There are 2 ways of playing it. 1. E - B - B - G - F# - F# - F# - F# - G and then you repeat it. 2. D# - A# - A# - F# - F - F - F - F - F# and repeat it. The second one is the same as 'Eb-Bb-Bb-Gb-F-F-F-FGb' but i think using # is better then b
I dunno...we'll look into it, could be a typo. [/b][/quote] lmao, I see you dont play key board, the lower case b's and # are flats lol its not a typo.......... And I thought so does anyone know which way LP plays it.
b = Flat # = Sharp This isnt that big but for A Place For My Head yous have got 'E BB C B A GG FFF G E...repeat many times.' You are missing acouple of notes it should be 'EE BB C B A G GG FFF G ...repeat many times' It sounds a lot better I tried to check the rest of the keyboard tabs but they all sounded really weird to me