Linkin Park - One More Light | Release Day Thread

Discussion in 'News' started by Ree, May 18, 2017.

  1. wattmatters

    wattmatters Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    As of right now "Invisible" is the hottest track in India.

    Screen Shot 2017-05-20 at 7.17.30 PM.png
  2. Foreshadowed_LP

    Foreshadowed_LP Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    Linkin Park - One More Light Review Part III

    That's my thoughts on One More Light, the pop-rock album by Linkin Park where I think the band has done well in their search for another new sound and genre. The delicate guitars, the emotional vocals, the powerful lyrics, the beats and synths, the special effects used throughout the tracks, the electronic breakdowns, the robot/chipmunk voices, it's all here and done well! Possibly their catchiest album to date even moreso than Living Things. A very personal album and in some ways one of their more mature albums (not based on Heavy as some would argue). As I put in my subtitle, the band has shown growth here. No more angsty lyrics, no political lyrics... no, this is the band showing they have grown up, they are approaching or are in their 40's now, they're no longer in their 20's where they had issues they needed to write about. These are men that now have families; children, wives, etc. Sure, they still have their daily problems as well as more serious issues at times but here, they are showing that they've grown up from that time in their lives and learned from their mistakes; no longer reckless or pissed off, especially in Chester's lyrics. That and they're apologising to their children and families for being away on the road, something they've never really written about before and so, that makes this a sort of 'one of a kind' release. For the time being anyway. This record represents and symbolises how each band member individually has grown up and how they have evolved their sound as a band. This is also relatable to a lot of the Linkin Park community, some of us were teenagers when we first listen to their music and now we're adults, in our 20's or 30's (don't want to generalise here but this is just an estimation) and we've grown up with the band and some of our musical tastes have completely changed.

    It really is special to see the journey we've all been on in our lives, we all have families or loved ones that are in our lives now that weren't before or we may have lost loved ones. We go through the same things and issues now that is reflected on One More Light and that is why to me, this album is a personal and intimate album for me and I'm sure for many others. It's special we get to grow up with this band, mature ourselves with this band and evolve our own lives and create our own destinies just like Linkin Park has with their own lives and in their albums. This album will encapsulate the ever-growing sound and evolution of Linkin Park, a new genre in my opinion conquered and another genre in the future to explore. I'm loving this journey I've been on with the band and engaging with all of the fans at the same time along the never-ending road. I've grown up. I've evolved. Linkin Park continues to grow in their music. Linkin Park continues to evolve.

    So then, if I had to rank my Linkin Park albums in order from my favourite to my least favourite it will be:

    1. Hybrid Theory (10/10)
    2. A Thousand Suns (high 9/10)
    3. The Hunting Party (9/10)
    4. One More Light (high 8/10)
    5. Minutes To Midnight (8/10)
    6. Living Things (high 7/10)
    7. Meteora (7/10)

    So One More Light is in the middle of my favourite Linkin Park album rankings. The albums at the bottom of my list are still great albums, Meteora will always hold a special place in my heart for being the first album I purchased from the band but some songs I'm not as into as I was when I was 15 years old. Questions also have to be asked, will One More Light age well over time? Who knows, anything can happen. A Thousand Suns has got better as I've said since it was released 7 years ago and I'm still a big fan of The Hunting Party 3 years after its release. Hybrid Theory is still the perfect album to me, I love every song on that one and can listen to it anytime. It's also aged really well for me and it has that nostalgia appeal linked to it. That and it's still damn catchy and I sometimes like to go back and listen to the lyrics to remind myself of what I was going through at the time when I was 15 and all the shit I had to deal with and this album helped me a lot (more than what Meteora did anyway) and helped me overcome my problems. It's sort of therapeutic to listen to nowadays.

