Kanye Sticks it to Bush

Discussion in 'Other Music' started by 越南, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. #1

    越南 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2004
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  2. #2

    Paul The Ultimate Victory LPA Super Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    What a lame attempt to promote your new album by bashing our president.

    Sorry Mr. West
  3. #3
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Yeah and he's pulling the race card which annoys the ever loving shit out of me. I already made a big post about it on the FM boards.

    Sure our president is racist...thats why he's shown visibly hugging two black girls, with a solemn/"I'm sorry" look on his face in an Associated Press photo.

    Bush might not be our best president, and yes some of the things he's done recentely have pissed me off..but at least he's doing something right with New Orleans now. We took too long to get down there, but you can blame that on the bad communication between the N.O. governor and the government. Bush seemed noticably pissed at the lack of help, commented as such and now seems to have put everything he can into fixing the mistake (40,000+ troops, 10.5 billion in relief).

    If Bush did wrong in the past, to me his efforts to turnaround the poor relief effort have been impressive. Let's just hope he keeps it up.
  4. #4

    Paul The Ultimate Victory LPA Super Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Yeah and he's pulling the race card which annoys the ever loving shit out of me. I already made a big post about it on the FM boards.

    Sure our president is racist...thats why he's shown visibly hugging two black girls, with a solemn/"I'm sorry" look on his face in an Associated Press photo.

    Bush might not be our best president, and yes some of the things he's done recentely have pissed me off..but at least he's doing something right with New Orleans now. We took too long to get down there, but you can blame that on the bad communication between the N.O. governor and the government. Bush seemed noticably pissed at the lack of help, commented as such and now seems to have put everything he can into fixing the mistake (40,000+ troops, 10.5 billion in relief).

    If Bush did wrong in the past, to me his efforts to turnaround the poor relief effort have been impressive. Let's just hope he keeps it up. [/b][/quote]

    What Kanye really needs to do is stop drving his Bentleys, stop charging people $800,000 for a beat, and to step out of his $4 million dollar mansion and go do something to help the people in New Orleans.
  5. #5
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    What Kanye really needs to do is stop drving his Bentleys, stop charging people $800,000 for a beat, and to step out of his $4 million dollar mansion and go do something to help the people in New Orleans. [/b][/quote]
    Yeah, it amuses me. Kanye acts like he's so poor still, and acts like he's entirely for the people yet he's filthy rich. Like anyone really bought the "lower class American" schtick found on the majority of Late Registration. Like you said, the man has tons of jewelry on at all times, drives expensive cars, produces beats on the side..yet he still acts like he's a poor black person.

    Here's a suggestion Kanye, why dont you auction off one of your fuckin fancy cars for charity! Or can't you part with them because you "worked so hard to get to where you are"?

    Kanye's ignorant. I think Kanye is an embarassment to African Americans (I have many black friends), as he's violently misrepresenting them in publicity stunts like this.

    Anyone notice how pissed Mike Myers was too? He didnt even read his line with enthusiasm. He sighed, and looked extremely pissed. And I would be too, Kanye's comments were uncalled for and if he thinks we're too busy to help..he should get off his ass and donate a couple million.
  6. #6

    Paul The Ultimate Victory LPA Super Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Yeah, it amuses me. Kanye acts like he's so poor still, and acts like he's entirely for the people yet he's filthy rich. Like anyone really bought the "lower class American" schtick found on the majority of Late Registration. Like you said, the man has tons of jewelry on at all times, drives expensive cars, produces beats on the side..yet he still acts like he's a poor black person.

    Here's a suggestion Kanye, why dont you auction off one of your fuckin fancy cars for charity! Or can't you part with them because you "worked so hard to get to where you are"?

    Kanye's ignorant. I think Kanye is an embarassment to African Americans (I have many black friends), as he's violently misrepresenting them in publicity stunts like this.

    Anyone notice how pissed Mike Myers was too? He didnt even read his line with enthusiasm. He sighed, and looked extremely pissed. And I would be too, Kanye's comments were uncalled for and if he thinks we're too busy to help..he should get off his ass and donate a couple million. [/b][/quote]
    I'm not racist of anything, but it really pisses me off when black people makes themselves seem like the victim all the time. Then somehow they bring up slavery that happened thousands of years ago when in reality they have no idea what they are talking about.
  7. #7
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    As much as I fear this could start up a battle on LPA I'm going to have to take your side and agree with you there Paul. So many advances in the area of civil rights have been made since the 50's and yet there is still a public opinion that black people are the victim.

    I gotta say something I've wanted to say for years and that is that we are not responsible for what our ancestors did 200 years ago. These protestors forget that it was a white person who signed the bill to abolish slavery (President Lincoln).

    Kanye forgets that it wasnt just black people who got mistreated/left waiting down in the gulf. It was black, whites, asians, jews...you name it.

    I love black people, have many as my friends..but some black people need to realize that they arent treated as badly as they claim. Racism will always exist, but large steps have been taken to make sure a black man gets a lot better treatment than he did say..50 years ago.
  8. #8

    Paul The Ultimate Victory LPA Super Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    I couldn't of said it better myself.
  9. #9
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I couldn't of said it better myself. [/b][/quote]
    I still think Myers was ready to do some Kanye slappin.
  10. #10

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    While Bush and his government officials were having press conferences, people were dying. Congress should've passed the aid bill quicker, and even had it ready for proposal before the disaster occcured. Poor planning and poor execution which has lead to the unnecessary deaths of many.

