Linkin Park debut new music at WBR event

Discussion in 'News' started by minuteforce, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    This. LT felt way too derivative besides a few songs (though to be fair, it was coming off the tails of their best record creatively) THP was a refreshing "fuck you"-type record and, while not boundary pushing for music, definitely is a staple in their discography unlike LT.
    Petar likes this.
  2. Meteorain

    Meteorain Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    I can see Mike saying One More Light will sound far away from The Hunting Party... but it probably can't sound overly far from Until it's Gone or Final Masquerade, from the sounds of what's on its way.

    I know Until it's Gone especially but also Final Masquerade used aggressive guitars to give it punch, especially through choruses, and may feature 'heavier' guitars and even drums than most of One More Light, but those songs, at least lyrically and in terms of mood/atmosphere, probably won't exactly be night and day from what we hear next.
  3. One More Rob

    One More Rob Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    I still hope they do a "full album" online stream of some sort, as I ams till on the fence wether or not to get this album (and as weird as it sounds) if I decide to get it I want to do so on release date.
  4. Smarky

    Smarky Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2004
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    Man... what a great time to be an LP fan and with you all here. Love reading that some of you are relating to this, even if you are going through hard times, I feel you, but this is what this is all about, sharing this human experience together and this is exactly what makes this band so damn great, I have loved the promo for the album so far about the band talking about life and being very genuine and open.

    This is why I adore this band so freaking much. The level of love I have for LP and the fanbase is literally insane, this band never stop short of amazing me and even when I think I have got them figured they are still able to do something amazing.
    drackslayer, TobyReen, Petar and 2 others like this.
  5. dookiedung

    dookiedung Member

    Feb 15, 2017
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    Talking to Myself sounds incredibly different for LP but I really really dig it so far. Sounds like it could be a Red Hot Chili Peppers song based on what I heard. One more light was gorgeous,
  6. Meteorain

    Meteorain Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Not even going to dignify this with an answer, beyond saying that's one of the most vague reactions I can imagine hearing.

    I don't mean to start any arguments, but I'm kind of getting tired of hearing things like this. As far as I'm concerned the band can say "lies" or "promises" or "holding on" or "let go" as many times as they damn well see is fit, as long as it always makes sense and never seems forced, which I'm more than confident enough in the band that that will always be the case.

    Some of these comments would have you think they released a song called "Promises and Lies" with a chorus that went something like "Promises promises, promises, LIIIIES / why are you making promises that only turn to lies? / Hold on, hold on, hold on, let goooo / Let go of all the lies and promises you've told"

    I find it silly to take one word, like "lies" or "promises" and call them cliche. You didn't do that, but somebody else did. I think it was @Atticus . It's cliche because you choose to label it as such. Making it sound like a band should just never say the word(s) again because of the tags associated with them by society, is borderline ridiculous.

    Me too. Finally, not alone on that one...

    Okay and recommended by who? I've seen a ton of negative comments around here surrounding them using those words/lines. I find it silly to take one word, like "lies" or "promises" and call them cliche. It's cliche because you choose to label it as such. Making it sound like a band should just never say the word(s) again because of the tags associated with them by society, is borderline ridiculous.

    What do you mean by derivative? Like I know what the word means, but just wanted to clarify on the context you used it in, and what about Living Things felt that way to you.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
    Sasuke likes this.
  7. Qwerty19

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Much better than "Heavy".
  8. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    So basically Meteora? :kappa:
  9. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    You can't judge Linkin Park off the whole site. The people who post in the LP thread on KTT are LP fans.

    Ht- General consensus is its a good album in there
    Meteora- General consensus is its a good album but gets more hate than HT
    Minutes to Midnight- General consensus is its a good album but gets more hate than Meteora
    A Thousand Suns- General consensus is its a top two Linkin Park album along with HT.
    Living Things- General consensus is average. Some like me think it's the best Linkin Park album, some others have it lower. Gets about as much hate as praise.
    The Hunting Party- The only album from LP that is actually disliked by the majority of the thread.