    I've ranked One More Light over Minutes To Midnight for now as I enjoy the catchiness a lot more on this new release. That and I feel Minutes To Midnight was bombarded with so many ballads and slow songs (6 to be exact), it felt like it needed one or two songs on there with more energy to replace other tracks on there. That's just my opinion though and that still hasn't changed since it was released in 2007. Still, a strong album though that broke the mould in terms of the bands sound. Like I said, I find it catchier than Living Things. One More Light for me; I love the personal lyrics on most of the tracks, I enjoy the catchiness on majority of the songs, the vocals are perfect with Chester shining on this record and Mike also having his moments of brilliance, the production is first class and I love the many sounds and effects used on this album. I also like the way they've layered the guitars in this one to bring something new to the tracks as the song plays on, like a hidden gem. I'm sure I'll find something new with each listen that I didn't hear before, so that means the album will get plenty of replays from me and that's a positive especially as I'm really enjoying this sound.

    Finally, the final 4 tracks have to be some of the best work by the band for me. Tracks 7-10 all have their own distinct styles ranging from pop, pop-rock, electronica, glitch pop all the way to acoustic rock, folk, and whatever Halfway Right is, etc. Definitely some of the finest moments on the record and the strongest ending to an album in arguably all of their prior releases.

    It really is funny when I read comments from people absolutely writing off the album even before it was released just because it was pop (not all people said this but some did that). Linkin Park as I said at the beginning of this write-up have swam in the 'pop pool' before. It has turned out some fantastic results when combined with their metal sound such as In The End and Numb as well as deliver the pop classic, Breaking The Habit. The band are no strangers to pop so it seems like it was inevitably going to happen sooner rather than later. It seems like the right time for the band to do it, sure it seems odd so some that they have released it 3 years after possibly their heaviest album to date with The Hunting Party but that was 3 years ago. Things change. Times change. They change. Music changes. I don't think the band went in thinking "what's the best sound we can do to make one big hit album?". That would be silly to think that as they've never been known for this. They make music they love and that is meaningful to them. You can tell in the videos released in the build-up to this album the band knew they were taking a risks by alienating a large chunk of their fanbase. People would turn on this new direction, that was a fact. Yet it was the discussions about the personal lyrics, what stories they had that day and what they wanted to write about and the harmonies that I found interesting and I knew straight away, they were deadly serious about this release and they took their time with it and even showed some experimental moments on One More Light (case in point, Sharp Edges). That and Adam from Warner Bros. confirmed the risks the label thought the band were taking but how proud of the record they were. The band created moments of their lives both past and during the creation process, they were serious about this record. Basically, Linkin Park have done something that we should have all been prepared for. They went into a genre they quickly visited before but this time they made a permanent stop. How long will they stay there for? Who knows but I wouldn't be surprised if they went exploring at another location when their eighth album rolls around.

    Of course, this isn't for everyone, some may have a required taste or completely dislike the pop genre and could only tolerate it at times when Linkin Park did it. I'd say like many posters before me have wisely suggested - listen to the album a few times from start to finish before you have a final judgment on what you think. You may love it and be pleasantly surprised by the results or you may still hate the sound and the direction the band has gone in and that's absolutely fine. My musical tastes have changed so much from being a teenager and I'm even more surprised by what I like now in comparison to say 4 years ago. There's so many genres I listen to and my tastes comprise of many different sounds now and I believe that has helped me in appreciating and enjoying this album a lot more... moreso than others.

    Well done Linkin Park, well done. I am so proud to be a fan right now and that you get to share this music with me. Who cares if Linkin Park's star continues to shine... well I do!

    TL;DR - Apologies for the long review but I felt I had to cover a lot in this one and it was interesting relating it all the way back to when I first became a fan of the band and the journey I've been on with them, like we all have as Linkin Park fans. That and comparing it to the other albums and how fan opinion was divided when those albums were released. Anyway, hope those that read it enjoyed (thank you and well done!). I enjoyed this album, Linkin Park pulled off the pop sound so well and added their own attributes and style to this and the result was very satisfying.

