Kanye Sticks it to Bush

Discussion in 'Other Music' started by 越南, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. #21

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    That doesnt mean that every white man is like Lincoln.

    The funny thing about the article is, is that it doesnt say that Kanye talked to his agent to ask how much money he can donate.
  2. #22

    Ant Ambient

    Dec 10, 2004
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    Mark, I saw those pictures (the links don't work for me, but I've seen them before), and I agree... that's just ignorance. But it's not ignorance on Bush's part, it's the media's part for labeling the photographs that way -- so Kanye's comments couldn't be about that.

    I always thought Kanye was a more educated person up until a few months ago when he started making stupid comments left and right.
  3. #23

    Aaron Foundation LPA Super Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Kanye West seriously thinks everyone agrees with him straight off the bat.

    I can quote him from a Much Music interveiw: "Regular people want to have sex. Regular people believe in god..." - Kanye West. This was August of last year.

    So here's what Kanye is basically saying, because i'm still a virgin and don't want to have sex i am not a regular person. Because i don't believe in god, i'm not normal.

    So what the fuck is a regular person? Apparently it's a "Kanye West".
  4. #24
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    And exactly, like the one person said..there were people with guns down in New Orleans that's not some 'sensationalist' news myth. Bush would've been shot if he stepped anywhere near the armed 'thugs'.

    Of course, half of you would've probably been like "yay!" although we'd be stuck with Cheney which isnt any better. :lol:
  5. #25

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    It took Bush a few days to get involved with Hurricane Katrina, the worst natural disaster on American soil. It took him less than 24 hours to nominate John Roberts for Chief Justice. My respect for this man is running on empty at this point.
  6. #26

    越南 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2004
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    wow , i find that 3rd picture to actually be kinda funny..
    anyway , from the past several weeks of seeing kanye on the air and him talking about all this stuff , i've come to the conclusion that the guy is a hypocrite and conceded..
    His late album is still good though :innocent:
  7. #27
    xero agnostos

    xero agnostos Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    In his Time magazine article (and in tons of his lyrics) it's shown how he is a hypocrite; he calls it expressing all the different sides of his personality. As for the conceded thing.. he's a main-stream rapper. He can buy anything, his albums are praised, he's surrounded by yes men, and (maybe worst of all) he does produce some of the sickest beats there are at this time. Overall, I really wish he could control his childish attitude, but sometimes I do love hearing about the crazy shit that this guy does. So damn, it looks like I'm a hypocrit too :mellow: .
  8. #28

    Paul The Ultimate Victory LPA Super Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    He admitted he was a hypocrite on All Eyes On Kanye West.
  9. #29

    Ant Ambient

    Dec 10, 2004
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    How exactly can you compare nominating a justice, a simple procedure, to aiding in Hurricane relief?

    People who don't want to like him won't like him. You've already convinced yourself he's a horrible leader, no matter what.

    Personally, I think he's done bad and good... the hurricane relief I wouldn't exactly consider either way, since the local government didn't help him out at all.
  10. #30

    adelleda Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    If Kanye was so concerned about New Orleans, he should follow Sean Penn's example and buy a boat and lead the civilian rescue team.
  11. #31

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Kanye wasn't necessarily concerned about New Orleans, he was more concerned about black people in New Orleans. :lol:
  12. #32
    xero agnostos

    xero agnostos Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    Kanye wasn't necessarily concerned about New Orleans, he was more concerned about black people in New Orleans. :lol: [/b][/quote]
    He doesn't need to worry though. As you can see in this clip, even cops are thriving.


    They're probably just "finding supplies" though...
  13. #33

    Ander LPA VIP LPA Super VIP

    Mar 17, 2003
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    Kanye wasn't necessarily concerned about New Orleans, he was more concerned about black people in New Orleans. :lol:[/b][/quote]
    Also known as New Orleans.


    Saying a black man (celebrity or not, I know that's why alot of people are saying the things they do) is full of shit when he says what I can only see to be the truth, and not offer me any other truth, that's wrong.

    A white politician could've said the same thing and too many people would be behind him for

    You know how long it took the president, Red Cross, National Guard troops and FEMA to respond to Hurricane Andrew in Florida over 10 years ago? One day. That's a country, government, whatever that cares about it's people. American people. The government didn't have to cross any no fly zones, international air spaces or bitter old enemies for it to take 5 days to start helping those in need. They got stopped at the color barrier.
  14. #34

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    How exactly can you compare nominating a justice, a simple procedure, to aiding in Hurricane relief?

    People who don't want to like him won't like him. You've already convinced yourself he's a horrible leader, no matter what.

    Personally, I think he's done bad and good... the hurricane relief I wouldn't exactly consider either way, since the local government didn't help him out at all. [/b][/quote]
    Uh, no, as I stated, I had respect for Bush though I was never a fan. Being President is an extremely difficult position and I gave him credit for at least trying his best. However, his recent display of action disgusts me.

    Also, nominating a Chief Justice, being the leader of the Supreme Court for many years to come, is not a simple procedure. And even if it was a simple procedure, don't you think it could wait while thousands of people are dying, starving and looting?
  15. #35

    Ant Ambient

    Dec 10, 2004
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    How exactly is nominating a Chief Justice not a simple procedure? All the President basically has to do is nominate his candidate, and the senate has power of advice and consent to approve or deny his appointment. It's not a hard procedure at all, and vastly different from what action in Lousiana and other places affected by the hurricane would take.

