That is one of the most inconsiderate, nasty and uncalled for responses i have ever seen. How can you find someone being diagnosed wth breast cancer funny? That's just wrong. You should be glad you're getting off with just a warning. I for one wish her a speedy recovery.
That is one of the most inconsiderate, nasty and uncalled for responses i have ever seen. How can you find someone being diagnosed wth breast cancer funny? That's just wrong. You should be glad you're getting off with just a warning. I for one wish her a speedy recovery. [/b][/quote] Amen to that...i've had family members die because of it. I should really punch you for saying that! Hope that Kylie gets better!
These days there are a lot of people with cancer and much of them recover. I also wish Kylie a quick recover. LPgirl_90: I think that is quite heartless to say.
Amen to that...i've had family members die because of it. I should really punch you for saying that! Hope that Kylie gets better! [/b][/quote] wow, double amen to that. LPgirl_90, I hope you're going to regret what you just said.
according to sources, it was caught early so hopefully recovery will not be as bad. i wish her all the best and that she recovers well.
LP_girl_90, you're disgusting, I cannot believe you find this so funny. I'm glad they found it in an early state. I really hope she'll be ok soon.
Although I find her music none appealing, I do not wish her to be harmed in anyway. I don't feel a person should think in such a manner.
Don't worry, the day you'll be getting lung cancer will be the same day I'll be throwing a party for it.
Well, how about we just ban her for such an inconsiderate remark? I certainly don't want anyone like that on my forums, that's downright disgusting. You better do some explaining LPGirl, cause being an unadmitted fan of Kylie's music (hey its catchy) and seeing such an unhuman remark from you, is making me want to ban you right now. To heck with the three chances, you're not human if you can make a remark like that.
Honestly,LPGirl,that was a really really lame and nasty thing to say. :angry: Hopefully Kylie will recover.
Linkin Park fans... -_- [/b][/quote] FanS? More like 'fan'. I'm a LP fan too. But just because I maybe don't like Kylie's music that much and I'm a Linkin Park fan,doesn't mean that I say nasty things about her on the net.