
Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Disenchanted, Feb 26, 2008.

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  1. #1

    Disenchanted The Black Parade is Dead! LPA Super Member

    Aug 15, 2006
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    ...fo' sho'.

    I'm leaving this place. For real. I'm not going to come crawling back after 12h because I have nothing better to do, because believe it or not, I have a life. *cue dramatic gasps in the background*

    I haven't been feeling comfortable around this place lately, yeah, this is the internet, whatever, it's not REAL, I KNOW, guys. I just don't like it here anymore.
    I'm sorry, Derek, but lately, I've felt like you've based your decisions on what makes the 'popular' people happy, and not on what's right.
    I'm thoroughly disappointed with more than a handful of the members, and the Modfather.

    One last thing: Friskey, if Derek thought about what was right, he'd have banned you long ago. There's only one second chance, not five or ten.

    Goodbye, everyone! Might see you around sometime. If anyone wants to talk to me, add me on MSN or whatever, just ask Marj, Tim or Daniel for my address. :p

    Thanks to everyone else for almost two fun intrawebz years! Love you, guys.

    "...Question everything
    Or shut up and be a victim of authority."

    Good riddance!
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2008
  2. #2

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    Bye JD, and bye everyone else. Sorry... again. hahaha.
  3. #3
    Messy Marj

    Messy Marj LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Apr 19, 2004
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    Bye baby, I know you made the right decision by leaving. If you don't feel good around here anymore then it's all for the best. I'm definitely going to miss all your posts, but luckily there's always msn! *dance*

    I agree with your post. This is not real, it is only the internet, but it's a second home for most members and if it doesn't feel good anymore then it is actually hurting inside and it's better to leave. I've been thinking about leaving too, for a while. It's not because some members need to losen up, no, it's the ambiance around here lately. I think I'm still hanging around here because I'm hoping things will change, things will get handled fair.

    Bye hunny. :hug:
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2008
  4. #4

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Sucks you guys are leaving, but I understand. Going to miss your LPA
    silliness. :lol:

    :hug: :kiss:

    I'm with Marj on this. I might stick around, might not. Not that anyone
    cares. :lol:
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2008
  5. #5

    INK12Many Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2007
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    sorry you feel this way, but its your decision and even though i dont know you in anyway, and been barely here for a while. all I can say is a Live full True life :p
  6. #6

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    This happened like.. 4 years ago :lol: Dont know if some remember. Alot of people suddenly left.

  7. #7

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I'm out too.

    Same as JD, if you want my MSN, ask someone.
  8. #8

    Friskey™ LPA Super Member LPA Addict

    Nov 17, 2004
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    Bye. :wave:
  9. #9
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Bye Will, bye JD.

    I didn't really know you two, put I've enjoyed the presence I've seen. Shame you have to go.
    May your post RIP.
  10. #10

    Iain i am a sloth LPA Super Member

    Mar 22, 2007
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    Oh. My. God. Everyone's deciding to leave at once. Wow.
    Everyone that's leaving:
    :hug: Even though I'm not really that well aquainted with all of you, I'll miss all of you.
  11. #11
    Messy Marj

    Messy Marj LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Apr 19, 2004
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    I'm gonna miss you!
  12. #12

    Arlene Oh what tangled webs we weave LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Bye JD, I hope that everything with you goes all right, with your boyfriend and whatnot. We never talked much, but hey, it was always good to see the regular's posting. If you ever need some advice or anything you can get my MSN from Daniel or from my profile. <3

    To you too, Will, you're a great guy, and I'm really going to miss your posts. You always made me laugh, and made me swoon with your cute face. Take care of yourself. :hug:

    EDIT: Christ, and Dean too. You know I think you're a dear. I'll miss seeing you too, but there's always MSN.

    If I forgot to mention anyone, I am very sorry. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2008
  13. #13
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    To everyone who is deciding to leave I would like to apologize for the 'mood' that has existed on these boards as of late, and the recent turn of events that have led to many of our greatest forum members deciding it is time to take a break or permanently leave the forums for good.

