This song sounds like the same to LIVING THINGS and The Hunting Party. They wanted this album to be their "best" record but we've heard this type of song many times. We want something groundbreaking like The Catalyst. So, my question is.. Where's the risks??
Sounds beautiful!! I've always been a bigger fan of Linkin Parks softer side than their heavier side so this is all I could ever wanted from them.
I like this style. I also like how we're judging a song before it's A) released, B) based on a REALLY SHORT snippet, C) a version that isn't even finished, D) while we all know that one single song isn't representative of how an entire album sounds, especially when E) the single is the first single, which is usually the most mainstream of the collection. Never change, LP fanbase. WAIT, NO, CHANGE, PLEASE
I've been saying it sounds like Mirror since the piano clip! I also starting singing Mirror in my head as I watched this clip too. I've always loved the Mirror melody (and Bruno Mars in that song) so maybe that's why I'm liking the clips for Heavy a lot too!
Some time after THP I was left craving an album with a more melodious sound, some beautiful electronic elements and a cleaner/smoother Chester. Looks like this might be exactly the album I was hoping for.
Pop is the new techno. And at least they're not asking when LP is coming to Brazil. Yet. Also, everyone is comparing the song to Mirrors yet I don't see many people noticing that the chord progression is almost the exact same as Lana Del Rey's Video Games.
At least the mainstream part isn't accurate when we look at the last album releases. Despite liking what I hear without assumptions there wouldn't be much going on here which would neither be something to aim for for LP nor us. We are now close to release, now it is going to become interesting where we are heading :-D they are taking risks by copying other songs and combining them into some sort of Megazord...Mighty Morphin Linkin Rangers, anyone? Sounds legit to me.
This is the first single so it has to be catchy and obviously sell, so even though I'm not digging this too much, the rest of the album might be something completely different. Just like BID and UIG.
Lovely, reminds me to the good old times when certain people said "Little things" sounds like Michael Jackson.
The operative word is "the most mainstream of the collections" which has been true for all album but one, THP, where they intentionally threw a curveball. That's it.
I just can't help but at the people who keep referencing the song being called "Heavy" and the sound not being heavy at all. Is that the only interpretation for the word?? I have to reference another song with the same name by quoting some lyrics: This concept of 'heavy' was based upon the feeling that, perhaps wealth and other 'priviledges' don't equal happiness and/or freedom. ---- If you tried and disconnect from the idea that "heavy" has to be GUITARZ and BRUTAL VOKALS, you would probably appreciate a little better the concept they may be trying to offer. I'm not implying this song to be a masterpiece right off the bat, but I plead people to judge it 1) After it's out and 2) By taking it for what it is and not for what it 'should be' due to a narrow interpretation.
Synths are similar, and even the beat now that I think about it. But I don't know, this little clip seems more "haunting", I don't know how to explain it