June 12, 2017 - Berlin, Germany: One More Light World Tour

Discussion in 'News' started by Kevin, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. #61

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    I mean, they are German, Derek. Give them a break :kappa:
  2. #62
    Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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  3. #63

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Isn't there some sort of phenomenon/explanation for why no crowd can do this? Think it has to do with the speed of sound and also people trying to clap along to other peoples' clapping, not the actual song.

    Could also be that Germans are notorious for being inefficient. :kappa:
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
    Modern Guitar God likes this.
  4. #64

    brady I am the LPA LPA Super Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Yeah its the speed of sound that's the issue
    Modern Guitar God likes this.
  5. #65

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    See that's where we disagree. I think SIB is one of their best songs and should never be dropped!
  6. #66

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    I'm glad that I got to see Linkin Park back in 2007 and 2008 because I love the first three albums and obviously the set was a good mix of all three albums at those shows. They only play about 11 songs from the first three albums nowadays so I likely wouldn't enjoy the show much, and the 11 songs they play don't contain a lot of my favorite songs. I think for the fans of One More Light, this set is good and the fans will have fun.
  7. #67

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I wish I saw them in 2007. First stop on the PR tour was 20 minutes from my house but I wasn't going to concerts back then :cry:

    I like One More Light personally but still feel the setlist is weak. They could do so much better.
  8. #68

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    Wow, Auburn, WA was the first date for the tour, right? I was at the San Bernardino show.

    But actually, my problem with the current setlist of songs isn't the One More Light songs at all. I mean, I do think they are playing too much of the album and should divide the time between all main albums evenly, but still. It's that they chose some of the weakest energy songs this time instead of the heavier stuff that they've done for years. I think a heavier style set like they used to do, with the One More Light songs thrown in, would be better. I think they should still be playing Papercut, One Step Closer, Crawling, In The End, Somewhere I Belong, Lying From You, Faint, Breaking The Habit, From The Inside, Numb, Given Up, Bleed It Out and What I've Done at all shows. At least play all the singles from the first three albums, maybe not all of MTM's singles, but those in particular. People say they're playing a only singles set, but not really. Technically, that would be these songs: (not including non-main album singles).

    01. One Step Closer
    02. Crawling
    03. Papercut
    04. In The End
    05. Somewhere I Belong
    06. Faint
    07. Numb
    08. From The Inside
    09. Breaking The Habit
    10. What I've Done
    11. Bleed It Out
    12. Shadow Of The Day
    13. Given Up
    14. Leave Out All The Rest
    15. The Catalyst
    16. Waiting For The End
    17. Burning In The Skies
    18. Iridescent
    19. Burn It Down
    20. Lost In The Echo
    21. Castle Of Glass
    22. Guilty All The Same
    23. Until It's Gone
    24. Final Masquerade
    25. Heavy
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2017
  9. #69

