont think it does more to me. Not bad though. (6/10)
    Heavy: The first single never gived me anything. Guess is not my cup of tea. Live it is better though. (4/10)
    Sorry For Now: While Mikes part is cool, i dont really like what Chester is doing there. (5/10)
    Halfway Right: Has to be the worst track on the album. Dont ive me anything. Seems like a good night song though. (3/10)
    One More Light: Hands down. One of the best tracks the band has done in their entire career. Thats the kind of emotion LP songs should have. Its fantastic. (10/10)
    Sharp Edges: Feels like some kind of country Avicii song to me. Its cool, but nothing special for me. (6/10)

    All in all its just a 5,9/10 for me. Its has fantastic tracks like One More Light and talking to myself, but for the biggest part, it is just not my thing.

    If i have to make a ranked list of LP albums:

    1.A Thousand Suns
    2.The Hunting Party
    3.Hybrid Theory
    4.Minutes To Midnight
    6.Living Things
    7.One More Light

    I guess the pop direction is just not my cup of tea. Cool for everybody who can enjoy this kind of stuff. While i will listen to some tracks of the album, i dont think i will replay it as much as the other albums.
    Sasuke likes this.
  8. #88

    tj811lp New Member

    May 19, 2017
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    My review after listening to the album for about 10+ times:

    Talking to Myself (10/10)
    One More Light (10/10)
    Sorry for Now (9/10) [-1 for Chipmunks]
    Nobody Can Save Me (9/10)
    Halfway Right (8/10)
    Invisible (8/10)
    Sharp Edges (7/10)
    Good Goodbye (7/10)
    Battle Symphony (6/10)
    Heavy (6/10)

    I thought I would not like this album but I am really impressed.
  9. #89

    Foreshadowed_LP Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    My Deluxe Edition just arrived by Hermes and I'm wearing the One More Light t-shirt now. Looks awesome, I thought the album cover would be slightly bigger on the t-shirt but still, it's a good size and fits well. The box the album comes in is really nice and I love the artbook - it's pretty much just photos of the band and some personal photos of what I presume is the bands family/friends and special places they may have gone to. This is different to standard artwork that we're accustomed to in the bands previous album releases. Still, it's gorgeous and presented really well. My Limited Edition photo was of Mr. Hahn on the decks. I thought it was a pretty cool idea to do the whole limited edition instant photos that were taken of the band by the band or their crew.

    The vinyl looks awesome, love the One More Light cover and I'm a bigger fan of it on the vinyl cover, especially with the arms clasped together enlarged around the original cover.

    I'll be blasting this album more throughout the day on stereo, I've already imported it onto my iPod and will be listening to it on my earphones to get a clearer sound of the bass, synths, anything I might of missed on my original playthrough. I've also got the new Papa Roach album, Crooked Teeth to listen to but I was so captivated by this album on my first listen last night... I just need to hear more of it!
  10. #90

    Sasuke Modern Prog enjoyer LPA Super Member

    May 22, 2012
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    I fully respect your opinion, this is how everyone should express his dislike:chuck:
    Instead of "THIS IS BLAND GENERIC GARBAGE SHIT" you said "I DON'T FEEL THIS SONG". this is how music works because it's 100% subjective.
    In music there's no bad or good, there's only bad or good for me!
  11. #91
    Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    This band is still my favorite band, it such the direction i absolutely dislike :lol: but also here and there i can enjoy some "good" popsongs :chuck:
    RiderSSPU, Iopia and Sasuke like this.
  12. #92

    Vinifeijo i'm dancing with matt damons

    Apr 10, 2012
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    So, if it's forbidden to say "THIS IS BLAND GENERIC GARBAGE SHIT" and instead we should say "I dont feel this song", then it should be forbidden to say "THIS IS AWESOME ULTRA SPECIAL MAGNIFIC SONGS", you should just say "I feel this song".
    Last edited: May 19, 2017
  13. #93

    Cely_lp Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Just found this comment on youtube: "This is good music...good singing...good everything... but you are not Linkin Park anymore."

    What's wrong with people?? hahaha
  14. #94

    Vinifeijo i'm dancing with matt damons

    Apr 10, 2012
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    You love pizza. You go to your favourite pizza restaurant. They serve you a lasagna. You say "this is good food, good flavour, good everything... but it's not pizza anymore."

    Simple as that.
  15. #95
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    But sometimes when you try a new item on the menu that you didn't previously have, you realize you like it better than your old favorite.
    Abel, brady, RiderSSPU and 2 others like this.
  16. #96
    Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Or you taste something different, didnt liked it but realize that you are still alive :p
    Vinifeijo likes this.
  17. #97

    Sasuke Modern Prog enjoyer LPA Super Member

    May 22, 2012
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    I can only speak for me, everytime when I like a song, I said "Wow I love this", "the chorus give me chills". I never said this is the best song of all time or something
    And the ultra positive reaction are mostly created by the hype so I don't mind them. music is something that can make people feel good and I think there's no place for hate in music at all. just my opinion :)
    Vinifeijo likes this.
  18. #98

    AThousandLivingThings Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2017
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    To me it's:

    1. Minutes To Midnight = A Thousand Suns
    2. Living Things
    3. One More Light
    4. Meteora
    5. Hybrid Theory
    6. The Hunting Party
  19. #99

    MarcusArelius Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2003
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    Can anyone confirm if you receive a trial to the LPU as part of the physical release of the CD? They have put a trial in past albums....just curious
  20. eunyoungg

    eunyoungg Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    This post got my eyes all teary. This is one of the times you realized how powerful the band and their songs can be.

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