Kanye Sticks it to Bush

Discussion in 'Other Music' started by 越南, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. #41

    Paul The Ultimate Victory LPA Super Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    I think the media and public look for anything to blame Bush. Its quite humourous.
  2. #42

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    This isn't just anything. It's the biggest natural disaster to hit American soil in history. The slow acting on the part of the government while they made other things a priority has lead to the deaths of hundreds and possibly thousands. Someone has to be held accountable for being so unprepared and ill-equipped to deal with something that had been warned about for weeks.

    Sure, you may have a point if this was another circumstance. But this is drastic.
  3. #43

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Mark, you do realize that his choice for Chief Justice was the same as his choice for Justice, correct? Sandra O'Connor's term is now continued until Bush can find a replacement for her. It's not like he had to re-research John Roberts again. The actual act of him nominating Roberts to the position as Chief Justice, as Omar was speaking about, takes seconds.

    ...and, yes, I know what a Justice can and cannot do. Please tell me you're not implying that Bush actually had an inkling of Hurricane Katrina when he was researching Roberts. Are you telling me he's psychic?

    Edit: Omar, no I do not. It's like saying, do you think it's rude of Bush to eat a sandwhich while others are dying? The man has to continue his status as president and do his job. I do lots of things while people are dying, but since when does that make me rude or insensitive? And all he did was change Robert's nomination from Justice to Chief Justice, as I already said... how is that rude?

    And, you're right... the process of researching candidates takes time. Mind telling me how Bush could have used that time predicting Hurricane Katrina coming when no meteorologist in the entire world could do that? No one knew about the hurricane that far in advance. Bush already nominated Roberts long before the hurricane was even a glimmer, and all he had to do was change his nomination to chief justice.

    Personally, I think your insinuation of the Lousiana officials taking Bush to the Supreme Court is silly and petty. Do you honestly think that was what was going through his mind -- 'oh no, I better sign this paper in all of the two seconds it takes so I can get my buddy on the court in time for the Lousiana officials to charge me'? Like a case like that would even get to the Supreme Court.

    Ander: See my above comments. [/b][/quote]
    I believe it's the President's job to save lives if he can. Perhaps that is where we differ.

    I'm not going to squabble with you any further, since it's obvious to me that your on the minority side of this argument. America is not happy with Bush's effort in Hurricane Katrina and neither am I.

    And you know, if you had a suffering relative down there, your ass would be singing a completly different tune.
  4. #44

    Mcnasty Y2K

    Apr 17, 2003
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    What Kanye really needs to do is stop drving his Bentleys, stop charging people $800,000 for a beat, and to step out of his $4 million dollar mansion and go do something to help the people in New Orleans. [/b][/quote]
    Did you donate money?
  5. #45

    Ant Ambient

    Dec 10, 2004
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    I believe it's the President's job to save lives if he can. Perhaps that is where we differ.

    I'm not going to squabble with you any further, since it's obvious to me that your on the minority side of this argument. America is not happy with Bush's effort in Hurricane Katrina and neither am I.

    And you know, if you had a suffering relative down there, your ass would be singing a completly different tune. [/b][/quote]
    Oh please, don't give me that self-righteous bullcrap.

    And, if the minority opinion didn't matter we wouldn't have a government to begin with. If you didn't vote for Bush in the last election, you're in the minority... does that mean your opinion shouldn't matter? No it doesn't, and I'm sure almost every member of this extremely liberal forum would say the exact same thing.

    If I had a "suffering relative" down there, I wouldn't have a different tune, so don't imply or assume that I would. I know numerous people that live in New Orleans, and had numerous friends who lived there. Luckily, they are all OK. So, before you go on pointing your finger of accusation, think.

    Oh, and about the president saving lives: I don't differ with that opinion. But you never said what he should have done... all I'm saying is you have to give the mayor and govenor equal or more blame than Bush is getting.
  6. #46
    Todd Faced

    Todd Faced FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    The governor is low on the totem pole of political power. The mayor is even lower. Baiscally, they do not have the authority to send a single troop or government agencey into the area. The best they can do is request help from private organizations (Red Cross, ect) which they did, and ask Bush to send in help, which again, they did, only to be ignored by that dumbass. The mayor and governor did everything that they legally could to save as many lives as possible. It was Bush who waited nearly a week to get federal aid in, and that's Bush's fault and only Bush's fault.
  7. #47

    Ant Ambient

    Dec 10, 2004
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    Oh, they don't have the authority to send a single trooper, no... but they have the authority to request it. You do realize that they never requested military aide until well after the storm, correct?

    And, the mayor and govenor both have a fairly large amount of power. Larger than you think, in fact. They could have ordered public transportation for the poor and needy, but they didn't. I can think of a good idea of what they could've used, too...


