In other words, is there a particular album by LP that you just believe to be perfect? One that you believe it truly is THE BEST contribution to the musical world LP could have possibly given. I know I'm on an LP forum and I'll get tons of replies saying "EVERY ALBUM IS THE BEST LP 4 LYFEE!!!" but c'mon guys, try to be a bit serious here. I'm interested in reading some more profound opinions. To be completely honest, I don't believe I can stand fully behind any album from LP yet because I seem to still have a few gripes about each of them, but if I had to pick, I'd have to say Minutes To Midnight. I personally think it showcases some of the bands bests talents and is the most diverse collection of songs they've put out yet. I find it a little disappointing that most critics say the album is laugh-worthy because I firmly believe it is the bands most solid piece of work to date. Also, it is the record where the band sounds its rawest, grittiest and most honest, of course all in my opinion. What about you guys?
A Thousand Suns is the only album that attempts to match their sonic prowess to a memorable subject. The rest is a sometimes-engaging, sometimes-frustrating mix of directionless aggression enlivened by undeniable technical skill.
A Thousand Suns is the album that proved LP can do anything. But Hybrid Theory is still my favourite, and it's perfect.
I'm with Dementia on this one. I love all of them, some more, some less. And I have my favourites.. But I don't love every fucking song LP has done, everyone has flaws, LP is no exception. So yeah...
I don't know about contributions to the musical world as i really have not listened to every single album ever released in the entire world nor do i know of any one who has either. But i do know that i can stand fully behind A Thousand Suns, Living Things, Hybrid Theory and Minutes to Midnight as albums that contributed heavily to my view of music and the experience and joy of music. I don't really care about the "musical world" as that is a bullshit idea because it doesn't exist. There isn't any one person with any grasp of the entire music world because most people's musical world are constructed mostly of their own culture, language and sounds, barely venturing out past those borders. Music taste/world is ethnocentric to be honest including the making of music and the instruments used. I consider an album a success when it pulls me in and make me fall in love with the creation of music and stirs something inside me. That is a contribution that i value. And i don't believe there is such a thing as perfect. LP's album don't have to be perfect to contribute to my world. I have yet to find a perfect album. Perfection is an illusion.
Reanimation is the only LP release that disappointed me. I like how it doesn't count as a studio album
This is pretty well put. LIVING THINGS is quickly finding it's way onto that list for me too. Anyways, great post.
I I were going to say my favorite album, it would be Hybrid Theory, definitely. Now, if it's about the perfect album, none of them. Such thing as "perfect record" don't exist. Each one have it's high and low points.
I'm totally with you on this, couldn't describe it better. You just got it. In general, none of their albums is perfect, but for me, their music influenced my perception of music, no matter which album it is.