    Truth be told I love you all, and I would never want to see anybody go because of the fact you feel that we are no longer doing our jobs properly, or enforcing the rules as tightly as we should be. The reason we have become a little more lax as of recentely is due to public opinion that we have become 'too strict', and had a false reputation of banning or warning our members over the tiniest of things. While this statement is completely untrue in regards to how our forum used to be run, I feel as a result of our attempt to be 'friendlier' in our jobs, we have granted certain members too many chances and worried more about how a banning would come back against us, rather than doing our jobs as moderators and enforcing the rules as they are meant to be enforced.

    Therefore, as a result of certain people I consider our best friends deciding to leave these boards, I would like to announce that we will now approach all members with the same treatment, and warn/ban people as is appropriate whenever they are in direct violation of the rules because it is our job to do so. We need to keep the peace on these forums, and anytime someone breaks that peace, appropriate action must be taken and I promise from this point on we will do so.

    So for everyone who has (no pun intended JD <3) become disenchanted with these forums as of late, I would like to formally apologize to all of you and ask you all to please come back and give our forums a second chance. As the co-owner of The Linkin Park Association, I take full responsibility for any of the faults I might of had as a moderator, and understand your complaints fully. Your voices have not gone unheard, and we will do whatever we can to make sure this place is the same, great, enjoyable forum it was a year ago.

    I thank you for voicing your concerns, and pray for your timely return to the LPA. I love you all :).
  14. #14

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I don't know how some members expect people like me to have any idea about the personal crap going on between members off the forums which makes its way onto the forums.

    Perhaps if you used the "report a post" or PM functions then some of us would have a clue what's going on, but other than that there's nothing I can do. Derek may be a little more plugged in to the life of the forums, but you can't expect him to come back and do a basic little summary for us at the end of the day.

    Additionally, the feedback forums are there for a reason if you want to complain about something. Making thinly veiled and overly dramatic goodbye posts as you run away from any sort of correspondence is a very poor way of going about finding solutions.

    To me, this is just another one of those monthly leaving posts made by someone looking for attention and trying to kick up a big stink in the process.

    You can't solve problems this way, and if someone is going to go about it this way then I have no time for them.
  15. #15

    Joeverflow It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Exactly, Mark. Just like you, and probably like most of the staff, I have no idea what normally causes these situations to occur. I'm not up on the happenings of the members off the boards, and the relationship problems that come up, all I see are these fights and leaving posts that seem to appear every week it seems as of recently. How, as staff, are we supposed to keep track of who's fell out with who and who's pissed off at the LPA and why? Like Mark said, there's a feedback forum, and contrary to what some people may think, we care about what you have to say about the site and how we run it. People can't expect us to know what's going on, if you have a problem then report it. Making these goodbye threads doesn't really resolve anything & they never will. Like Mark said, it's not a solution, it just makes things worse and doesn't help us get to the root of any problems people may have personally with each other or the site.
  16. #16

    Andrea best friends. LPA Addicted VIP

    Dec 12, 2002
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    Most certainly true to a degree.
  17. #17
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    As much as I don't view this as an 'attention seeking post' necessarily, I will have to follow up on two things Mark said, as I whole heartedly agree with them:

    Anytime you happen to have a personal issue with any of the members here in which you feel cannot be resolved on your own, please take the time out to PM one of the moderators here and we will do what we can to handle it to the best of our abilities and in a timely fashion. Due to the LPA being a very large forum, we cannot catch everything all the time and thus must remind everyone of the "report a post" button which is located in the 'member information' column of every post, that is intended to be used to alert moderators to troublesome posts, or violations of our forum's policies and procedures.

    We here at LPA want to make this as enjoyable of a place as possible, but we cannot do it without your help. Therefore I must please ask for you all to do your part by reporting any posts you find offensive, sending us a PM in regards to anytime you have an extreme conflict with a member, and letting us know in feedback if there is anything we ever need to change.

    There is simply no way we can be aware of anything that is going on, unless we are notified first, and that's where all of you come in.
  18. #18

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    I'm a good boy because I report posts that I think might be bad. :):p

    I've gotta agree with Mark 100% though.
  19. #19
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I am going to close this thread to prevent things from escalating any further.

    As I, and several other admins/moderators have stated: Please take advantage of this forum's PM feature and send one of us a message if you ever have any situations on here that you feel need to be resolved, or use our forum's report a post feature. We are here to help you, and therefore please do not be afraid to contact us whenever a problem arises.
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