Linkin Park - 'Battle Symphony' Full Song Leaked Online

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. Shadow

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    Yes I was giving you my opinion of PRIMO and along the way I discovered TIDAL has Linkin Parks catalog in 96kHz/24bit and it's .. just I am in AWE.

    The closest I got to high fidelity Linkin Park was Reanimation - DVDA. Still love that version of the album but longed so much for the other albums.. in stereo and TIDAL is delivering in that department.

    Mike sounds extra clear at 96kHz / 24bit on his rap verses.

    EDIT: To answer your question, the higher the number the better. It takes a good ear though to spot the difference.

    Average person will tell you 96kHz/24bit -> 44kHz/16bit lossless sound the same.

    Obviously there's a clear difference between 44kHz/16bit lossless vs 44khz/16bit lossy.
    These you don't need a good pair of headphones but definitely must be wired to hear them.

    Just because there's no codec out right now that can output in the same bandwidth as lossless without consuming battery power.

    Think Nintendo switch not putting out GTX 1080 graphics / Xbox One because it will eat battery life like it was gateroade thirst after running track.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
  2. Iopia

    Iopia Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    I totally get that many people prefer the finished version of LT to the demos, but yeah, I couldn't agree more. Particularly in regards to Primo, it's like they took actually unique, new ground for the band and "Linkin Park-ified" them. I get that some people prefer that, but for me Primo is almost a top 10 track, while IBG is almost in my bottom 10.
  3. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    So TIDAL is like a spotify? Streaming services?
  4. Shadow

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    It is but unlike Spotify their mantra is "high definition audio" and well with the "masters" version of the song that puts them above everyone, including iTunes.

    It is pricey, it's at $20 month but if you are a student you can bring it down to $10 a month. Of course you would need a good pair of wired headphones (I have these: Bose SoundTrue Headphones Around-Ear Style) and a motherboard soundcard or independent soundcard that let's you change audio settings to 96kHz/24-bit output.
  5. Virgocore

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    Honestly, I haven't enjoyed anything Linkin Park has done since Minutes to Midnight. I'm a huge fan of the first three albums. I'm not sure why fans are reacting so negatively to this song (not necessarily here on LPA, but elsewhere). It sounds like much of the music that the band has put out since Minutes to Midnight, IMO. I'm not saying that I like this song, because I don't. Linkin Park have been experimenting and changing their sound completely with each album since Minutes to Midnight, including pop sounding songs such as this one.

    I also think what Derek said way earlier in this thread was great, about how it's fine to not like the song, but at least give an intelligent post as to why you don't like it, etc. instead of some of the childish comments that I've seen.
    Abel likes this.
  6. Non-Pattern

    Non-Pattern You’re about as sharp as a bowling ball

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Huh, I haven't seen any fan that said that they preferred the studio version to the demos so far. But I do agree there was so much wasted potential on the demos, it's definitely a lot more unique than what we got. This was one of the reasons why I reckoned LT is the 'worst' album they made so far, besides the terrible mixing among others.
  7. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    I hope the band would rework some of the songs from LT and release it officially as EP. Just the folk-inspired tracks like Castle of Glass, Skin To Bone, Three Band Terror, I'll Be Gone (Primo),Roads Untraveled. but that's not gonna happen. We have LPU then.
    Iopia likes this.
  8. Shadow

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    At least there's LPU that I can agree with. I guess I am the fan that prefers the finish product.

    This conversation reminds me of Resident Evil fans longing for the unreleased Resident Evil 1.5 vs the final version of Resident Evil 2.

    I prefer the final product, but 1.5 looked good too! In that same merit, definitely Primo version is technically superior but not my taste. I prefer the final and I can see why they went with the final. Definitely had to do with the overall sound theme of the album. So guess "folk-inspired" LP album is due? :p
  9. Virgocore

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    I actually have been a lurker on this site for many years (I was a member many years ago but don't remember my username), and the most recent ''LPU Album'' is the reason that I decided to make an account. I saw that it had a demo of Bleed It Out and I really enjoyed it. I then discovered all the rest of the LPU Albums that I have missed, with tons of great demos from the first three albums that I really love now. So I think that would be cool, to give fans those folk songs you are talking about. I think that's what the LPU Albums should be for, giving us music from the past albums that we can love, for people who might be fans of the old stuff, like myself.
  10. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Give the kids what they want..... There's your folk version of LIVING THINGS. :shinado:

    Seriously, I just love songs that have different vibe compared to the typical LINKIN PARK sound. That's why, I love ATS so much because it's different, weird and fresh.
  11. Iopia

    Iopia Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Totally agree. It's hard to put it in words, because I obviously like the "Linkin Park sound" as well (since I am a Linkin Park fan haha), but my favourite songs have always been the ones where they branch away from that more constrained, LP formula. It doesn't have to be super whacky and weird, but LP are one of my favourite bands when it comes to melodies and instrumental textures/sound design, so when they take all that and write songs that don't feel constrained creatively (super subjective, I know haha) to a specific song formula, that's just musical bliss to me.
  12. Christøffer

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    Because said snippets are a pretty good representation of the rest of those songs...