    Tell me, though -- what do you propose the president does? What could he single-handidly do in the few seconds it takes to sign papers regarding nominating a chief justice that one of his aides has drawn up?
  16. #36

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Bush and his administration has been mulling over his decision for appointing the next Supreme Court judge for months. It's a very intensive process that involves alot of analysis of candidates. The Supreme Court is the highest federal court in the US, and by far the most powerful. Among other very important rights, they have the power to declare federal/state laws, and the actions of federal/state politicians, unconstitutional. Decisions made by the Supreme Court can not be appealed, and thus this makes them the very last line of justice in America. It's not nearly as simple a procedure as you think, it's actually quite important. You need someone unbaised and fair to be appointed a judge of the Supreme Court.

    Now, do I necessarily think John Roberts is a great candidate? From what I've heard, no. He's very conservative. But I don't exactly know what the other candidates had to offer either.
  17. #37

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    You don't think it looks bad that while thousands of Americans are dead or dying, he's busy trying to fill a position in the Supreme Court that has only been vacant for less than a day?

    Furthemore, the physical act of nominating isn't that complex, however, getting to the nomination takes time. Bush does not make that call alone and he does not do it on a whim. It is a calculated procedure regardless of how simple it may look.

    In addition, it is not so vastly different, as the Supreme Court will probably be handling the case when the state officials of Louisiana go up against Bush and his administration. How nice it would be for Bush to have his buddy in the chair.

    The frontpage of AOL reads "Mr. President, We're Angry" so I doubt that I'm alone on this. I'm sorry if he had to cut short his 5 week vacation to help out the struggling American. Silly me, I thought that was what Democracy was for.
  18. #38

    Ander LPA VIP LPA Super VIP

    Mar 17, 2003
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    It couldn't be that hard since they've probably been planning a replacement for years now. You gotta make these decisions early if you want like-minded people to be in power. All this has been in pocket for months probably. The hurricane to them is like a distraction from business as usual.
  19. #39

    Ant Ambient

    Dec 10, 2004
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    Bush and his administration has been mulling over his decision for appointing the next Supreme Court judge for months. It's a very intensive process that involves alot of analysis of candidates. The Supreme Court is the highest federal court in the US, and by far the most powerful. Among other very important rights, they have the power to declare federal/state laws, and the actions of federal/state politicians, unconstitutional. Decisions made by the Supreme Court can not be appealed, and thus this makes them the very last line of justice in America. It's not nearly as simple a procedure as you think, it's actually quite important. You need someone unbaised and fair to be appointed a judge of the Supreme Court.

    Now, do I necessarily think John Roberts is a great candidate? From what I've heard, no. He's very conservative. But I don't exactly know what the other candidates had to offer either. [/b][/quote]
    Mark, you do realize that his choice for Chief Justice was the same as his choice for Justice, correct? Sandra O'Connor's term is now continued until Bush can find a replacement for her. It's not like he had to re-research John Roberts again. The actual act of him nominating Roberts to the position as Chief Justice, as Omar was speaking about, takes seconds.

    ...and, yes, I know what a Justice can and cannot do. Please tell me you're not implying that Bush actually had an inkling of Hurricane Katrina when he was researching Roberts. Are you telling me he's psychic?

    Edit: Omar, no I do not. It's like saying, do you think it's rude of Bush to eat a sandwhich while others are dying? The man has to continue his status as president and do his job. I do lots of things while people are dying, but since when does that make me rude or insensitive? And all he did was change Robert's nomination from Justice to Chief Justice, as I already said... how is that rude?

    And, you're right... the process of researching candidates takes time. Mind telling me how Bush could have used that time predicting Hurricane Katrina coming when no meteorologist in the entire world could do that? No one knew about the hurricane that far in advance. Bush already nominated Roberts long before the hurricane was even a glimmer, and all he had to do was change his nomination to chief justice.

    Personally, I think your insinuation of the Lousiana officials taking Bush to the Supreme Court is silly and petty. Do you honestly think that was what was going through his mind -- 'oh no, I better sign this paper in all of the two seconds it takes so I can get my buddy on the court in time for the Lousiana officials to charge me'? Like a case like that would even get to the Supreme Court.

    Ander: See my above comments.
  20. #40

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Edit: FUCK, I lost my original post. Did you quote that, by any chance? I'm guessing no.

    You're twisting our words. Not once did I say that Bush should've had any preconceived notion that a hurricane was about to demolish an entire city in his country, but surely he could've picked a better time to nominate Roberts. Even if it would only take minutes, he still had a press conference to announce his decision. That's a good one hour and possibly more that could've been used towards making phone calls and doing everything possible in the quickest manner possible to save lives and get those poor people evacuated. Sounds miniscule, but every minute counts in a disaster like this.

    I believe I read your post wrong. I assumed you were talking about the entire process of choosing a new Supreme Court judge as a simple procedure, not just the actual signing of the documentation. Thus that's why I delved into the complexities of the nomination.

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