This will have to be how we say goodbye to Hybrid from now on... Hybrid: i gotta go for now. catch you guys later Nish: Seeya! Have fun doing Hybrid things Liz: Bye, Hybrid .Amanda.: bye PINKY Nish: and the Brain .Amanda.: One is a genius Nish: The other's insane .Amanda.: they're laboratory mice Nish: their genes have been spliced Nish: they're pinky .Amanda.: and the brain brain brain brain Nish: braaaaiiin (that's the limit of my knowledge here ) .Amanda.: There's another verse! .Amanda.: Learn it! .Amanda.: NARF! Nish: I'M WATCHING IT ON YOUTUBE NOW Nish: PATIENCE Liz: o.o Nish: Before each night is done Liz: Wtf..? xD .Amanda.: their plan will be unfurled! Nish: By dawning of the sun .Amanda.: they'll take over the world! Nish: They're pinky and the brain .Amanda.: yes pinky and the brain Nish: Their twilight campaign .Amanda.: is easy to explain Nish: To prove their mousey worth .Amanda.: they'll overthrow the earth Nish: They're dinky .Amanda.: they're pinky Nish: and the brain, brain, brain, brain .Amanda.: NARF!!!
Amanda: We're showing a movie called "Boner" It's just a slideshow of pictures of Scarlett Johansson.
Gloomy Mushroom Don't knock the jelly brah Joe What is jelly brah? Nish I believe in organic jelly, so I make my own Gloomy Mushroom You're just jelly of the jelly Joe Joe Is it a new type of jelly? Amanda When I hear people say/type "brah" I automatically imagine them stoned off their face and as a 45 year old man with a beard
Joe - Here's what you do, Liz... Ree - This will involve a penis... Joe - Rent an ostrich. Ride it naked into her bedroom at 4AM whilst holding a whip screaming "I AM THE LIZARD QUEEN" Ree - or nudity...yep. Joe - The ostrich is wearing a strap-on penis. Joe - BOOM
Kacy: SERIOUSLY Nish: . minuteforce: WHAT KIND OF LP FAN ARE YOU? Kacy: SERIOUSLY Night of Neptune: WITH* Kacy: SERIOUSLY Kacy: THORIUM Melis: INCREDIBLE Kacy: I MEAN Night of Neptune: YOU SHOULD BE DISGUSTED BY YOURSELF Kacy: I JUST minuteforce: SO THANKLESS Kevin: WE COULD HAVE FILLED AN ENTIRE ARCHIVE PAGE WITH therealvstar: i dunno what you's were doin lol Zakaria: WE WERE ON AN EPIC ROLL Melis: WE HAD SO MUCH FUN! Kacy: ALL CAPS EVERYTHING. Liz: CCCCCCOOOOMMMBBOOOOOO BREAKEEEEER Night of Neptune: UNBELIEVEABLE. Kacy: THE RUINER OF THINGS. minuteforce: EVER Melis: YOU ARE TO BLAME MAN! Kacy: LOOK AT YOU Nish: EVER Nish: RUINED EVERYTHING Nish: RUINED IT Zakaria: GODDAMNIT DUDE. minuteforce: Kacy: KILL THE BLASPHEMER. Nish: Kacy: COMBO BREAKER. Kevin: therealvstar: is everyone waiting for a response from me? ill call it a night i think, have fun with that look on your faces lol Nish: Kevin: Melis: . minuteforce: Zakaria: Kacy: Nish: Night of Neptune: Night of Neptune: Liz: Melis: minuteforce: Zakaria: Nish: Kacy: Kevin: minuteforce: Melis: . Nish: Zakaria: Kacy: Zakaria: Nish: Melis: minuteforce: Kacy: Kevin: Liz :. Nish: Zakaria: Kacy: Night of Neptune: Zakaria: Melis: . Kevin: minuteforce: Liz: Nish: minuteforce: Zakaria: Kevin: Melis: Zakaria: Liz : . Nish: minuteforce: Melis: ... minuteforce: Kacy: Zakaria: Nish: Kevin: Kacy: minuteforce: Liz: Melis: Nish: I think it's spelt 'Sarchasm' Kacy: minuteforce: Kacy: Huh? Liz: Exactly