Not anymore. 6.99 now. I'd personally like to see an artist sell an album for .99 for more than just the release date. THAT would be a true "revolution".
Gaga is the most rediculously liberal spaced out bs ideology person I can think of. Most of its for publicity, but still. That being said, the only song I like is Just Dance, and Red One made the song, not her.
It's not even worth the torrent, or YouTube streaming for that matter. The only good that the album has done for me is bring me some lulz with "Born This Way" getting stuck in my head after hearing "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" during a sermon. Otherwise it's mostly the same old typical underwhelming dance pop that she churns out. But I guess it's better that she does that instead of branching out, the faux-Curesque vibe on Bloody Mary is just terrible.
As long as we're talking about pop singers, I'll see your Lady Gaga and raise you a KENNY FUCKING LOGGINS: [youtube]jwL5xmhJejQ[/youtube] DANGER ZOOOOOOOOOONE!
Revolution how? Radiohead has been putting out free albums for like 4 years. Trent Reznor has given us an album and an EP for free.
That's the one I really liked. [video=youtube;YYPZv-1bW_E][/video]
In the sense that you could go to a music store (LOL) and buy an album for under a dollar. I'm assuming that's what Derek meant. Fact is, their digital albums are free, but they encourage you to still buy the full priced album. Not that it's not worth it in those cases, lots of extra swag. But still.