    Side note, @minuteforce - I swear that's how it was labelled on his CD, I just remember it saying Esaul. Whether it's because it was a UK CD and that's how it appeared, I'm not sure. I could be wrong but I swear it only said Esaul.
    Last edited: May 21, 2017
    Nicholas and wattmatters like this.
  3. wattmatters

    wattmatters Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    Thanks for a detailed and honest review. Proud to be a fan.
    Foreshadowed_LP likes this.
  4. wattmatters

    wattmatters Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    Good to see the love the album is getting :D

    Screen Shot 2017-05-20 at 7.25.32 PM.png
    Sasuke likes this.
  5. Paree

    Paree I love my scars!

    Jul 29, 2014
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    I agree. What i was implying is that more accessible = more cancer.
  6. Taranis

    Taranis New Member

    Feb 19, 2017
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    Not my cup of tea. Rather bland and generic. 18 months? I'd understand if they worked on it for 2-3 months. It sounds less forced than THP at least though so there's that. Also it's nice to hear that Mike has massively improved his vocals - shame he couldn't lend them to something more adventurous and experimental.
    ZERØ likes this.
  7. 101nemesis

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    So I've been listening to the album nonstop for days now. I must say that it has grown on me a lot. Even songs like nobody can save me has grown on me a bit.
    I would still only rank it in the middle of LP's albums. But I truly believe that's OK. There are quite a few good tracks on this album. But what I think the album accomplishes is give the band a new sound as well. I feel I'd be able to differentiate this kind of pop from what we hear on the radio. There is a distinct style in the song which I believe is LP's. You hear it in almost all the tracks when the chorus kicks in. It's LP's version of pop.
    This album is gonna make the next album cycle even more interesting since we would have a wider genre of music to expect from the band if they do go back to something familiar. This is basically the Minutes to Midnight of this decade where it completely broke what fans were expecting to hear either in a positive or negative way, same like minutes to Midnight. Before someone say that's what A Thousand Suns did, I'd like to compare ATS to HT in terms of being a new chapter in their career. What MTM and OML did or seem to be doing (in OMLs case) is that its widening that chapter and adding more elements to it. MTM added a different rock sound to their established nu metal sound while OML is adding a different electronic (pop, if you must) sound to what ATS introduced.
    OML is definitely not as experimental as ATS but it certainly is just as adventurous and risky.

    Don't really know if I'm making sense.
    Non-Pattern and The Joesen One like this.
  8. The Joesen One

    The Joesen One Fun-employed LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I think OML has a chance of debuting at #1. Next week's charts will display releases from May 12, which include Harry Styles' and Paramore's records, which the former will probably debut on top. The following week will show May 19-released records, so we won't know if OML will be #1 in two weeks. However, US iTunes shows OML consistently in #1, which means that it has a shot in knocking off Harry Styles' hypothetical #1 next week. It'll probably lose to Styles in the UK tbh. I just forgot what day the US charts refreshes.

    Btw Harry Styles' album is pretty good to be honest. Pretty gutsy making it a classic pop rock record.
  9. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Dang, sorry for your loss :(

    80k feels low to me considering how all their other albums sold. Also, this is the first album that streaming counts plus the free copies with the tickets. I really think it has a chance to at least reach 200k but maybe im dreaming

    We will know by next Friday if OML is #1.

    And I wouldn't call Harry's album pop at all. Just a straight up classic rock record.
    Last edited: May 20, 2017
  10. wattmatters

    wattmatters Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    #SharpEdges for single ! This song is mindblowing !
    Non-Pattern and ashish like this.
  11. ragsta

    ragsta Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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    Hey guys, my review after a couple of days very intense listening.

    Nobody Can Save Me (8.5/10)
    For me this song wasn't a real mindblower in the first couple of days, but now I'm really starting to enjoy it. I think every part of the song gets better after more listening to it. Not sure if it's the best opener for the album, but definetly one of the best tracks on the album. Therefore I give it an 8.5.

    Good Goodbye (7/10)
    Decent song, I like the rap verses, the chorus is a bit too simple for me, but it still is quite catchy. Overall I would give this song a 7 because it's just decent, but not special.

    Talking to Myself (7.5/10)
    This song is probably the heaviest song rockwise? I like it, not mindblown though. Very nice filler for the album. 7.5.

