I'm not sure about the title. It was unnamed when I wrote it this summer (and subsequently abandoned it XD). Italics are echoes. Please comment, cookies and jellybeans to all who do. --- Watching the buildings pass me by I think about all that has changed To get me here Walking away I’m running I’d like to call it moving on But inside I know that it’s more like Running away from it all From you I don’t want to dwell on the terms that caused me To pack up and leave our home But I want you to know Haven’t you realised I will miss you Missing you already Moving on Running away Walking the distance So many ways to put it The point is I am leaving I won’t be here when you wake up I won’t be here in the evening I’m not going to kiss you goodnight Goodbye I’ve come to the point Where it is move on Or walk away The choice is mine You are the factor Boarding the plane with the others I await your phone call Telling me you care I want to know someone cares And you won’t let me go Please don’t let me go I look out of the plane window Past the sun Is there someone on the tarmac Waving at me Or is it just another hallucination Calling me back I wonder that if in five to ten years I will return To this God-forsaken place To you Rest worldly eyes on a deserted wasteland And cry for old friends And cry for broken dreams Cry for the former city of hope Cry for the friends that meant so well Cry for the many chances I had with you Leaving, moving, running, deserting Crying, wondering, hoping, wishing Hating, detesting, loathing, resenting So many feelings run through me So little time So many things I can do Couldn’t do And as I run out of the plane Into your arms I realize that this is my home And you say the words that have never before passed your lips I’m sorry And all is right For you and me
Just beautiful............................ It started off a bit shakey, i wasn't really getting into it, but from the start of the plane bit i loved it. Great work.
I liked it. For some reason I felt it should have ended with "For now...", but what do I know. Great job as usual.
There are bits I like and bits I don't, the way it's set out is well done, and the additional theme of confusion put into it is great, but the beginning of it carries a wrongful meaning which categorises feelings and actions into two corners instead of reasoning. However, the end of that makes up for it, it holds its own beauty and intensity, I can tell that you'll get better in time as you write from deeper thoughts. Nice job.