"It's a Good Mix of Old and New" Linkin Park Talk New Album in Kerrang!

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Jan 18, 2012.

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  1. ernieball003

    ernieball003 Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2006
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    And fun to see.

    Anyone remember the LP3 hype after QWERTY? Chester proclaiming LP3 to be the heaviest record and reporting on how much screaming he had done in the studio? The Queen/techno/etc. piece being worked on back in 2009? This is Linkin Park we're talking about. In a few weeks we'll have a preview/interview with someone stating how the upcoming album will be their most progressive and so on and so forth.

    My guess as to incorporating the "old" would be that they're not ignoring things that were previously deemed to be "Linkin Parkified." They've grown as musicians enough to know how to know rely on the standard elements, but recognize their use as a base.
  2. Atticus

    Atticus Bullets lance the bravest lungs

    Jul 27, 2010
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    I think Mike's use of words in "it's a weird mix of perfectionism and utter chaos" perfectly describes the fan base just as much as the band. There's too many conflicting opinions among fans that are deemed "perfect". We also chaotically scrutinize and examine every little thing said by any member of the band far too much almost to the point of absurdity. Let's just be glad new music is coming out sooner than we expected!

    On topic of the album, I hope that it is an aggressive evolution of the energetic anthems they've created in the past combined with the maturity and abstract structures of the masterpieces they've recently made. Regardless, I'm sure we're all in for a tasty treat to the ears one way or another, and I can't wait for that first listen upon release.
  3. Tim

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    This is what I was thinking.

    Oh, and if you're looking to Linkin Park for masculine music, you're doing it wrong. :p
  4. JJ

    JJ [i cant spoll preply]: LPA Super VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    thanks for the scan Joe!
  5. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Beautifully said. We're getting an album potentially (keyword potentially) less than 2 years after the last album when we usually average 3-4 years. Who couldn't be excited about that? Even if this album is "decent" and not "great", the fact they are trying to stick to their goal of a new album every 2 years, is really refreshing.
  6. Andreina

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Thank you. Been a reader for a few years, just registered recently. BRING ON ALBUM 5, I HAVE NO FEAR. Lol
  7. Super Sonic

    Super Sonic The Hedgehog LPA Super VIP

    Jul 28, 2010
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    I hope by "old", Mike means more rap.

    The article was a great read and thanks for the scans. :)
  8. Dusty

    Dusty McNugget Buddy LPA Super VIP

    Aug 20, 2009
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    I find this to be the most exciting part of this current album cycle. Its werid when I think about how it hasn't even been 2 years since we got "A Thousand Suns" and we are already talking about a new album release. But, here we are again, the buzz is in full gear for a new Linkin Park album that could be released this year. Amazing stuff!
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
  9. shadowofthehabit92

    shadowofthehabit92 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    This article is an interesting read. I would have never guessed that Mike would say that there would be elements that reminded him of the older material. I don't fully trust the article though due to previous rumors of how past records would sound like. I really don't know what to expect. I love the "old" and the "new" Linkin Park. I listen to ATS a lot but I still listen to HT and Meteora a good bit as well. A hybrid of the too styles I don't think would absolutely be terrible. I don't think they should go back to the angsty lyrics of the first two records though. I'm sure that once again the guys will surprise us and put out a solid album that we all will love though. They never seem to disappoint me.
  10. Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    I got a feeling the new album will be a 'Super Meteora', but in a good way.
  11. DisturbedOne98

    DisturbedOne98 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2007
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    A Funkasaurus reference on a Linkin Park board haha?! Never thought I'd see the day, but I marked!

    I'm getting that this album won't really experiment more than they did on ATS, but it might be a more focused effort on a lot of these now past ideas. I'm sure will get an epic ballad, maybe a longer proggy sounding track with some room to breathe (Burning in the Skies-esque?), a chaotic punkier sounding song (maybe mixing the ideas from Blackout and Giving Up?) I don't know I'm just throwing out some ideas. I'm probably hella far off, but this is always an exciting time when fans have to get their minds racing.

