> Martin Garrix plays new song featuring Linkin Park -> ~250 people online. > Linkin Park announces new artist line of condoms -> ~600 people online. I mean it's obvious what Linkin Park should do from here on out.
I'm disappointed the Blackout edition doesn't have my ATS-era podcast lyrics of "I PUSH YOU BACK DOWN, COCK OUT, CUM IN YOUR EYE" line.
Well, f*ck new T-Shirt designs, then! I mean: It always occurred to me that the only thing missing from the extensive collection that is the LPA Store are Linkin Park-themed contraceptives! Do it!
Just go through the responses on these: https://twitter.com/LPAssociation/status/715817012170256384 https://twitter.com/LPAssociation/status/715886553931841536 https://twitter.com/mikeshinoda/status/715949719218827264 https://www.facebook.com/LPAssociation/posts/1007227405981268
My god, I've never laughed so hard from anything from this site and I've been coming to this site from the begining. Well done!!!