I downloaded the free RealOne Player from the official Real Player site. (Its hard to find but yes there is a basic free version). Just make sure when you install it that you do NOT click yes to real player taking over your files. Read everything closely because trust me, RealOne will become the default player for all media types if you dont choose against it.
I think this is kind of off topic but I have the LB album since yesterday and it sounds awsome but nothing compared to LP.
I downloaded the free RealOne Player from the official Real Player site. (Its hard to find but yes there is a basic free version). Just make sure when you install it that you do NOT click yes to real player taking over your files. Read everything closely because trust me, RealOne will become the default player for all media types if you dont choose against it. [/b][/quote] I went to download the newest version and it told me I already had it. I restarted my computer and they still won't play on MTV.com. I'm listening to the 6 on the limpbizkit player now. So far i've only heard Red Light, Green Light(which is horrible) and Behind Blue Eyes(which is awesome) I'll defidently be buying this album. I've always liked limpbizkit's non-rap heavy side. I think Fred has a great screaming voice. Hopefully i'll get it within the first week it's out.
No, LB strives on attention. Fred is a media whore. Instead of trying to be just another whinny, emotional rock band out there... they should have changed their style to something else. Your music style will evolve in a couple of years and LB will be a thing of the past. End of story.
they've matured, like fred said, u'll either love this album, or hate it, hint the title 'Results May Vary'
Somebody has probably said it already, but youcan listen to them all at MTV>com...all the songs off of Results May Vary
Uh, really, you should read THE TOP OF THE PAGE. Sheez. I think LB is alright, so I may get their album if my parents let me.
and you couldn't tell WHY they suck? just because they haven't show their selfs in 2 years(?) doesn't mean they are sold out. if LP was going to take a break for 2years, would you have saying the same thing? and i think you didnt hear any song of RMV you should!
it came out in italy on friday, and japan today i think, thats how the retail versions of mp3s were leaked, they wernt leaked, the cd had been bought and uploaded http://limpclub.com
yeah, parts go 'your so dumb, with your big dumb face and your big dumb ego' wes's new band is called big dumb face 'what hurt so much is that i belived you to be a true friend' its really a quite heavy / heartaching song by fred