I don't really care for music videos anymore, to be honest... I would rather they do stuff like this than record the guys singing on a set. It's played out at this point.
This would be great if it didn't require windows 8.1, something my desktop keeps -failing to update to through no part of my own-.
Music videos are over-rated, who really cares about them anymore? This is good for Linkin Park, I say. Instead of wasting a bunch of money on the myriad of things needed to make a "quality" music video, they decided to make money by selling the song to promote this company / website / program / game. I could give two shits about a music video, is what I'm trying to say. MTV doesn't play them anymore, so it's not like bands gets a crazy amount of promotion by releasing videos.
Am I going crazy, or does the music video version sound like a different mix/master? The vocals sound a lot more canny, and the drums are more clear? I can also understand better Rakim better, and the guitars almost sound fake. Maybe it's just my iTunes Equalizer setting making it sound different.
Pretty much all of this. MTV is dead. FUSE tried to pick up the slack and it too pretty much died. I guess there's VEVO. I have the channel on my Apple TV but only went through it once or twice. I guess they became known for their videos after the first two albums but really since then there haven't been many ground breaking videos (not implying any of the earlier ones necessarily were). I'd rather them just concentrate on the music and maybe upload videos of playing stuff live more than truly worry about making music videos. If they want to try something out-there with this then go for it. Serious question: I know bands still make them but are music videos really big marketing things anymore? Especially for bigger, more established bands?
From observation, yes. As long as the label or the group themselves proactively push the news to the public, it will garner massive attention. This won't change anytime soon and I hope not. Music videos are a beautiful thing and I for one, hope that the tradition continues on.
Okay, it does sound like a different mix. I'm not quite sure as I'm listening to it on crappy laptop speakers, but it seems to be the case.
Off topic, but i think that those names in the video are of some of the songs, and the parenthesis are the working title of each song.
When you come to think about it, this is really no big deal. Just a demonstration that LP and Microsoft is doing a deeper collaboration. Adding to the fact StageLight is Windows-based, they did stuff for XBOX, and the Outlook Music premier of A Light That Never Comes + BHS footage.
No proper music video? NO! Video's are relevant these days still. Hell YouTube benefits from them at least. But yeah it's great and all that they are trying something new for the fans, but the more they promote there album properly, the more successful it will be. All the entry they are using on this new remixable video, I would rather they spent elsewhere, like, promoting there new album. Just a thought.
The fact is, YouTube probably benefits from them more than LP does themselves. Also someone should rip the multitracks so we can make PROPER remixes of this song. Hell, a G.A.T.S. MMU would go down nicely.
I don't understand... is this like the new 'The Catalyst' thing that we need to get the stems and remix? is this what the project all about? Do we need to remix the song? or the video?
At least some stems seem to be in there, because if your guy crashes alot on the flying part, some instruments will stop playing. I've been looking at the files that the game downloads to play this level trying to find where the sounds are embedded. None of the files I've found so far seem to be big enough. But it's got to be in there somewhere. (later edit) Aha. On the Project Spark marketplace, there is a "GUILTY ALL THE SAME FREE AUDIO PACK" that you can download, which makes the program grab a 16 MB file called "cd6eae8ab7e8daf3.bundle". I expect that the stems are probably in there. Bunch of gibberish in it which is probably the audio data, followed by some XML that gives a big long list of sound files, including a set of files with names like "MUS_LP_GuiltyAlltheSame_Stinger_Guitar_02.wav" and "MUS_LP_GuiltyAlltheSame_Bass_022814.wav" so yeah, this is probably it.
I like the idea of this, however I love music videos and this is not. Music Videos are an underrated artistic medium. Plus i hate that because i'm a Mac user and my video game consoles of choice are Nintendo and Sony, I'm left out of this entirely. so F this.
The band have always prided themselves in making good videos in the past and it's not like they've sworn off music videos forever. Think of this as a kind of break from the norm.