Linkin Park and Friends Celebrate Life in Honor of Chester Bennington - Stream Details + Discussion

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. #21

    Foreshadowed_LP Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    Amazing show from start to finish, it had everything; tears, laughter, power, emotion, old songs, a new song, live debuts of songs and cover songs... it was such a spectacle to watch and I loved every minute of it. My love for the band is always at an all-time high but tonight it has soared even more, so much respect and admiration for them right now. Also, thank you to Talinda, the sponsors that put this on and the other artists that featured tonight, you all made the night so special.

    Mike nailed every song he sung on and the crowd were great for the 3 hours they stood up and sung for. This was the perfect way to honour the Legendary man that is Chester Bennington, he would no doubt be rocking out and yelling at the top of his lungs in the sky at how awesome the tribute show really was.

    Whatever the future holds for Linkin Park, I am so proud to be a part of this LP fanbase and this LP family, it is truly humbling and incredible and has been a big part of my life and I'm sure will continue to be in the future, love you all.
    Abel, Ree, minuteforce and 2 others like this.
  2. #22

    LPChris LP Fan Since 8/2001

    May 2, 2010
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    "Looking For An Answer" was beautiful. And I cried when Mike sang "One More Light."

    There's an emptiness tonight
    A hole that wasn't there before
    And I keep reaching for the light
    But I can't find it anymore

    There's an emptiness tonight
    A heavy hand that pulls me down
    They say it's gonna be alright
    But can't begin to tell me how

    And I ask myself outloud, have I been lost all along?
    Was there something I could say or something I should not have done?
    Was I lost all along?
    Was I looking for an answer when there never really was one?
    Was I looking for an answer when there never really was one?

    Is there sunshine where you are?
    The way there was when you were here
    Cuz I'm just sitting in the dark
    In disbelief that this is real
    In disbelief that this is real

    Have I been lost all along?
    Was there something I could say or something I should not have done?
    Was I lost all along?
    Was I looking for an answer when there never really was one?
    Was I looking for an answer when there never really was one?

    And I ask myself outloud, have I been lost all along?
    Was there something I could say or something I should not have done?
    Was I lost all along?
    Was I looking for an answer when there never really was one?
    Was I looking for an answer when there never really was one?
    HeyItsStephanieS likes this.
  3. #23

    Dannyc Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2017
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    When they started playing the old stuff i completely broke down, so much emotion, pain, anger, sadness. This band their music truly represents my life. The failures, the depression, the anxiety, the anger, pain, and everything else of my life is all in their music, there is such emotional connection especially with the old stuff.
    HeyItsStephanieS likes this.
  4. #24
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Looking for an Answer.

    There's an emptiness tonight
    A hole that wasn't there before
    And I keep reaching for the light
    But I can't find it anymore

    There's an emptiness tonight
    A heavy hand that pulls me down
    They say it's going to be alright
    But can't begin to tell me how

    And I ask myself out loud
    "Have I been lost all along?"
    Was there something I could say
    or something I should not have done?
    Was lost all along?
    Was I looking for an answer when there never really was one
    Was I looking for an answer when there never really was one

    Is there sunshine where you are?
    The way there was when you were here
    Cause I'm just sitting in the dark
    In disbelief that this is real
    In disbelief that this is real

    "Have I been lost all along?"
    Was there something I could say
    or something I should not have done?
    Was lost all along?
    Was I looking for an answer when there never really was one?
    Was I looking for an answer when there never really was one?

    And I ask myself out loud
    "Have I been lost all along?"
    Was there something I could say
    or something I should not have done?
    Was lost all along?
    Was I looking for an answer when there never really was one?
    Was I looking for an answer when there never really was one?
  5. #25

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Thank you for posting the lyrics!

    Amazing show, couldn't really ask for any set better than that! Was shocked they played Rebellion but it made sense with SOAD coming.

    Also was surprised they didn't play either GATS or FM but I understand it and I am not complaining at all. I love the set list they came up with and I'm super glad they threw in The Catalyst at last minute! They did throw us for a lot of surprises and that was really cool.
    Iopia likes this.
  6. #26
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    This was a really soulful and uplifting tribute. Energetic, emotional... just the way Chester would've wanted.