    Battle Symphony (5.5/10)
    I see many people around here liking this song. But for me it's just not good enough. The sounds used feel a bit basic/boring and doesn't give me a good vibe at all. Also the chorus, It just gets really boring in my opinion. Worst song on the album by far, I give it a 5.5.

    Invisible (8.5/10)
    The song seems pretty flat at first, but for some reason it keeps growing on me. I must admit I love mIke's voice so perhaps im a bit overexcited about this one. Especially in the context of the album this track sounds really good to me! 8.5

    Heavy (7.5/10)
    It's not bad, but not very special either. I must say, i've heard this song so many times just because you needed something to "hold on" to while waiting on the album to drop. Decent song, but not magical. I give this a 7.5. (I think Kiiara featuring on it was a good choice).

    Sorry For Now (9/10)
    For me this song is the highlight on the album. I'm still not sure if this song stays intresting for long, but as of now I still enjoy it. Every part of it is good, And again, Mike really shines here. 9

    Halfway Right (6.5/10)
    I just dont like the first half of the song, the chorus is not special imo and the parts between the chorusses are just.. not my thing I guess? I'm suprised so many people like this song. I do like the na-na-na part very much though. Therefor I give it a 6.5

    One More Light (6.5/10)
    I had very high hopes, but I really do not understand why so many like this song. I know the lyrics are deep and mean alot to the band, but when u just ignore that, it's just not special? I feel like it could've been developed in a really good song as many other people said before. Like some electronic climax in the second half of the song. Quite some missed potential here I guess. (Yet again, I fully understand why the band feels that this song is so important to them). I give this a 6.5.

    Sharp Edges (7.5/10)
    I'm a fan of this kind of music, and the first time I listened to this I really was quite suprised and happy, I felt like the song was one of my favorites. It still is one of the better songs on the album, but it got a tiny bit boring after some intensive listening. Good song, but not the best, I give this a 7.5.

    Overall conclusion: I'm happy they tried something new, It's also very entertaining hearing all these poppy songs coming from my favorite band. I absolutely do not rate this album as high as ATS and MTM, but it's for sure better than Living Things. I hope they keep trying new things, because thats what I like most about Linkin Park. If I had to give OML (album) a star-rating then I would give it 3.5 out of 5. (which equals 7/10).
  12. ashish

    ashish Active Member

    Jul 8, 2015
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    Weird(in a good way) .
    Never heard anything like that before.
  13. frezer86

    frezer86 Active Member

    Dec 5, 2012
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    Sorry for OT. Can't believe I'm writing it since I hate One Direction, but that Harry Styles album sounds like much better production (though still sounds bit cheesy on some tracks) and got more rock vibes that One More Light
  14. HypnoToad

    HypnoToad Glory to the HypnoToad! LPA VIP

    Jul 28, 2010
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    That's because he "borrowed" so many sounds, styles, and influences from rock of the 70s and 80s and shoved it all into one disingenuous album
  15. frezer86

    frezer86 Active Member

    Dec 5, 2012
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    Yeah, but LP did exactly the same. They borrowed everything from current pop music including sound effects
  16. HypnoToad

    HypnoToad Glory to the HypnoToad! LPA VIP

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Then I don't know why you felt the need to point out that Harry Styles' album is more "rock" sounding than LP's.
  17. frezer86

    frezer86 Active Member

    Dec 5, 2012
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    Because it's something that would never happen in normal world. At least that's what I thought until this album came out. One Direction dude goes rock when LP goes fully pop. It's just beyond imagination
  18. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    The amount of low IQ people that exist on the iTunes reviews is staggering. So many crybabies.
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  19. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Yeah, never read reviews in places like that
  20. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Those same crybabies are in the AltWire comment sections, and much worse. There's a few comments that I straight up didn't approve because they were a gigantic flame fest and consisted of so little intelligence that it wasn't worth even allowing them to be posted or replied to. I love this fanbase, but sometimes I wish we could take some of the immature BRING HT BACK fans, put them all in a spaceship and blast them off into space.
    RiderSSPU likes this.

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