MTV will be premiering a new documentary series called "The Ride" within the coming days. The series will give viewers "intimate access" to the careers of various big-name music artists, as explained by this Unreality TV article, and included in the list is Linkin Park. Their episode will be the first in the series and a brief advertisement video has been uploaded to YouTube to promote the airing: [YOUTUBE]62SFafpxFwk[/YOUTUBE] In addition, three brief snippets from the upcoming episode have been posted by MTV Poland to Facebook, and can be viewed here, here and here, respectively. A post on reveals that the episode which promises "an in depth look into LINKIN PARK" will premiere on October 6 on MTV. The post also gives us an exhaustive list of regions/channels that the series will air in: Source: Linkin Park on YouTube via Broman
There are a few snippets of "The Ride" on MTV Poland fanpage:
Just saw it i had so much goosbumps the story about chester and how he was the most important moment for the band loved it and all the demo's on the background didn't see that coming another nice surprise only downside much hybrid metero and the rest was kinda rushed almoste.. but overal very happy about it!
It's frustrating you can't find this anywhere online.. pfff.. It was broadcasted in my country this evening but forgot to watch
This makes me so pissed that they would air it every where else but the states like WTF! I'm about to pull my hair out
You can watch it here: Not sure if you can view it in every country, but it works for me.