they will still be selling milllions and going on tours. metallica has been doing it for 20 years so i figure with a little luck and skill it would be no problem for them to keep going and be popular althougha chester solo album would be amazing :whistle:
I'd like to see them making new records and selling millions of them. I hope that Chester's voice will not change, too!
Well hopefully whatever happens, they won't be 35-40 years old and still singing about finding where they belong.
Poll fixed, please try to follow the instructions given to seperate each question so that you will not have blank poll options in the future. All the members will probably still be making music in 10 years, it's just really hard to tell if they will be making music as Linkin Park.
What he said. Which is why I voted for the "solo careers" option. Not that I would object to them being around in 10 years, providing they grow as musicians and songwriters, but let's face it...most bands don't last that long.
Chester: He'll be out doing his solo thing. Or a Grey Daze reunion, which I hope I never live to see. Mike: He'll be an accomplished underground MC. I'd compare him to a modern day Canibus, with the big words & complex rhymes (see: Demos, Hybrid Theory) Joe: He'll be along with Mike, somewhere. Brad, Rob & Phoenix: Random bands. I could see one of them going into a heavier project. Or Linkin Park V2.0 (see: Roses, Guns n) Yeah. And as for Limpbizkit being fat, bloated & forgotten, they're all but forgotten. Just because they're not on MTV doesn't mean they're out of the musical world.
HOLY #### MY TEENIE RADAR EXPLODED WHEN IT SAW YOU. You're banned. Anyway, I think they'll all still be around: But not as Linkin Park.
Hot. Damn you and your multiple meanings! They'll be well off, if they make the next album better than Hybrid Theory. They don't have to be heavier or softer, they just have to be good. Instead of being pressured to be like Band A or Band Z, they'll be Band X.
HOLY #### MY TEENIE RADAR EXPLODED WHEN IT SAW YOU. You're banned. Anyway, I think they'll all still be around: But not as Linkin Park. [/b][/quote] dude i am forum-ghost on another name and i ment hot as in popular not as in sexy please give me my forum-ghost name back
dude i am forum-ghost on another name and i ment hot as in popular not as in sexy please give me my forum-ghost name back [/b][/quote] now i think your gonna be banned or warned for having multiple