What the? Do my eyes and ears deceive me? Is...is that...is that DAVE?! I THOUGHT LINKIN PARK WAS JUST CHESTER AND MIKE NOW
It's pretty much out everywhere now. Just got released in the US. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/battle-symphony/id1204427627?i=1204427655
Official Lyric Video for Battle Symphony released. Beautiful just beautiful. This should be a damn single.
Way better than Heavy's video. I really like Battle Symphony, can't wait to sing it on the concert (hopefully)!
Just got back from Mike's Instagram live stream. Nothing significant, but Mike did comment on how Chester said he raps on 'Sorry for Now,' and clarified that its not the kind of rapping we're expecting. Expect the unexpected.
Shinoda could surprise me on the rapping front if he somehow does something significantly worse than what he's done before. I don't believe that that's possible.
Hmmm. I pre-ordered the album on the first day and I still haven't received an e-mail to download Battle Symphony. It's now 8:45am over here in the UK, will it be released later on? Has anyone from the UK received their download link yet? I'm just enquiring as I see it has been said that if you pre-ordered the album last month, you would get a download e-mail sent to you. I'm only going to be listening to this song and Heavy before the album is released, nothing else. I just wanted my first time listening to this song to be in good quality.
It would surprise me if its Battle Symphony cause from that conversation I don#t get anything that could be a part of Battle Symphony at all.
You can be surprised! On topic, the song has grown on me a lot. I quite enjoy it. But the lyrics are still too generic.