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Yes, Auburn was the first date. I was so sad I wasn't going to concerts back then. Didn't really start going to shows until College. Also, I was planning to go to the Living Things tour but the WA date was after I had left for college and the Phoenix, AZ date (where I went to college was before I got to school I believe if there was one). So I finally got to see them during THP tour which is my least favorite album of theirs (even behind OML now) but the setlist was incredible. Outside of Until It's Gone they picked the better THP songs and created the most energy you could ever have for a now LP show I believe. The show I went to started off with 10 straight bangers and never let up. I fully believe they can and should find a way to mix high energy songs with the softer, low energy songs. They don't even need to be heavy in my opinion, songs like Sorry For Now, When They Come For Me, Wretches and Kings, From The Inside,and Somewhere I Belong would do just fine. They would give more energy than what we have now. If I'm going to a rock show I'm going to want show I can rock out too. To make maters worse, when it comes to OML they aren't even playing the best songs. They need to play Sorry For Now. They need to drop Invisbile and they need to drop Heavy even though it's the lead single, plus they need to stop playing so many songs from OML in one show. Rotate the songs. I could give countless examples of artists who I have seen live who only play a 3rd or 4 songs from their new albums. If I remember right Disturbed's new album has 16 songs and they only played 4 songs from it when I saw them. That's only 1/4th of the album in one show! (More artists should take note!) They have around as many albums as Linkin Park does as well. They had great balance among albums. Linkin Park definitely needs to balance energy with non-energy and I've seen them do it before and create the best live atmosphere. In fact, until I saw Disturbed last summer, Linkin park's set during the Carnivores tour was the single handed best set (or 2nd best at worst) I have seen. 30STM ruined the concert so it wasn't the best show I have ever seen but that was the first or second best set I have ever seen an artist play at the time. I doubt I will feel the same when I see them in October. I don't hate the setlist and I think the setlist is decent it just is too mellow I feel. They need to find away to get more albums involved. Dropping Given Up was a joke. Dropping Rebellion and Final Masquarade were a joke. It's reasonable for them to play 4 songs from HT, 4 from Meteora, 4 from MTM, 3 from ATS(Blackout and/or W&K included), 3 from LT(Victimized or LGM included), 3 from THP, and 5 from OML (which is still half the album). They could do so much better and I know this because I've seen what they have done before. I have no right to complain until I see the setlist but I know it won't top when I saw them in 2014 because the setlist back then was just insane. Two more expamples I will give are when I saw the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Kenny Chesney.

    Red Hot Chili Peppers: http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/red-hot-chili-peppers/2017/keyarena-seattle-wa-5bf91b34.html (Max any album got was 3 songs. THREE. Their brand new album: THREE songs).
    Kenny Chesney (First time): http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/kenny-chesney/2015/centurylink-field-seattle-wa-4bc94f22.html (New album got 4 songs played. No other album got more than 4).
    Kenny Chesney (Second time): http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/kenny...ain-amphitheatre-chula-vista-ca-6bfc9eea.html (Max any album got was 3 songs. THREE. His brand new album: THREE songs).

    Key thing in common? Lot's of albums released. Linkin Park is getting to the point where they have so many albums they can't afford to play 7 songs from one album in a setlist and I hope they someday realize that. My favorite album of Linkin Park is actually Living Things but I would also think it would be weird if they played 7 songs live for that album. It takes away from other albums which doesn't do their whole body of work justice.

    I actually created a setlist after OML came out that I feel would work really well and it's reasonable outside of Don't Stay and the length (1 hour and 50 minutes). Here it is if you want to take a look at it: https://open.spotify.com/user/123591090/playlist/3jYLnmfJg3Pi6VlKWYJD0G
    Iopia and dontFindOutMe like this.
  10. #70

    dontFindOutMe Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    The thing I believe is that it will be hard for Chester to perform high energy set which is greater in duration than, say, 90 minutes. Also, as the band becomes old, they will be going down the more mellow route, both in the studio and live settings. Unfortunate as it is, this is the truth. I would love to be proven wrong in the future though.
    And be happy that they are performing near you. I have been waiting for LP since like 7-8 years. Still, no luck. :cry:
  11. #71

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    There are a decent amount of soft spots in my setlist but I get what you are saying.

    And you are right, I need to be aware of my surroundings and not take things for granted.
    dontFindOutMe likes this.
  12. #72

    Iopia Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Sorry but I'm not sure if I can agree actually. Sure, plenty of artists don't play much from their new album, but equally many big artists do. Just looking at rock bands I've personally seen in a similar position to LP, when I saw Muse last year the set had 6 new songs (plus 3 interludes on tape), most of which are much longer than the songs on OML (3 are over 5 minutes, of which one is over 10 minutes). The Arctic Monkeys set I got 3 years ago had 10 new songs. Avenged Sevenfold played 5 new songs, but again, most of these are much lengthier than One More Light's songs (one is over 8 minutes, and only two are under 5). Hell, U2 have been around forever and they still managed to knock out 6 new ones when I saw them a year ago. As another example of a big rock band that's been around as long as LP, I've never seen Coldplay but looking at their most recent set they played 6 new songs from an album that came out 2 years ago. These bands have 7, 5, 7, 13, and 7 studio albums respectively, and all are big names in the rock industry with big successful albums prior to the one currently being promoted.