    The website is so active and so many people ONLY listen to Rap on that website that you have skewed data if you judge Linkin Park based on the entire website.

    Im the exact opposite of you, I think Living Things is their best album while The Hunting Party is by far their worst. Just different opinions is all :)
  10. Meteorain

    Meteorain Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Haha. I honestly don't see any track off Meteora guilty of such a thing... but I know you were joking, being sarcastic, etc. I just find it a bit head-shaking to suggest the band should retire any words or themes. Especially when it's literally a single word like "promise" or "lie". They sing about a lot of personal relationships, and, well, one of the biggest issues you run into is when there's a lack of trust... so the idea of lying or breaking a promise is kind of going to come up a few times lol

    I also can't really think of a song with lyrics or a theme of holding on or letting go that I haven't really liked the lyrics in it and/or connected/related to in some way. That may sound like bias though, even though I don't feel it is, but I get it if people think that.

    Imagine the band has something happen in their lives, that they want to sing about it on a new song, that heavily involves a lack of trust, but they stop and go "Whoa. Wait, guys. We can't. We need to retire talking about lies and promises"...then they scrap the song because of it...

    Or turn it into "infidelity" and... "broken assurances" lol
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
  11. Sasuke

    Sasuke Modern Prog enjoyer LPA Super Member

    May 22, 2012
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    :rofl: The best Linkin Park chorus ever!!
    Iopia and Meteorain like this.
  12. Joshua

    Joshua is Mr. "to many Mind"

    Mar 11, 2014
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    10.000 promises, 10.000 ways to lie...oh i meant "lose", sorry :kappa:.
  13. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    All these broken assurances / deep below / each word gets lost in the echo...

    Meteorain likes this.
  14. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Well of course LP fans would be in the LP section but the overall website is negative towards LP. I see very few postitive things about LP outside its designated section.
  15. Meteorain

    Meteorain Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    @Deliveranze had mentioned that website gave The Hunting Party a 0/10... I'm sorry but that alone makes me pretty much discredit the website altogether. There are opinions and then there's disrespect. How bad does an album have to be for anyone to slap the artist in the face like that after all the work put into it? I feel the same way if anybody decides to give a video game a score of 0. Couldn't at least give it a 1 or a 2 eh? I honestly don't even want to know what website this is anymore. I'm pretty disgusted by that. There's no way the album as a whole deserves that.

    I know you feel it's Linkin Park's worst album, but am I correct to say you wouldn't score it a 0? Maybe a 1-3? 4? Considering you liked the second half of it a lot? I mean with no comparisons to other LP albums here, at all. Just on its own, what do you think it deserves for a score? (I promise if you say 0 I won't lose my mind lol).

    I agree with you about Living Things. Not necessarily that its their best, but that it's good, very good, and gets some flack I feel is undeserved. Songs like Lost in the Echo or In My Remains I feel are constantly overlooked as "classic" (for lack of a better term) Linkin Park songs, that fans of their older work should've appreciated more. They were basically the same style but with maybe a more modern, less distorted, slightly cleaned-up touch, but they still had the majority of the elements to them that Hybrid Theory or Meteora fans claim to be in love with. While finishing out with some powerful emotional stuff, with Powerless being in the vein of Numb.

    I have absolutely no problem thinking of Living Things amongst their best work. The thing is though, I don't really feel comfortable calling any of their albums their "worst", nor their "best" for that matter. I think all their albums are good for often their own reasons. Sure one may get the slight edge over another, but when I don't think any of them are bad, it's hard to pick one out to call their worst. I guess, if I had to, I'd say candidates for "best" would be Hybrid Theory, Living Things, maybe A Thousand Suns and candidates for "not as good" (refuse to say worst) would be The Hunting Party and... maybe?...Meteora?...even though I really liked it...with Minutes to Midnight being on the cusp of a "best" candidate as well...

