i don't know if he is good. i haven't really heard him do anything amazing, he just plays simple chords and notes. maybe he saw him do some solos or cool guitar virtuoso i could make a good judgement.
Well, just from that 30 second clip of What Ive Done, he seems to have stepped it up. So, lets hope the rest of the album is more than powercords.
I don't think it matters really. He can still write a riff without knowing the theory side of stuff. But hes a professional guitarist, i think he'd have learnt the theory side of things by now.
that somehow makes sense... but really there is no ultimate guitar level of achievement, not everyone likes van halen or dragonforce. I prefer melody over speed sometimes. cuz i like VH. Brad's pretty good, i hope he draws some of joshua tree influences on the new album.
god...i've been out of lp since collision course...a long time...started to listen their music again ...welll...about yesterday... let's just say he's ok...he fits the band....we'll see what he does on m.t.m. the little things that give you away...is it? yeah...the solo...so....i would like to say to you all...don't expect Slash's type of soloing... brad isn't on that level yet...though i hope he will reach it...
i know he played the intro riff on rock am ring 2001., i heard it and it wasn't good.did he play the whole song maybe?i don't know about that....
Hes played up to the end of the first verse. But he hasn't ever attempted either of the solo's live, which might say somehting... Or maybe it just tells you that he realises the majority of solo's are nothing more than an opportunity for wankers like slash to show off