    Too bad they didn't excersize the power that they did have, and instead put the blame on the easiest target available.

    For the National Guard to get involved before the incident, the govenor or mayor needed to request it. They didn't. (You just so happened to fail to mention that part, eh?) They didn't ever once ask for help from Bush until after the storm. And, when they asked for help, Bush mobilized the military and got them into the situation as quickly as I think's possible, personally. The military isn't trained for flood training, and neither is the national guard.

    The mayor and govenor did jack crap to help their people. Louisana's government is known for being corrupt... can't say I think it's a label that isn't deserved. Tell me what the mayor and govenor did. Tell what they did... they ordered the evacuation of the city long after the actual warnings? Wow, what amazing leadership skills! :rolleyes:

    I said it in my previous post and I'll say it again: the message board here is extremely liberal. For once, how about looking at the situation from both perspectives. I never once said Bush doesn't deserve all of the blame, yet you are so quick to say "It was Bush who waited nearly a week to get federal aid in, and that's Bush's fault and only Bush's fault."

    And, for the record, it did not take nearly a week to get federal help. It took one day after the aid was requested, buddy. The situation barely even happened a week ago (August 29th). That's the government... it takes time to get things done, not everything can be fixed in a few days. 9/11 certainly wasn't.
  8. #48

    Chris. LPA Super Member Über Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    One question: For a disaster of this size, why would the Governor and Mayor have to request aid in order to get help?
  9. #49

    Ant Ambient

    Dec 10, 2004
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    They didn't have to, after it occured (which is how the government works -- that's not any President's fault). They should have asked for aid before it happened.
  10. #50

    Chris. LPA Super Member Über Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    They didn't have to, after it occured (which is how the government works -- that's not any President's fault). They should have asked for aid before it happened. [/b][/quote]
    eh, I still don't get why if this was broadcasted all over the country before it happened, why they would have to request aid before hand.
  11. #51

    Ant Ambient

    Dec 10, 2004
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    eh, I still don't get why if this was broadcasted all over the country before it happened, why they would have to request aid before hand. [/b][/quote]
    And I don't get why they wouldn't request it beforehand, no matter if it's a silly thing that's essentially required in our government or not. I mean, everyone knew it was coming, yes, but we can't do anything until it actually happens, or unless they request aid.
  12. #52

    Chris. LPA Super Member Über Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    And I don't get why they wouldn't request it beforehand, no matter if it's a silly thing that's essentially required in our government or not. I mean, everyone knew it was coming, yes, but we can't do anything until it actually happens, or unless they request aid. [/b][/quote]
    Maybe they expected the government to want to help them, without having to be asked to do it?
  13. #53

    Ander LPA VIP LPA Super VIP

    Mar 17, 2003
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    Basically, in situations such as these, there shouldn't have to be a request for aid. Aid should come without hesitance. The government was way late. Maybe they'll do better next time. Your logic is fucked like a bodily orifice in a state prison. Don't quote me, take your bullshit reasoning elsewhere, PLEASE.
  14. #54

    JJ [i cant spoll preply]: LPA Super VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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  15. #55

    Friskey™ LPA Super Member LPA Addict

    Nov 17, 2004
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  16. #56
    Omar A

    Omar A Beyond Science LPA Super Member

    Jul 9, 2003
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    Why are they douchebags? Because they have an opinion? Fuck Bush and his family, they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.

    "Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them, ~ Barbara Bush
  17. #57

    Friskey™ LPA Super Member LPA Addict

    Nov 17, 2004
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    Why are they douchebags? Because they have an opinion? Fuck Bush and his family, they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. [/b][/quote]
    Cause you knew very damn well that the celebrities are going to jump on this bandwagon as well. Admit it.
  18. #58
    Omar A

    Omar A Beyond Science LPA Super Member

    Jul 9, 2003
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    Cause you knew very damn well that the celebrities are going to jump on this bandwagon as well. Admit it. [/b][/quote]
    Why wouldn't they? It is the truth afterall.
  19. #59

    Friskey™ LPA Super Member LPA Addict

    Nov 17, 2004
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    Why wouldn't they? It is the truth afterall. [/b][/quote]
    You know what, i'm just going to shut up. Because I know if I throw my opinion out, the whole board is going to disagree and i'm going to get flamed for it, so that's enough from my mouth.
  20. #60
    Omar A

    Omar A Beyond Science LPA Super Member

    Jul 9, 2003
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    You know what, i'm just going to shut up. Because I know if I throw my opinion out, the whole board is going to disagree and i'm going to get flamed for it, so that's enough from my mouth. [/b][/quote]
    So what if the board disagrees? Fuck em. State your opinion man.

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