    Unless your argument really is that Runaway has great lyrics. :samuel:
  13. Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    That's modern day Shakespeare u peasant

  14. wattmatters

    wattmatters Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    All of this Living Things talk has reminded me again that why was IN MY REMAINS never released as a single.
    It is one of their best songs
    ZERØ and Meteorain like this.
  15. Meteorain

    Meteorain Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    I'm not sure I agree that simply "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" is a good representation of One Step Closer. Nor that just "I wanna heal, I wanna feel" is a very good one of Somewhere I Belong. And did you honestly feel that "Yes I'm half Anglo, half-fried panko" was a good representation of Keys to the Kingdom? lol... I mean come on...

    And yeah, actually, I will defend Runaway. I won't tell you the lyrics are great or among their best, but I will stand by saying they're fine, as I did before, and that they fit. Too many people, when ripping on Runaway, are so focused on the singled-out "I wanna run away, and never wonder why" that they forget what surrounds it.

    Earlier in the song, in the chorus, they sing : I wanna run away, never say goodbye / I wanna know the truth, instead of wondering why / I wanna know the answers, no more lies / I wanna shut the door, and open up my mind

    And during this bridge, the one that people have selective hearing on, they do what many other bands have done with songs, and take the central line ("I wanna run away") and divide it up with parts of the rest of the four fractions (preceding the first two of these fractions, so majority as it's 2 out of 4, in the chorus would be that central line, "I wanna run away") :

    1) "Never say goodbye"
    2) "Instead of wondering why" (becomes "Never wonder why", because it fits better into the rhythm/beat of the bridge)
    3) "No more lies" (preceded by "I wanna know the answers")
    4) "Open up my mind" (preceded by "I wanna shut the door")

    So, bridge?

    I'm gonna run away, and never say goodbye (ok, variation. "I'm gonna" instead of "I wanna")
    (Gonna run away gonna run away, gonna run away gonna run away)
    I'm gonna run away, and never wonder why
    (Gonna run away gonna run away, gonna run away gonna run away)
    I'm gonna run away, and open up my mind
    ..... and carry some repetition from both Mike and Chester until next chorus

    And let's face it, "I'm gonna run away, no more lies" or any variation doesn't make any sense at all, so that fraction was omitted. But the other three are there. And that proves the structure I'm talking about, and this is why I say they're fine and that they fit with the song. But everybody is so fixated on the singled-out line of "I'm gonna run away, and never wonder why". Yes, when singled out and you forget all that surrounds it, sure, it sounds a little silly.

    But even if you hate it, and even if you think it makes little sense, it still makes more sense than anything they could've done with "I'm gonna run away" + "No more lies"
  16. Non-Pattern

    Non-Pattern You’re about as sharp as a bowling ball

    Feb 17, 2017
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    I wouldn't necessarily say it's for the old fans, since the latest one had demos back from 2015 as well, but I understand where you are coming from.

    One thing I noticed so far those is that there's this tendency that fans, across different album eras, have a common consensus that the demos are better than the studio albums, even for HT and Meteora....which I have to say it's true to an extent.
  17. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    @Meteorain I would argue, despite Runaway's juvenile theme, it's actually well written.

    "Graffiti decorations under a sky of dust" is a great opening lyric imo. I'd say the verses and the Reanimation verses have a lot of nice imagery. Like I say, if you're gonna be angsty, do it with some creativity.
    Meteorain likes this.
  18. Christøffer

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    You can type all that up but it doesn't change the simple fact that all those lyrics are straightforward and blunt af. No amount of defense of "rhythm" or anything is gonna win this day.

    Again, my choices were representative of the songs.
    brady likes this.
  19. rocker94

    rocker94 Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    We say that Linkin Park has lost the essence with these two new songs, that it not sound to Linkin Park, that the style it's totally different, etc. And I wonder, what does Linkin Park sound like? From MTM, for each new release, people started to criticize the album because the sound was new and totally different from the previous one, until, curiously, after months or years, that same album ends up being recognized as music with the essence of the band and even as a good job, despite the change. And the cycle repeats. In the end, people claim the return of nu metal when precisely, this style we only find it in two albums of the seven they have in total.
    And with this I am not defending the new sound that they have chosen this time. But I am sure that if this record had come after the LT instead of the THP, we would not have the fuss we have now. It is not a natural evolution, of course. Moreover, if I had to recommend the discography to an acquaintance, I would tell him to listen to OML after LT to continue with THP. In this way the change would be more natural and coherent. Although again, we would find a drastic change, from pop to rock / metal.
    That said, who can say it sounds or does it stop ringing Linkin Park?
  20. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    I think OML is the 'calm after the storm' after the hard-hitting heavy album, THP.
    Christøffer and wattmatters like this.

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