    RIP Chester. Your absence lingers but LP and the fans will carry this for you.
    Agent likes this.
  7. #27

    Krizlinkin Active Member

    Feb 25, 2015
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    That was such a beautiful gig. Loved every minute of it. That start with Robot Boy / The Messenger / Iridescent and Roads Untravelled was so incredible. Mike singing One More Light and Looking For An Answer was so touching. And that Chester’s speech at his last gig about love, and then straight to Iridescent again. Wow. The guys were so amazing, I’m glad they did this. Although I cried a lot, I laughed and smiled a lot too. LP is never whole without Chester, but this really proved how amazing they are. Can we take a moment to appreciate their geniousness and especially Mike’s amazing singing :) Thanks LP <3
    Ree likes this.
  8. #28

    annie New Member

    Sep 11, 2017
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    After that show I realized how powerful Chesters voice was 'cuz almost no one came even close to Chester's level, Chester's energy and Chester's connection with fans. I really don't wont to be rude, but some songs were not very good performed, but the thought is what matters the most, so even with all that imperfections show was amazing. I missed tinniest things and moments, like part of the papercut when Chester and Mike would hold together and sang '' When the sun goes down''.
    I'm also positive if they continue they will need new vocalist, it was more than obvious Mike was the most comfortable when he was rapping, that's what he was born to do.
    But that being said, I loved the show and I love all 5 of them so much and will support whatever they decide.
    I never thought my heart could hurt that much, but yet here I am, still hurting... It's like I was waiting the whole time for Chester appear on that stage, and when New divide started I just broke down completely.
    Alexrednex likes this.
  9. #29

    BTorio Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I don't think it's reason to think they're considering not continuing, more along the lines of who are they gonna tour with, what will a new album look like, etc.
  10. #30

    Filip god break down the door LPA Contributor

    May 23, 2012
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    This was a breathtaking tribute, rest in peace you absolute legend.
    Sasuke and Ree like this.
  11. #31

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    This show solidified in my mind that the band should definitely continue as a five-piece. They've shown they can honor Chester's memory and also rework the songs into something new and fitting.

    Chester would've been so fucking proud. That Robot Boy/The Messenger/Iridescent medley going into Roads Untraveled. That gorgeous rendition of Nobody Can Save Me. That heartbreaking performance of One More Light. That preview of what is possibly to come in Looking For An Answer.

    It has been a rough journey, but there's very clearly a love for the music within the rest of the band. I'm confident they'll keep Chester's memory alive the way he would've wanted, with them breaking new barriers and expanding the definition of what Linkin Park is, can be, and will be.
    Avo, Rocky, Abel and 5 others like this.
  12. #32

    alee87 Active Member

    Jun 15, 2012
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    I eventually broke down when they started the A Light that never comes chorus cuz this is my favourite song alongside catalyst.

    Also what broke me was when they synchronised the New Divide performance with their instruments, that's when it was clear that Lp is nothing without Chester and that Mike can't carry the burden on his shoulders alone. They'll need a new loud vocalist but...easier said than done.

    Makes sense when at the end he said he's still not sure where the band will go. They have a lotta future planning to do.
    Harlz and annie like this.
  13. #33

    iamsatan Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Just got home from the show, wow what an emotional roller coaster, I cried, I laughed, at times I couldn't sing along, other times I was yelling. I fucking broke down as Mike sang "Looking For An Answer" what a beautiful song. I don't know how Mike was able to up there and kill it the whole show, what a fucking champ. I fucking love Linkin Park.
    CannaKippers, Abel, Ree and 1 other person like this.
  14. #34

    Sasuke Modern Prog enjoyer LPA Super Member

    May 22, 2012
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    WOW that was amazing! :)
  15. #35

    Alexrednex Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    Watching this really put into perspective how much of a singer Chester was.

    I don't have words for it.

    Loved watching it all.

    Listening to Papercut live without Chester just feels so... empty.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2017
    annie likes this.
  16. #36

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    I've posted this on reddit few days ago about speculating if the band would debut a new song for Chester. It seems my speculation was really true.

    Attached Files:

  17. #37

    SuperDude526 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    I don't think any of us were saying that exactly, but that it sounds like Mike is just as unsure as the rest of us whether moving forward means continuing Linkin Park, pressing onward as a new identity altogether (like continuing LP as FM or something), etc.
  18. #38

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    What a rollercoaster of emotions! It was even harder than I imagned it to be although I promised myself to celebrate life and Chester's legacy. It was a constant reminder that he was gone, I kept searching for him on stage expectng him to suddenly appear :( First song that got me was Numb with that empty microphone, OML which was expected but ITE destroyed me. I cried so much, expecting them to hug each other and listen to the audience singing :( The only guests who sounded really good are Sykes, Machine Gun Kelly and the one who sang TTM and BS. Mike sounded so broken and his voice was trembling until OML passed but I can only imagne how hard it was :( I admire them and Talinda for being able to even get up on the stage.
  19. #39
    Chris loves LP

    Chris loves LP Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    For me, this event showed that these songs deserve to be played live. For this reason alone I hope they continue as Linkin Park.
  20. #40

    Alexrednex Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    On a side note, Mike has never sounded better singing live.
    Hearing him on the bridge of The Catalyst brought me to tears.

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