I'm so disgusted by what people are saying about Chester and suicide

Discussion in 'Chester Bennington' started by kcg, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. #1

    kcg Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2013
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    Time for a rant, I'm pissed off. I know it's a month late, but I don't care. I need to get this off my chest.

    I am so fucking angry, disgusted, and disappointed by all these ignorant, heartless, inconsiderate scumbags who derogate Chester as "selfish" or a "coward" for taking his own life. In the comments on every story related to Chester or Linkin Park ever since this nightmare became real and every news update since on Loudwire, NME, Ultimate-Guitar, Metal Injection, and elsewhere, the highest rated comments on just about all of them are inconsiderate pricks calling him a coward for committing suicide, pretending to care about his wife and kids with bullshit like "how could he abandon them like that? how selfish of him", sharing an absolutely disgusting meme of him with a picture of his family at the 2008 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards and a caption that says "any father who kills himself leaving 6 kids behind is a pathetic excuse for a man", and some even going as far as to say that they have no sympathy for him at all. Seriously, how much of a piece of shit can someone be? If you're going to be an insensitive asshole, the least you could do is have some basic compassion and sympathy for someone who was clearly suffering from something he could not control.

    I know a lot of this shit started when Brian Head Welch from Korn called Chester a coward on his Facebook page when the news first broke, and so many people agreed with him which shocked and disgusted me. I know Head apologized and explained that he overreacted in a state of shock, but he enabled this negativity and disrespect towards Chester with what he said. It was an ignorant and absolutely low-life thing to say and took me a long time to get over it, and I was disgusted by people defending his comments with this "truth hurts" bullshit, because it's not truth, and if you knew anything about mental illness and suicide you would know that.

    People like this who keep deriding Chester as selfish or cowardly are keeping up the stigma surrounding mental illness and depression. They are willfully ignoring the root causes of suicide and suicidal thoughts. They are the reason why so many people suffering never say anything because they are afraid of not being listened to. Most of these people saying this ignorant garbage have never had a suicidal thought or dealt with a love one struggling with a suicidal thought in their lives. It disappoints me so much, because when Chris Cornell committed suicide, there was universal sadness and everyone just expressed their condolences. I could maybe count the number of people who bashed him with one hand. I was expecting the same when Chester left this world: just basic pity and condolences to a dead man who was very sick. Depression is an illness just like any other illness. I was hoping for once that all of the divisiveness and bickering that surrounded pretty much everything involving Linkin Park would be put aside and people could just extend their sympathy and condolences to someone who suffered from psychological abuse and could not push forward any further.

    But apparently, that was too much to ask and I was clearly naive. Every comment section on every news update on Chester turned into people fighting over suicide being an act of selfishness and cowardice. Some assholes claimed to have been through the shit he went through like sexual assault, suicide attempts, divorce, etc, and said they still had no sympathy for him, which infuriates me to extremes. The few people who insulted Robin Williams for committing suicide like Gene Simmons and Shepard Smith were immediately denounced and shamed for their disgusting comments, but the bashing of Chester Bennington never stopped and dominated discussions related to his suicide on Facebook. This reminds me of some of the shit people said about Amanda Todd back in 2012. So many people were spitting on her grave and claiming she deserved no sympathy. I feel like I've been seeing more of the same garbage with Chester Bennington's suicide over the past month.

    Just for once, can't people just be decent to their fellow human beings and show basic compassion and understanding without comparing their struggles to others or judging something they know nothing about? Does everything have to turn into a pissing contest or people bragging about how their situation was tougher than it was for someone else? In short, why do people always have to be such dicks? When I first heard about Chester's death, the first thing I felt was sadness, heartbreak, and sympathy to both him and his loved ones. Never once did I insult him for how it affected his family. I just wanted to know what drove him to feel so hopeless that he had no way out and he didn't deserve to be happy and feel loved. I don't have much love in my own life, and I've been hoping to see more of it elsewhere and it breaks my heart to see so much of this hatred and ignorance.

    Again, I know this rant is a month late, but I've been very busy and this has been bothering the shit out of me. I don't give a fuck how much shit I get for this. As someone on the autism spectrum who struggles with anxiety and depression and as someone who absolutely loved Chester Bennington, I needed to get this shit off my chest and it feels good to finally do it.

    I think this guy summed up best my thoughts on Chester and suicide in general.

    This whole issue really made me reconsider who I should consider friends and acquaintances. I noticed that most of the people calling Chester a selfish coward are die-hard Trump supporters and I don't think that is just a coincidence. I even wrote a post on Facebook telling anyone who derogates Chester or anyone else who has committed suicide to unfriend me and get the fuck out of my life for good.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2022
    minuteforce likes this.
  2. #2
    LP Soldier 01

    LP Soldier 01 True LP Soldier

    Jun 27, 2017
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    I think most of those people have no idea of what it is to feel down when something doesn't go how it was expected to or maybe most of them are just intense Linkin Park haters that just took the opportunity to bash Chester's memory, Linkin Park and Linkin Park fans. Unfortunately, there are many people like that who just write shit about something just because they hate it and don't try to understand why it happened or what the other person was feeling. I will always have a feeling that Linkin Park and Chester always deserved much more recognition than they got, even though they sold 70 Million albums worldwide and this would be a time for people to be united and grieve together, not to just make some stupid comments without knowing everything about what they are criticizing. On Youtube it's very frequent to see that kind of comments and not only on Linkin Park videos, but almost for every artist. We might not like one's music and our likes and dislikes may not be the same, but when we don't like something we should at least respect it and say ok, at least they tried their best. Most of the times people don't even feel what they are writing, but they just write it because some friend of theirs told them he/she didn't like something and they instantly felt the need to go on Youtube and social media to write what the other person told them to, so I think most of the times they are not speaking for themselves, but for someone else. Sometimes a person hates on an artist just because he/she doesn't like one particular song and that happens to almost everyone, we all have songs that really annoy us and don't mind checking out the rest of the artist's discography, but that's fine as long as we have a good dialogue about it, stating what we like and dislike respectfully and not having the approach most people have. Those are some of the reasons why I forgot about Youtube comments and some are really stupid or just nonsense like those who always ask "Who's watching this in 2017", "CadĂȘ os Brasieiros?" (Where are the Brazilians?) or someone just talking about some conspiracy theory in each and every video of an artist. Those are the types of comments that bug me the most. Youtube and social media comments should be about the topic discussed or presented on a video or post, not off-topic shit from people who think they are the kings of everything. It also really annpys me that most people only value some things or someone after something tragic happens, it's like that thing or that people to whom that happened only existed after that tragedy and that's not the way it should be.
  3. #3

    kcg Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2013
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    A lot of people saying that shit about Chester are actually Linkin Park fans though, and they're still insulting him for taking his own life. Even a few people on this forum did it too. It's not just LP haters, it's people everywhere insulting him.
    minuteforce likes this.
  4. #4
    LP Soldier 01

    LP Soldier 01 True LP Soldier

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Well, then that's even more annoying and disgusting. That people should remember Chester honestly and not just go everywhere they can and talk shit. I wouldn't call those people Linkin Park fans, though, because being a fan implies not only liking an artist's music, but also following the artist regularly and respecting all the music they make, whether people may like it or not.

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