    My point is that many big artists with a similar number of albums to Linkin Park play the same amount or more material from their new album. One More Light is 35 minutes long, they could easily play 7 songs from it in under 30 minutes. Honestly? That's not a huge amount of time to dedicate to a new album. That still leaves well over 2 thirds of the set open for older material. Anyway, this isn't a greatest hits tour, this is the One More Light tour, and I'm of the opinion that a "One More Light" show should be about One More Light, for fans who want to see One More Light. It sucks that the band can't play everything, but having 7/25 songs be from OML (only 28%!) is beyond reasonable IMO. If it were up to me I'd have them play all ten. :lol:
    brady, Avo and TobinOverflowsBest like this.
  13. #73

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Finally, someone who understands!
    brady and TobinOverflowsBest like this.
  14. #74

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    So why didn't the band do this for the Living Things tour? An album that is vastly superior in my opinion.

    Many artists go on a "Insert album name" tour and only play a few songs from that album. I understand they have been playing the older stuff for years but I don't think albums should get ignored unless under certain circumstances. ATS and THP need more representation.

    And answer me this, when have you heard of a band with that many albums playing 70% of a new album in one show? 70% is insane!

    Edit: I should not I had no problem with 6 songs from OML, they just needed to pick better songs from OML. I also have no problem with them playing OML songs in general but the overall setlist just needs to be better. If you are going to fill the setlist with a bunch of songs from OML, at least make the rest of the set energetic.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2017
  15. #75

    Dannyc Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2017
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    Nonense, how many old rock and metal bands are still around and still. Playing high energy songs when they tour? Metallica is a good example I just seen them recently and they still kick ass James hertfield is in his mid 50s and hes still rocking out, so using the whole band is getting old excuse is nonsense to me.
  16. #76

    Peeper Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Guys, honest question. How many of you actually attended some of the latest shows that you find having low energy?

    Cause I was there 3 days ago and didn't almost have time to breath.
  17. #77

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I'll be there in October and have the perfect comparison since I saw them at the Carnivores tour where they had tons of energy.
  18. #78

    Peeper Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2012
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    That's it. I don't think you can predict how much energy they will deliver based on the setlist. Now one of the highlights for example is LOATR in its rock version.
  19. #79

    Iopia Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Good question, I can't answer that. I think they absolutely should have, but they didn't. And if I remember right, a lot of us were disappointed with how little new material from that album they ended up playing. I think it was unfair to fans of Living Things to play so few new songs.

    I know. But that doesn't change to fact that I personally think that shouldn't be how it is. And like I said above, equally many bands do fairly represent their new album. Regarding fair representation of ATS and THP, I agree, but there're still 18 non-OML songs on the set, they could easily play 3 from each album and keep the 7 from OML if they wanted fairer representation. And I agree that they should do that instead of playing 4 songs from each of HT and Meteora.

    See my above post, the Arctic Monkeys played 91% of their new album at the show I went to. But fair enough, they have two fewer albums. Moving further away from maintream rock acts though, artists like Steven Wilson play 100% of their new album every night, no questions asked.

    Anyway, I think looking at the percentage of the album performed is meaningless. If the album were a 15 minute EP, I don't think anyone would have a problem with them playing 100% of it. Meanwhile, if it were a 2 hour long epic, even if they only played 30% of it it'd take up more time than what they're currently playing from OML. One of the reasons why LP can play such a high percentage of OML is because it's such a short album. I think the more important statistic is the percentage of the set dedicated to new material. Currently, that percentage is 28% (7/25). If you look at it through that lens, the percentage seems a lot more reasonable imo. :)
    Avo likes this.
  20. #80

    brady I am the LPA LPA Super Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    So first everyone complains that Linkin Park doesn't play enough songs from their newer albums for the past few album cycles, but now people complain about them playing them too much.

    Fuck, this band just can not win.
    Halfway Dwight and Avo like this.

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