In my opinion, the band deserves to move forward with Linkin Park

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by thesungoesdown, Jul 22, 2017.

  1. Memory123

    Memory123 Member

    Jul 25, 2017
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    I want LP to continue as a 5 piece.
    I'm not sure why everyone believes they would go more into hip-hop. You realise that Mike has written almost all of their stuff? That includes all the ballads and soft songs. And I'm guessing that's the direction they would go. Maybe a little less pop than OML but kinda like that.

    There are ways to make it work live, for example having Chester's vocals as playback. That would be perfect for the screaming parts. Also everyone in the band could do a little bit of background vocals while Mike takes the lead. And don't forget the fans that are singing along.

    I absolutely don't want to discredit Chester but he struggled for quite some years to perform live. He had almost destroyed his voice and there are a lot of recordings where he sounds (I don't even want to say it) awful. It's not his fault he did his absolute best and his voice became significantly better again the past few years.
    So if Mike works really hard and gets singing lessons I feel he can be at least as good as when Chester was struggling. Ofc it's not the same, Mike's voice is different and he doesn't have the range Chester had but that doesn't mean it can't sound good during live-shows. If you're a fan you'll support them it's as easy as that.

    The amazing thing with LP is that they make music cause they love it & not because of the money so technically they don't need this massive fanbase. That's why they've never been afraid of changes and that people might stop listening to them. I really hope they continue cause I think they still have a lot of potential and to offer.
    Iopia, blackout. and Knt.Slbs like this.
  2. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    I hope they give Brad more spotlight in singing as well. His vocal contribution to Three Band Terror was great as well.
    Iopia likes this.
  3. Mysticliz

    Mysticliz Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2017
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    I said something simular... somewhere in threads
    I also saw an interview where Mike explained why he sang lead on I think it's sorry for now.... he recorded his vocals.. then asked Chester to do them & it was Chester that said it should be Mike's.. but laid down the track but insisted for that track Mike's where better... so hey Chester believed in Mike's strength of vocal capability.. May fans should to...

    Sorry for ramble just finish night shift lo
  4. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    A hip hop flavored LP album is bound to happen again but not in the capacity that y'all expect. OML is full of hip hop/trap production but little rapping, for example.

    That said, Mike is very versatile and is the reason LP albums are even made, so I wouldn't worry too much. A heavy rock LP record like THP is unlikely to happen again unless guest vocals are bought in tho.

    As for Mike's singing, he only gets better but he will eventually reach a limit. His rap flow and delivery improved immensely from Meteora to Living Things with every record (including The Rising Tied), so his singing can do the same.
    Mysticliz likes this.
  5. Qwerty19

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    In the last 10 years, Linkin Park, as a band, has been very open about how they can do whatever they wanna do, and how they can decide whathever the fuck is Linkin Park.

    So, as crual as it might sound... If the guys decide to reinvent themselves once again, this time obviously without Chester, and still call the end-product Linkin Park, then that's how it will be. The only tricky part would be playing the old stuff live.
    Iopia, Knt.Slbs and Chris loves LP like this.
  6. TobinOverflowsBest

    TobinOverflowsBest MY NAME IS MATT LPA VIP

    Jan 26, 2014
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    I guess I'm just different to a lot of you but i really cannot see how going on without Chester or replacing him would be disrespectful? It's not like they've kicked him out of the band is it?

    On the contrary, I'd say that having the mindset of "LP is Chester" is actually disrespectful to the other 5 artists :shrug:
    Iopia, Sanchez57, Casualty and 4 others like this.
  7. Memory123

    Memory123 Member

    Jul 25, 2017
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    @Tobin To Myself
    You're so right. Yes Chester was the face of the band like most lead singers are. But if you're a fan you like the band for their music and them as a whole and not just for Chester.
    And I know this is very borderline to say but this could be the opportunity for the other members to shine. That's not a stab at Chester cause I think most of them were actually happy to not be as in the spotlight. But I'm sure sometimes they would've also wanted to be more recognized for how much work & effort they put in their music. It's absolutely devastating & tragic what happened and I wish it didn't. But I really hope & pray they make the best out of it and come back even stronger.
    Iopia, Sanchez57, darkviruz and 2 others like this.
  8. Hans Muster

    Hans Muster Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Let's not forget how some STP band hated on Chester and called him disrespectful for replacing Scott Weiland. I'm sure Chester wouldn't agree with that mindset when talking about LP either.
  9. Sanchez57

    Sanchez57 New Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    I feel like they should continue as well. However, no way I would enjoy a Chester backup track being played. That would feel very wrong and sad to me. But I think Mike could definitely sing songs like shadow of a day, but I definitely don't want a new vocalist taking over other than mike, nor backup tracks. Songs that mike can't sing, then those should just be retired for good. There's a lot of material that they could play that is Mike heavy, and of course once they do another album, they would have plenty of material. However, of course, what I feel doesn't matter, and that's for the band to decide. There's no way Chester wouldn't want them to continue, I'm just said that the darkness inside took over that day.
    Knt.Slbs and Mysticliz like this.
  10. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    I'm open to the idea of reinventing themselves again and this time give the other members to shine. Just forget the tracks and protools stuffs.. Just jam as a band and enjoy being as a band. That's something I really miss from the band since MTM.

    Let's take for example, Remember Paramore last 2010 when the Farro Brothers left the band? Everyone was hopeless and pessimistic that the band could continue without those 2 essential members of the band. Everyone was thinking that was the end of Paramore but it's not, they return in 2013 releasing their best effort to date, reintroducing themselves to the world with a Self-Titled album. And I know LP can do it as well. I believed they can and I hope they will get a new external producer this time around to guide them and provide them some insights about the direction they want to take. Just my 2 cents.

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