    Of course a white person signed the bill to abolish slavery, it's not like blacks were allowed to run for government positions. :p
  11. #11
    Todd Faced

    Todd Faced FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Meh, both sides need to STFU and get their ass down there and help out the people in New Orleans. Actions are stronger than words, and getting in front of a camera expressing your sorrow doesn't mean shit until you actually do something to help.
  12. #12
    Omar A

    Omar A Beyond Science LPA Super Member

    Jul 9, 2003
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    Mike Mayers face expression had me laughing all night yesterday, even when i was sleeping lol.
  13. #13

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    If Mike Meyers would've hit Kanye West like I'm sure he wanted to, that would've just been another notch in the race card that Kanye played.
  14. #14

    Ant Ambient

    Dec 10, 2004
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    Yeah and he's pulling the race card which annoys the ever loving shit out of me. I already made a big post about it on the FM boards.

    Sure our president is racist...thats why he's shown visibly hugging two black girls, with a solemn/"I'm sorry" look on his face in an Associated Press photo.

    Bush might not be our best president, and yes some of the things he's done recentely have pissed me off..but at least he's doing something right with New Orleans now. We took too long to get down there, but you can blame that on the bad communication between the N.O. governor and the government. Bush seemed noticably pissed at the lack of help, commented as such and now seems to have put everything he can into fixing the mistake (40,000+ troops, 10.5 billion in relief).

    If Bush did wrong in the past, to me his efforts to turnaround the poor relief effort have been impressive. Let's just hope he keeps it up. [/b][/quote]
    Agreed completely. I said on another message board how the federal government should take some of the blame for the situation, but most of the blame should be placed on the New Orleans and Louisiana governments. I could post all the reasons why, but it'd take far too long to, and it's midnight right now.

    I agree with some of what Bush does, and I disagree with some of what he does... I honestly don't see what more he can do right now. Hindsight's great when you have it, though, and the media sure loves to use it.

    Oh, and let's not forget the majority of New Orleans is black... so obviously the majority of looters shown are going to be black, the the majority of people stranded will be black. Just as the majority of those rescued are black.
  15. #15
    DIJ Metal

    DIJ Metal Banned

    Aug 22, 2005
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    gah why can't people in this world get along? I am a big Kanye West fan and I don't agree with what he said. I hate Bush for so many reasons and I can neither confirm nor deny that he doesn't care about black people and neither can Kanye so I don't think he should've said that if it weren't true. But I stand by Kanye on one thing you guys were talking about. Yes he is rich but he doesn't keep the money to himself (he gives to many charities I have heard of but I can't exactly remember the names right now) and he is helping the victims of hurricane Katrina he's performing in at least 1 benefit concert maybe 2 very soon.
  16. #16

    palingenesis Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    i saw this when he said that. all the people in the room i was watching it was like "holy shit." i was very happy that finally someone stepped up and said something.
  17. #17
    xero agnostos

    xero agnostos Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    I agree that the race card gets played too much and that Kanye drastically stepped over the line. I share at least 75% of the opinions Derek and Paul have shared.

    That being said, I found two quotes that made me laugh quite a bit when reading this thread:

    "Then somehow they bring up slavery that happened thousands of years ago when in reality they have no idea what they are talking about."
    -I'm pretty sure the slavery they talk about started in the 1600's. I've never personally heard someone complain about black slavery thousands of years ago, but would surely laugh my ass off if I did.

    "I think Kanye is an embarassment to African Americans (I have many black friends)"
    -Self explanatory.
  18. #18

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    But Kanye was right about the news coverage of black people. Check out these two pictures (courtesy of Gorillamask.net):

  19. #19

    Ander LPA VIP LPA Super VIP

    Mar 17, 2003
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    The "race card" is a myth. Let's dead that right now. It says "because of your skin tone/religion/nationality, I'm going to discount any/all of your opinions on problems affecting people of your skin tone/religion/nationality".

    George Bush LOVES black folks. We're great for (lack of) public relations. If he had gone to the Superdome, somebody would've shot him though. Harry Connick Jr. went, but that's cause nobody hates him. The president is doing too good a job of not being manually impeached.
  20. #20
    xero agnostos

    xero agnostos Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    But Kanye was right about the news coverage of black people. Check out these two pictures (courtesy of Gorillamask.net):

    http://www.gorillamask.net/whitefind.jpg [/b][/quote]
    I saw those before and I'll bet those pictures got someone fired. I agree with parts of what Kanye was saying, hence my 75% comment. What pushed Kanye's rant way over the line was "George Bush doesn't care about black people."

    If people think a Red Cross fundraiser is an excellent place to express political views, then that's where we disagree. I always thought it was for getting the nation together to give support to a common goal; West's comment divides people more than it unites them.

    Edit: Your links didn't work for me.. for anyone else having this problem click http://static.flickr.com/23/38725768_16c66...66eb58b.jpg?v=0

    Also, the original version of this post was a little defensive on my part; edit for content.

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