Kerrang! today released their weekly magazine that features a list of the top 50 albums to look out for in 2012. Linkin Park were on that list and the article features an interview with Mike Shinoda about what people can expect from the new album. Check out the scans below. [thumb][/thumb] Source: Kerrang
Interesting...Mike says that this is a good mix of old and new....and Dave says it's completely different than anything they've ever done before. That settles it: I officially have no idea what to expect from this record .
To be honest the short interview was better than I expected. The most interesting points are obviously that Mike says they're not afraid to incorporate their old sound into the newer material and that it's also more of a personal album involving social issues. Excited! Although what the band says could change from one day to the next, as they're recording it right now. It's always interesting to hear how the progress is going.
I'm less excited to be honest. I was hoping that there would be no trace whatsoever of their old sound. So, I am kind of disappointed but I won't judge it until I hear it. -- On another note, doesn't say when or if this album will be released this year. Hmm.
artists are always vague when it comes to a description of their sound on a new album. "it's going to be heavy!" = "hey here's one song that kicks you in the teeth, the rest is just the same old shit." Their description of an album's sound never quite matches what comes out of their mouth. I'm not even talking specifically about Linkin Park, almost every band does this. And I get why, it's just annoying as piss. Also, Mike needs a fucking haircut.
That was one hell of an interesting interview. To me, it sounds like they are definitely far into the recording process. I wouldn't be surprised if this did come out in the summer.
The best thing to take away from this is that it confirms a 2012 release because Mike didn't say anything about the fact that it's listed as a 2012 release.
soo... harder than ATS it seems like. Pretty cool.. but i was hoping it would be like a ATS part 2. Whatever though.. i know i'll like it
This interview just got me super excited! I'm really glad we are getting the old sound back with the new, it's gna be awesome! Can't wait for the new album! Hopefully its gna be out before the summer....
I would be interested in knowing more about this, "grid, mathematical" way of doing music. I doubt I'd like it more than the "rabbit hole" stuff but its interesting that he put it that way. Linkin Park always mashed music worlds together for me, what could be better than mashing their own stuff up together?!
After years of bitching from LP fans about them always sounding like Hybrid Theory/Meteora era, and them FINALLY progressing their sound (even if it was just a little), people are happy to see them going back to their old sound? What? Huh? That's regression, that's not what they should be doing. It's 2012, they need to abandon that sound in the studio. Live, that's fine, because you have to play the old hits. But don't give me nu-metal LP again.
probably means kind of like blackout.. 2 songs into 1 type of thing. or maybe not obvious transitions into a chorus or something. Really clear cut, if that makes sense and mike never said theyre going to be nu metal again exactly. People are going to be speculating like crazy over this now haha
I have a feeling people are going to take this "old" comment wrongly. It's hard to articulate exactly what the album sounds like at this stage as they're still working on it. I think Mike just said that if they come up with something that sounded like Hybrid Theory / Meteora they didn't abandon it completely. They probably reworked it and found a way to include it in an interesting way. Long story short, they're not going backwards. Even if it was an off the cuff comment, a mix of old and new sounds perfect to me, and I can't wait to see how they have developed "Linkin Park".
To this day I still love the fact that Chester thought M2M was going to be their heaviest album yet. It is surprising how little the band themselves know what an album may end up sounding like.
mike should go back to red spiked hair and chester should go back to short bleached spiked hair and glasses for teh lulz
Haha, exactly. We should always just take what they say and expect the opposite. It's going to be a good mix of new and old!
But it shouldn't have any traces of old at all. Minutes to Midnight started that trend, left behind all that bullshit nu-metal garbage (for the most part), and as much as it pains me to say, A Thousand Suns wasn't that bad and that's the direction their sound should go in, because they pull it off so well. I don't want to hear anything remotely similiar to "Papercut" or "Somewhere I Belong". I want more shit like Robot Boy, or The Little Things Give You Away. (somebody call my momma)
Pumped up to the max right now. And I think I might actually die this year from overexcitedness: Old and New Linkin Park fuse together to become the Linkin Park NO ONE can emulate. They're going to be in their own genre (as if they weren't already) and I am going to LOVE IT. Then again, Mike said this and then Derek reminded me that Phoenix said it's going to sound completely different. Darn you, contrasting opinions of Mike and Dave. XD As for the time in between ATS and the fifth album, I'm actually surprised that the guys are this quick in recording the new record since I'm still listening to ATS songs daily ever since the album came out. A trace of Funkasaurus would be awesome.
more songs like robot boy would be amazing. Though i feel like that song is a rare gem that the band wont really try and dupicate
This has made me even more excited for the new album!!! I have a feeling this album will be crazier than what everyone expected, which is good...very good.