    Yeah, nevermind, I can't rank albums lol. No real point in trying.
    Deliveranze likes this.
  16. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    @Meteorain To be fair though, most people who gave it a 0 likely never heard the record. LP is far from credible there so people hate on them regardless.

    Even though @Blake didn't like it, I doubt he or anyone who hangs in the LP thread would give it a 0, unless they are there to troll.
    Meteorain likes this.
  17. Meteorain

    Meteorain Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Fair enough, I can understand that. While shaking my head at scoring an album without hearing it, just based on pre-determined negativity towards a band... hard to have any respect for people or websites like that.

    I liked The Hunting Party, but it just, arguably... produced fewer favourites than other albums did? Lots of songs I called good, but maybe like 5 that I can call favourites. Other albums have produced like... 6-8. Might be my fault though for having too many favourites haha. I once tried to make a Linkin Park top 30 and I had a ton of trouble with it... then I tried 20 and damn near gave up on it. Quite a lot of songs that I really like got left out of the 20. Then I felt bad for them, as if they had feelings or something.
    TobyReen and Deliveranze like this.
  18. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Eh it's not a website to take too seriously but I'll be honest, they've pissed me off too.:lol:

    And about the LT album being "derivative." Maybe derivative isn't the right word but it felt too familiar to me. The first half especially just felt like a collection of head nodding bangers and songs like "In My Remains" and "I'll Be Gone" felt too similar to me. Also I just didn't like Burn It Down at all imo.
    Living Things does have good stuff though. The writing even on Burn It Down, is pretty solid, good melodies and some of Mike' best rapping overall on a LP album. But, the record felt more like a collection of songs the band could write easily without thinking too much about what they are trying to say. Just my opinion.
    Meteorain and Sasuke like this.
  19. Meteorain

    Meteorain Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    That's fair. I can see what you mean by that. Which is all I really ever look for when discussing opinions, that the person supports it instead of just "it sucks" or "too pop" lol.

    I think the band intended for a good number of songs on that album to be ones fans of their first two albums couldn't argue much with, while still mixing in "the weird" (as Mike has referred to it) on tracks such as Until it Breaks, or Victimized to a slightly lesser extent, and a bit on Lies Greed Misery. I know a lot of fans feel now that this is less inspired stuff, or that they create it a lot more easily than they create more outside-the-box work like A Thousand Suns, or what most are expecting from One More Light. I'm not entirely sure I agree with that notion, that Living Things was easy for them or uninspired, but I can at least see where fans who feel that way are coming from.

    Also, while I promise this hasn't altered my opinion or added any bias... Living Things is probably the closest they'll ever come to releasing an album on my birthday, as it was one day off. So I had a cool experience there where it felt like a gift to me, and I admit I had hoped, partly because of that, that fan reception would be good in general. But all of that aside, I really do feel there's genuinely a lot of good work on there. It produced like 6 or 7 songs I feel comfortable calling favourites.
    Iopia and Deliveranze like this.
  20. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Same here. :) I always try to be devil's advocate when discussing opinions.

    To be fair to LT, Lost In The Echo, to me, is the greatest album opener to any record they have done. My jaw dropped when I heard Mike come in and Chester's hook.

    And for awhile, I can't completely see why I don't like LT. I guess it did seem "uninspired" compared to ATS even though LT has strengths that ATS didn't touch.

    I'm sure the band is happy with it and I'm glad it was made but for me it was LT had a phenomenal song but was a mediocre album while THP didn't have any songs that blew me away but it was more cohesive as a record.

    But if someone said LT was their favorite record, I can definitely see why. There is a lot of great stuff on there that even surpasses ATS. (For example, I think the rapping on LT is technically better than ATS) but ATS and THP were more evolutionary projects in sound and scope then LT.
    Meteorain likes this.

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