    As someone else mentioned, a 2012 release isn't too unlikely. This is Linkin Park's return to Rock Am Ring, so expect a new song or two there possibly (assuming the album isn't out yet, which I highly doubt it would be).

    I'd also like to touch on the bit mentioned on how LP are perfectionists. This I believe. But if they do release material this year, the sooner the better. I find "perfectionists" do their best work in shorter time frames to prevent over thinking and polishing. Hopefully a more raw and honest vibe will result from this!
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
  12. danielpsoad-09

    danielpsoad-09 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2005
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    Interesting interview. I like how the mix of old and new LP sounds. It's difficult not to get excited by what Mike said.

    And for those who still had doubts, I think it's obvious at this point that the album is going to be released this year.
  13. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Not trying to be a dick here, but I don't let my friends dictate what kind of music I listen to. I don't let my friends dictate anything about what I do. I am my own person. If people can't accept that there are differences amongst others, then that's on them. That bit of shallowness really speaks out about one's character. My real friends have accepted that Linkin Park songs are a part of who I am. They are the people that matter the most. Anyways, the funniest part about your quote is that Linkin Park is still, infact "walking in their original path." They are still making music that is a melting pot of many different genres. By the band maturing and evolving what genres they use, the Linkin Park sound does not get stale. To say that their new music and songs are "quite pathetic" is a slap in the face to creative thinking. Sure, you can not like A Thousand Suns, but you do have to give the band credit for taking an artistic direction and running with it. They don't deserve blatant disrespect for trying.
  14. Xerø 21

    Xerø 21 I was Ree's 100th follower on Twitter.

    Jun 26, 2010
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    I'm not sure where you're getting "definitely far" into recording. Mike straight up says that they have just hit their stride in the past month and a half. So recording the album will probably take the next 4-6 months, possibly longer.

    It's listed as a TBC (to be confirmed) release, not 2012. Nothing is set in stone at all yet.

    I wouldn't be excited about that. I'd rather have a great album that takes more time, honestly. Quality, not quantity. Though I understand getting excited over getting music faster.

    Agreed with both. This interview actually has gotten me a bit down about the new album, though as others have mentioned, I've been a Linkin Park fan long enough to know that they can say things in interviews about albums that end up being completely false once the album becomes complete. But with that said, this is Mike talking, and if there's anyone in the band to listen to, it's him.

    Mike says that they are embracing the old sound and the lyrics are back to being "personal." This scares the hell out of me. More angsty nu-metal nonsense? Just as they had started to free themselves from that? I mean, if it's really what the band wants to do, then as artists they should. But if they're just trying to throw the fans a bone, then I don't like that at all.

    I guess we'll see.

    Also, I think it's very revealing that all the pro-ATS users are able to type out very well thought-out posts describing their views about artistic experimentation and evolution, while the pro-HT users describe things as "sissy," "girly" and call other people "fucking pathetic."
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
  15. lime treacle

    lime treacle Über Member Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    He had a haircut. That's a bit older picture.
  16. Linkin_way

    Linkin_way LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Mar 5, 2007
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    Mixing old and new stuff. Mark my words guys it's gonna be a mix between ATS and M2M and i'm 10000% sure about it, and that's absolutely gonna be something soooooooo zZzzzzZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZzzZzZzzzZZzZzzZzzZZzZZZzzzzZzzzZZZZzzzzZzZZzzzzzz boring

  17. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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  18. LornVourkolakas

    LornVourkolakas About To Blow Chunks

    Aug 14, 2003
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    just sounds like theyre being a bit more open with the music and just letting things flow in rather than throwing stuff out right away. i wouldnt say to expect another hybrid theory, meteora.
  19. Super Sonic

    Super Sonic The Hedgehog LPA Super VIP

    Jul 28, 2010
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    When was this actual interview conducted. Is it a few weeks old or a few days old?
  20. Benjamin

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Welcome to all of the new members that have signed up recently! Hope to see you guys make this place your home for this next album release!
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